英语人>词典>汉英 : 火速的 的英文翻译,例句
火速的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
flash  ·  flashes  ·  flashed

更多网络例句与火速的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's when Clarissa's family sprang into action.


Late that evening his own men found them and carried them back to camp. From there they were rushed to Dodoma to the dressing station, and from there to the hospital bace.


His eyes were closed, and he was in great pain, At the Gemelli Clinic the pope was rushed first to a tenth-floor room reserved for a papal emergency and then to an operating room.


Early in the morning of our last day, we went to the money changer first. In Ho Chi Minh, the rate is better than in Singapore. In Singapore,$1 = 12300 Vietnam Don, but in Ho Chi Minh,$1 = VD12860. So next time when you visit Ho Chi Minh, don't change money.

最后一天早上,我们火速去换钱,这里的汇率比新加坡要好,在新加坡,$1 = 12300 越南盾,而在这里$1= 12860 越南盾,所以游越南时大可不必换好钱再过来,因为这里实在很方便,钱币兑换商到处可见。

Note: Anyone who received a signing bonus will be required to return it, posthaste, with interest.


And it only needed the habitually mournful expression of one of the dogs to deepen a little and I was round there posthaste .


And it only needed the habitually mournful expression of one of the dogs to deepen a little and I was round there posthaste.


Note:Anyone w ho received a signing bonus w ill be required to return it,posthaste


If he thinks it should be done, he does it immediately without retractation and compromise.


Now, the only fitting end to a story that is part Cool Runnings, part Chariots of Fire, is Olympic gold in Vancouver in February.


更多网络解释与火速的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在试图重新建立联络的努力失败后,殖民军总参谋部(Colonial Military Administration,简称CMA)派遣侦查舰金羊毛号(Argo)前去调查. 可是金羊毛号刚到达丰饶星系,联络也突然中断了. 10月7日,CMA火速派遣了一支三艘战舰组成的舰队赶赴丰饶星系.


2006年4月11日,香港,"超女"张含韵(Baby)去年推出>,全国唱片销量高达80万张,她火速成为内地"最触目"的新人之一,人气一直高企. 最近她进攻香港市场,在港推出首张个人专辑>. 大碟以轻快的歌曲为主,

Balthazar Getty:巴萨扎.盖提

英国女星西耶娜-米勒急甩男星瑞什-伊凡斯(Rhys Ifans)后,火速搭上有妇之夫、美国富商巴萨()扎-盖提(Balthazar Getty),导致对方与太太Rosetta离婚. 据知她在英美两地都极不受欢迎,所以今年暑假要返回爸爸的家中度过,以避风头.


第四支的单曲>(Beep)有黑眼豆豆的主说唱手Will.i.am来助阵. 第五支单曲>(Buttons),由史诺比狗狗说唱,承接了上几支单曲的成功,火速登上英国单曲榜的#3. 最近发行的单曲>(I Don't Need a Man)和>(Wait a Minute)已推出音乐录影带和

Jessica Biel:潔西卡碧兒

亦试过有很多情伤,最终都是希望买一个小小的钻石戒指,找一个想斯守一生的人组织家庭. "我还年轻,心情还不定?女友洁西卡碧儿(Jessica Biel)不在身边,贾斯汀(Justin Timberlake)不浪费时间,火速吻上老相好凯特哈德森(Kate Hudson)的香唇.

Merry Christmas:近距交戰

德国猛男班诺福曼,以性格小生出道的他,尝试过多种角色,不管是冷血杀人狂、捍卫爱情的战士、力抗突变人的军官,或是[近距交战](Merry Christmas)里大秀歌喉的男高音,性格小生的外型加上亮眼表现,让他火速成为德国一线演员.


公元431年在以弗 所(Ephesus)召开的第三次全基督教会议上,西方的主教们首先到会,随即紧闭大门,拒迟到的东方主教们于门外,并在圣赛瑞利的主持下火速通过决议, 将奈斯脱流斯判为异端.



Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital:救护车把受伤的人火速送到医院

* People rushed to buy the shares. 人们抢着购买股票. | * Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital. 救护车把受伤的人火速送到医院. | * Relief supplies were rushed in. 救济品已急速送到.

Nor Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall burn:战神的宝剑,兵燹的火速

And broils root out the work of masonry, 内讧令砖石的建筑倾覆, | Nor Mars his sword nor war's quick fire shall burn 战神的宝剑,兵燹的火速- | The living record of your memory. 烧不了留你心中的实录.