英语人>词典>汉英 : 澡堂 的英文翻译,例句
澡堂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bathhouse  ·  hammam  ·  bathhouses  ·  hummum

public baths
更多网络例句与澡堂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the public works that were constructed by him the following remain today: the temple of Hadrian54 at Rome, so called in honour of his father, the Graecostadium,55 restored by him after its burning,56 the Amphitheatre,57 repaired by him, the tomb of Hadrian,58 the temple of Agrippa,59 and the Pons Sublicius,60 also the Pharus, the port at Caieta, and the port at Tarracina, all of which he restored, the bath at Ostia,61 the aqueduct at Antium, and the temples at Lanuvium.


They left us such as the Arc de Triomphe, the church and public bathhouse rectangular like the architectural style.


On the way to the public bathhouse, I heard somebody shouting at my direction "Hey, you asshead, wait a minute!---". I went on walking after realizing myself not an asshead.


Then,I went to the nearest bathhouse with my father.


Should be a bathhouse originally, but he knows intermediate one word only: Water.


Far from 2000 ago, the ancient Roman Empire on has built the hot spring bathhouse in this.


The Spa and Hammam at Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul at the Bosphorus introduces a decadent approach to the authentic hammam experience, combining the traditional cleansing properties of the bath with the indulgent delights of contemporary, western treatments.


In town bachelors visit the baths and the restaurants on purpose to talk, and sometimes tell the most interesting things to bath attendants and waiters; in the country, as a rule, they unbosom themselves to their guests.


In town bachelors visit the baths and the restaurants on purpose to talk, and at whiles say the maximum interesting stuff to bath attendants and waiters; in the country, as a rule, them unbosom themselves to theirss guests.


In bathhouse of an open air, a flock of sturdy workers are bathing, watch on the tree that a few meddlesome monkeys mount bathhouse edge, bian Xiao looks by the side of the monkey only among them, look to feel comical more more, laugh finally so that drop to cultivate, roll about on the ground, other monkey base become aware questioningly, it comes to uprear, ask its place laugh why, that monkey still laughs ceaseless, path: Ha...


更多网络解释与澡堂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bagman 推销员 | bagnio 澡堂 | bagpipe 风笛


bagmen 推销员复数 | bagnio 意大利或土耳其的澡堂 | bagniobastilebastillequod 牢狱

bagnio:(意大利或土耳其的)澡堂, 监狱, 妓院

bagman | 推销员, (贿赂事件的)中间人 | bagnio | (意大利或土耳其的)澡堂, 监狱, 妓院 | bagnoire | 冰冠面伸长盆地


另外,多伦多最著名的几个供同性人士作乐的"公共澡堂"(Bathhouse) 也在这个地区. 与此同时,本周二发售的River City,却采取了抽彩(Draw Lottery)的办法. 据安省华人地产协会创会副会长、致富地产总裁吴树声透露,所谓抽彩,就是在规定时间段内,


NUCLEAR REACTOR核反应堆 会召唤变异体(像兵营,会自动产兵) | BATHHOUSE澡堂子(会出现裸体人) | BARN 谷仓

bathhouse:公共浴室, 澡堂, (海滨)更衣室

bathetic | 平庸的, 陈腐的, 顿降的 | bathhouse | 公共浴室, 澡堂, (海滨)更衣室 | bathile | 深湖底的


hammal 搬运工 | hammam 澡堂 | hammer and tongs 全力以赴地


科隆:山羊 Goats | 门兴格拉德巴赫:小提琴 Violin | 弗莱堡:澡堂 Hammam


alipite | 绿镁镍矿 | alipterion | 古罗马澡堂用以搽油于(身体)的房间 | Alipur | 环氯混剂(混合型除草剂)


"十字"代表医疗机构,包括理发店(Barber)25Dn、澡堂(Baths)50Dn、诊所(Doctor)30Dn和医院(Hospital)300Dn. 拥有良好的医疗水平也是提高人民生活水平的必要条件,缺少它会导致瘟疫流行. 完全攻略 游戏用键 虽然用鼠标就能解决所有问题,