英语人>词典>汉英 : 烂醉如泥的 的英文翻译,例句
烂醉如泥的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
pickled  ·  stinking

更多网络例句与烂醉如泥的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was drunk as a lord and I had to drive him home.


I gave up drinking a while ago, but I started again. And I'm watching the debate last night, and I did a shot every time John McCain said, 'My friends.' And so I am just blotto.–David Letterman

我之前戒酒了,但是昨晚又开始喝,边看边喝,每次麦凯恩说'My Friends'的时候,我就喝一口,结果我烂醉如泥。

At about 3 a.m., a guy was drunk as a skunk. He came home just in time to hear the cuckoo clock cuckoo three times. Quickly coming up with a plan, he cuckooed nine more times, hoping his wife would think it was midnight.


That night, the man was as drunk as a fiddler and even lost his way home.


The quondam drunkard,now perfectly sober Bret Harte


The quondam drunkard,now perfectly sober bBret Harte


I was resourceful, and I was drunk.


Well, okay, I still get stoned.


It means that the old gentleman shall be carried home in a cab drunker than ever; but that, in order to make it quite safe for him to drink to excess, the man who drives him shall be forbidden to drink even in moderation.


Attentive tenderness凝聚于心的那份温存Scene Four: Man joins the party with the comrades, binged one cup after another and got drunk out of expectation.


更多网络解释与烂醉如泥的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blotto:烂醉的, 烂醉如泥的

blotting | 吸墨水纸 | blotto | 烂醉的, 烂醉如泥的 | blouse | 宽松的上衣, 似衬衫的上衣

Jonathan Pryce:乔纳森.普雷斯

除了三位标志性的"加勒比海盗明星"之外,影片中还包含着众多已参与过第一集电影的演员,包括扮演英国海军指挥官的杰克.达文波特(Jack Davenport),扮演伊丽莎白老派贵族父亲的乔纳森.普雷斯(Jonathan Pryce),扮演经常烂醉如泥的水手的


pickle 腌黄瓜 | pickled 盐渍的 | pickledstinking 烂醉如泥的

the prodigality of the sea:水产丰富的海洋

the prerogative of mercy 赦免权 | the prodigality of the sea 水产丰富的海洋 | The quondam drunkard, now perfectly sober. "刚才还烂醉如泥的醉汉,现在却十分清醒"

The quondam drunkard, now perfectly sober:刚才还烂醉如泥的醉汉,现在却十分清醒

the prodigality of the sea 水产丰富的海洋 | The quondam drunkard, now perfectly sober. "刚才还烂醉如泥的醉汉,现在却十分清醒" | the rarefied air of the mountain tops 山顶上稀薄的空气


stinkers /讨厌的工作/ | stinking /发恶臭的/非常讨厌的/烂醉如泥的/ | stinkpot /马桶/夜壶/令人讨厌的人/


stinking /发恶臭的/非常讨厌的/烂醉如泥的/ | stinkpot /马桶/夜壶/令人讨厌的人/ | stinkstone /臭石/

as drunk as a boiled owl:象猫头鹰喝醉的(烂醉如泥)

as cunning as a fox 象狐狸一样狡猾的(老奸巨滑) | as drunk as a boiled owl象猫头鹰喝醉的(烂醉如泥) | as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚(赤胆忠心){在西方文化中,狗是 忠实、卖力、辛劳 的化身}


dead-colouring 油画的底色 | dead-drunk 烂醉如泥的 | dead-end 尽头的


stinker /发恶臭之人/臭鬼/ | stinkers /讨厌的工作/ | stinking /发恶臭的/非常讨厌的/烂醉如泥的/