英语人>词典>汉英 : 烧水壶 的英文翻译,例句
烧水壶 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与烧水壶相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, put some tea in a galipot when the water is boiling on the fire, and then baked the tea together with the pot.


Because tooth after I am thoroughly pure to brush of will have inside the half an hour the new germ spot forms, can attain the biggest quantity within 30 days, as time passes namely become tooth stone calculus.


There is a problem with our jug.


Good, you've put the kettle on.


Firstly you need to get your tea making equipment,this consists of a kettle complete with water,a mug,a teaspoon, milk,I prefer semi-skimmed milk, sugar for those of you with a sweet tooth and least but not last, teabags.


The main tools for making Oolong tea consist of zisha teapot,sip-cups,kettle and tea tray.


The easiest place to look for turbulence is in the stream of steam rising from a boiling teakettle.


Please call front office, if you need to borrow the teakettle and Hair dryer.


The water in the pot is undrinkable unless boiled.


You will need a kettle! A teapot, a mug, some milk, a teaspoon, some tea leaves, some sugar, and least but not last, a tea strainer.


更多网络解释与烧水壶相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

boilermaker:制造或修理汽锅者; 喝过威士忌再喝啤酒 (名)

boiler plate 锅炉盘, 做烧水壶和轮船零件的厚罐子; 模板, 报纸或杂志用来做基本结构的文件 | boilermaker 制造或修理汽锅者; 喝过威士忌再喝啤酒 (名) | boiling point 沸点

boule f:球

bouilloire f 烧水壶 | boule f 球 | boulodrome m 滚球游戏场

Central heating:中央供暖

radiator 暖气片 | central heating 中央供暖 | kettle 电烧水壶


freezer 冷冻冰箱 | ettle 电烧水壶 | stool 厨房高脚椅

Knife sharpener:磨刀石

knife 刀 | knife sharpener磨刀石 | kettle烧水壶

teakettle:茶壶, 烧水壶

vectorscope device 矢量仪 | teakettle 茶壶, 烧水壶 | urstromthal [地质]冰缘宽谷, 冰蚀宽谷


teahousecafes 茶馆 | teakettle 烧水壶 | teakwood 柚木

Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot:天雨莫丢烧水壶. /不要过河拆桥

Although intensive study is hard, its fruit is sweet.... | Although it rains, throw not away your watering pot. 天雨莫丢烧水壶. /不要过河拆桥. | Always do to others as you would be done by. 希望别人怎...