英语人>词典>汉英 : 激烈冲突 的英文翻译,例句
激烈冲突 的英文翻译、例句


warm work
更多网络例句与激烈冲突相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though Louis was a pious man he soon came into a violent conflict with Pope Innocent II . In 1141, the archbishopric of Bourges became vacant, and the King put forward as a candidate one of his chancellors, Cadurc, whilst vetoing the one suitable candidate, Pierre de la Chatre, who was promptly elected by the canons of Bourges and consecrated by the Pope.


Their emphasis on purity and rigorism as well as a vehement clash of personalities drew significant support throughout the church at large, and especially from a Carthaginian presbyter named Novatus, himself at odds with Cyprian.

他们强调纯度和rigorism以及激烈冲突的人士的大力支持提请全国教堂大,尤其是从迦太基长老命名Novatus ,本人不符合塞浦路斯。

As a tactics to coordinate the conflict of interest, chattel acquisition in good faith makes a difficult choice between the sharp conflict of the private interest and the social interest.


Death of Ji Kang is a important event in China's long tradition of community, it represents bitter conflict of the orthodoxy and political unification, it became survival lesson for clerisy later.


Both in the Chinese history and Korean history, there were severe conflicts in the 1920s and 1930s between imperialism and nationalism, revolution and counterrevolution, the Western culture and traditional culture, enlightenment and feudalism.


This several aspect , at his heart fierce conflict, make him be overwhelmed with sorrow nearly frenziedly.


In the early thirteenth century, King John had a bitter disagreement with Pope Innocent III about who would become Archbishop of Canterbury, and trenched on the property of the church. As a result, he was excommunicated by Pope Innocent III. Besides, King Johns tyranny led to the rebel of nobles. Suffering dual pressure, he had no choice but signed the Magna Carta. As far as its contents and nature are concerned, the Magna Carta was a typical feudal law and common law document.


But because this system also involves to the intense conflict right between the right of work and the Employer\'s right of management,the enterprises\' individual benefits and the social benefit of encouraging human resources flowing and so on,from the beginning to now,The system of POBS has been developed in the challenge and Approval.There is still some challenging voice even today.


The first section is the outline,which form the angle of evolving history Analyze the meaning of POBS and the relation between the labor POBS and POBS,and from this we can draws out several big basic legal characteristics which the worker competes industry forbids to have; The second section analyzes the intense conflict between the right and benefit which the system of POBS has to face,which is the reason why the POBS is denounced,including the conflict between enterprise right of management and worker right,the enterprise personal interest and the social benefit of encouraging the human resource flowing,Worker general technology and the technique relating business secret,comprehensively realizing the positive and negative effects which come from POBS;The third section comprehensively analysis the rationale of the existence of POBS form the aspects of morals,economic,legal science and so on,and Proves the value of the system of POBS from the angle of Effectively protecting the business secret,order of Market competition,the sustainable development of economical technical,and establishes the system\'s validity.The second part,using comparative and analysis methods,embarking from the two situations of on-job POBS and quit-job POBS,take British,American,German,France\'s related law competes as the example to elaborate economically advanced country\'s system of POBS,and carry on the comprehensive elaboration about present situation of our country\'s system of POBS.


Our country is in the process of transition form a traditional society to a modern society. The balance between tradition and modernity, the acceleration of interest adjustments and more contradictions and conflicts, become some important features of this period.


更多网络解释与激烈冲突相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Belgic Confession:(比利时信条)

1561年,狄百利(Guy de Bray)写了>(Belgic Confession),此书成为荷兰改革宗教会的信仰标准. 黑格尔曾讲过正、反对立的冲突是自然的. 当加尔文去世之后不久,对他神学观点的反对就开始了. 而对他的反对最为激烈的地方是在荷兰,


路透形容这是一嘲历史性辩论"(a historic debate),美联社形容两人"激烈交锋"(a heated exchange),法新社以"冲突"(clash)形容两人针锋相对,BBC说两人"没共识".



conflict of dramaturgy:戏剧冲突

戏剧冲突(conflict of dramaturgy)是表现人与人之间矛盾关系和人的内心矛盾的叙述结构方式. 戏剧冲突的主要特征可以概括为四点:尖锐激烈、高度集中、进展紧张、曲折多变. 戏剧冲突的表现形态大致分为三种:人与人的冲突,即表现为人与人之间意志和性格的冲突,


接下来由上校演唱的"雪绒花"(Edelweiss)更是将这种深沉凝重的气氛推至顶点. "雪绒花"的感情主题是赞美祖国、祝福祖国,与剧中纳粹德国占领奥地利的事实形成激烈的情感冲突. 在这一时刻,剧中人物的情感得以升华,

Flaming Star:手足英雄

猫王在>(Flaming Star)中出演混血儿,展现了精湛演技. 美国内战后由于文化差异,外来移民者与土著居民有着激烈的冲突,并逐步酝酿争斗. 白人Sam Burton有一个印度妻子,他们的混血儿子取名Pacer. 当外来者与土著居民发生大争斗时,

Garth Brooks:个人与自我的冲突最激烈

44. 衡量一个人是否为大丈夫的标尺为:看他怎样对待素不相识的人. ----Ann La... | 45.个人与自我的冲突最激烈. ----Garth Brooks | 46.有时,我太有人缘了,名气大得自己都感到吓人;我认为自己是寻常人. ----Catherine ...

interpersonal relations:人际关系

随然人们在现实生活中,屡屡制造国家安全、两岸关系、族群分歧、省籍情结等若干误解纷争,一旦触及这些敏感复杂的议题,将必会直接破坏社会发展的稳定和谐,再加上竞争环境愈来愈激烈,亦使人际关系(interpersonal relations)便有日益产生疏离冷漠及敌对冲突的可能,

warm work:激烈冲突

warm up 热身 | warm work 激烈冲突 | warm 暖和的


例如,去年9月11日数百名韩国人曾试图冲入仁川市(Inchon)的自由公园,意欲拆毁美国麦克阿瑟将军(Douglas MacArthur)的塑像,与防暴警察发生激烈冲突;另外,驻韩美军欲将总部搬出首尔市中心龙山(Yongsan)的站张贴的反美示威图片后,