英语人>词典>汉英 : 潮汐 的英文翻译,例句
潮汐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
tide  ·  tiding  ·  tided  ·  tides

morning and evening tides
更多网络例句与潮汐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The scale-value, which is converted from the bore-hole strain, by nse of the observed values in tidal frequency band of the bore-hole strain and the elastic coefficients of the bore-hole corescan can be used for coverting non-tidal variation of the bore-hole strain into variation of the non-tidal stress of the same stratum.

顾梦林 ,杨毅,骆鸣津利用钻孔应变观测值中潮汐频段部分和钻孔岩芯的弹性系数,将钻孔应变换算为地层应力的格值,用此格值可将钻孔应变的非潮汐变化换算成该地地层的非潮汐应力变化。

The cause of the earth tide force is its elliptic orbit movement. There is the tide caused by the earth on the moon because the earth is the focus of the moon moving orbit, but there is not the tide caused by the moon on the earth because the moon is not the focus of the moving orbit of the seawater on the earth.


A summary of three commonly used kinds of tidegenerating potential development has been made. Different from the theoretical model of the effect of solid earth tide on station displacements recommended by the IERS1996 and IERS2000, a spectrum method is developed, independent of almanac, at the submillimeter level using precise development of TGP.


Theoretical calculation shows the anomaly of reservoir tidal gravity is measured at μGal level, while the measured data shows the observation error of such tidal gravity at 10-μGal level. This indicates that the data noise may well disguise real anomalies, and therefore that the lack of measured anomaly data does not necessarily equate to the lack of oil and gas reservoir underneath. The actual observed tidal gravity anomaly can reach tens of μGal. Though it is more than three times the observation error, we can not attribute it to the reservoir-induced tidal gravity anomaly.

理论计算表明,油藏潮汐重力异常在微伽量级,而实际资料表明潮汐重力的观测误差为10 μGal量级,油藏潮汐重力异常可能会被噪声淹没,所以没有观测到潮汐重力异常不等于地下没有油气;实际观测的潮汐重力异常可达数十μGal,即使超过观测误差的3倍,也不能将它直接归因于油藏产生的潮汐重力异常。

We adopted the spectrum analysis method and the BAYTAP_G method to analyze the geoelectric potential data at the Niijima station during 1998~2000 After the quantitative analysis of the tide response of geoelectric potential changes at the above station, we obtained some main characteristics of the tide response. Besides the tidal components with various periods such as diurnal tide, semidiurnal tide, and so on, semimonthly and semiyearly variations of tide response were also detected from the geoelectric potential data at the Niijima station.


In determining the power spectrum of the wind, Lomb-Scargle periodogram was used.The planetary waves with periods 120 hours,60hours and 35 hours, diurnal, semidiurnal and terdiurnal tides were found at height 86.4km in the zonal wind.


We adopted the spectrum analysis method and the BAYTAP-G method to analyze the geoelectric potential data at the Niijima station during 1998~2000. After the quantitative analysis of the tide reaponse of geoelectric potential changes at the above station, we obtained some main characteristics of the tide response. Besides the tidal components with various periods such as diurnal tide, semi-diurnal tide, and so on, semimonthly and semi-yearly variations of tide response were also detected from the geoelectric potential data at the Niijima station.


In order to make up for the shortage of paper "Tide Table",stable curves and TotalTide which are practically applied onboard, through collecting whole data on "Tide Table", an electronic tide diagram is developed using Windows+Visual Studio 2005 as a development platform.

中文摘要:为弥补纸质"潮汐表"、静态曲线图和TotalTide等产品在船舶驾引等实际应用中的不足,通过采集"潮汐表"上的整点数据,利用Windows+Visual Studio 2005开发平台,开发出电子潮汐图表。

Through concretely analyzing the magnitude and error of deflection of the vertical, we can get the results that the long-period, smaller-range non-tidal variations are commonly less than the tidal ones, but the short-period, larger-range non-tidal variations are comparable to the tidal ones, especially in some areas they are even bigger than the tidal ones, this state can be measured by repeated gravimetry completely.


Using j and v tidal models and harmonic analyses to obtain the harmonic constants of main tidal components in the China seas from TOPEX/POSDEIDON data, verifing the results with the global tidal model CSR3.0 qualitatively and data from tide gauge stations quantitatively, the paper shows that the results computed here are more reasonable and are better than the results of the global tidal model for the China seas.


更多网络解释与潮汐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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earth tide:地球潮汐 地球潮汐

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tidal harmonic analysis:潮汐调和分析

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tidal harmonic analysis:潮汐调合分析

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harmonic constant of tide:潮汐调和常数

潮汐表|tide table | 潮汐调和常数|harmonic constant of tide | 潮汐调和分析|harmonic analysis of tide

tidal nonharmonic analysis:潮汐非调和分析

潮汐非调和常数 tidal nonharmonic constants | 潮汐非调和分析 tidal nonharmonic analysis | 潮汐摄动 tidal perturbation

tidal nonharmonic constants:潮汐非调和常数

潮汐调和分析 tidal harmonic analysis | 潮汐非调和常数 tidal nonharmonic constants | 潮汐非调和分析 tidal nonharmonic analysis

tidal observatory:潮汐观测站

tidal observation 潮汐观测 | tidal observatory 潮汐观测站 | tidal oscillation 潮汐振动

Tidal Power Generation:潮汐发电,潮汐能发电

tidal power 潮汐功率 | tidal power generation 潮汐发电,潮汐能发电 | tidal power station 潮汐电站

tide lock:潮汐船闸潮汐船闸

tide lock 潮汐船闸 | tide lock 潮汐船闸潮汐船闸 | tide lock 潮闸