英语人>词典>汉英 : 深度线 的英文翻译,例句
深度线 的英文翻译、例句


depth line
更多网络例句与深度线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three expert systems for inversion were applied into practical engineering. Basing on the formulation of apparent resistivity in whole space, the curves of time vs. response which were gotten from practical exploring were transformed into the curves of depth vs. apparent resistivity by VC program. The data which were gotten from measurement line on working face in tunnel were transformed into the section map of depth vs. apparent resistivity. The result shows that expert system for inversion is feasible.


According to the theoretical analysis and experimental results,it is concluded that the wind swirl and the fosse moat effect can also accelerate the concrete carbonization.Besides,wind pressure can generate secondary air field,which can also accelerate the concrete carbonization.

笔者在对贵州省贵阳铁路分局川黔线上一座使用了34 a的混凝土桥梁进行调研时发现,受风压影响较大面的碳化深度为一般面碳化深度的1.15倍,并在文献[2]中对这一结果进行了简单描述。

The authors replotted the isoseismals of this event based on checking historical earthquake records,in which the intensity value of the innermost isoseismal is Ⅷ.We concluded that the depth of this earthquake is from 15km to 18km.


The synthesis scheme we developed can deal with changes in visibility, produce perspectively correct views and handle the distortion around the circumferences in the synthesized views. In our scheme, the area without corresponding points was first determined by using Fourier transformation in order to deal with distortion problem, within the mutual overlapped area the z-buffer values of matched key points were computed so that the visibility in novel views can be handle correctly, lastly the common points in new views are rendered through epipolar geometry constraint.


Just as in humans, the reduction of the gum line around the tooth of more than 3mm is considered the predisposal to the loss of the tooth and further disease.


The following values was measured: angle of cusp line between the second and third molar, impact state and depth, distance from Rickett's Xi to distal cusp of third mandibular molar along the occlusal plane, anterior border of ramus to the third mandibular molar, distance from projection of distal contact point of maxillary third molar to intersection of pterygoid vertical on occlusal plane.The change between pre-and post-treatment was calculated and analyzed with SPSS10.0 software package.α angle, Xi-LTM, R-LTM, R-LTM were tested with independent-sample t test, impact state and depth was tested with Chi-square test. Influence of age on the values was also evaluated.

测量治疗前后的第二、第三磨牙牙尖连线角度、阻生状态和深度,Rickett's Xi点到下颌第三磨牙远中尖距离、下颌支前缘到第三磨牙远中尖距离、翼上颌裂切线到上颌第三磨牙后缘的距离及上、下磨牙的前移量,计算治疗前后各变量的差值,采用SPSS10.0软件包进行统计学分析,α角、Xi-LTM、R-LTM、R-LTM用t检验,阻生状态和深度用χ^2检验,比较年龄因素对各指标的影响。

The phylogeny and applied prospect of MES are summarized in the paper. The principle of this system is analyzed from the point of view of acoustics. The surveying and filtering technology of auxiliary parameters, sounding data and the theory of image form, backscatter strength data processing, are researched deeply in the paper. The optimal model of velocity of sound is given. For sound ray tracing, some methods of correction of sound ray curve are developed. At the same time, an ideal model of sound ray tracing is proved and given. The GPS technology is applied for the determination of tide, attitude of vessel. Moreover, some methods are given. As an important topic, the systematic error is discussed in the paper. Some filtering methods are researched in this paper. Based on the current methods of image processing, the procedure and methods are tested and given that adapt to sonar image processing.

本文研究的工作是在总结多波束声纳测深系统的发展历史、应用前景的基础上,从声学角度分析了多波束系统的工作原理;对多波束辅助参数的测定和滤波方法、测深数据的滤波方法、多波束声纳图像的形成机理、图像处理以及最终应用等作了比较深入的研究;得出了适合于多波束精密深度计算的最优声速模型和声线改正模型;提出了 GPS 载波相位定位技术用于多波束辅助参数测量的思想、算法,改善了多波束系统的作业模式;系统地分析了深度数据的误差来源和类型,首次将系统误差作为影响测深精度的主要因素给以研究,并给出了削弱系统误差的方法,提高了深度数据的质量;对多波束声纳图像的形成、处理方法进行了细致的研究,给出了适合多波束图像处理的算法和流程,并从理论和实践上对声纳图像的应用进行了比较全面的研究。

Having noticed that the number indicating the greatest depth was apparently in the centre of the map, I laid a rule on the map lengthwise, and then breadthwise, and found, to my surprise, that the line of greatest length intersected the line of greatest breadth exactly at the point of greatest depth,notwithstanding that the middle is so nearly level, the outline of the pond far from regular, and the extreme length and breadth were got by measuring into the coves; and I said to myself, Who knows but this hint would conduct to the deepest part of the ocean as well as of a pond or puddle?


Heat flows derived from garnet, chromite/chromium-spinel and pyroxene of xenoliths, xenocrysts in Mengyin and Fuxian kimberlites are higher than 40mW/m〓 calculated from the pyroxene inclusions in diamonds, and the range of pressure is 20~40kb (equivalent to 65~130km). Metasomatism (as indicated by yimengite and lindsleyite in Mengyin) is very strong in this depth range. Lherzolite, wehrlite, and diamond-free high-Ca harzburigite around the world are derived from this depth also. The observation suggests that the low-Ca harzburigitic environment for diamond stability had been changed significantly when the kimberlitic magmas erupted. This resulted from fluid interaction with harzburigite. The geotherm of the Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath Eastern-North China platform is higher than oceanic one. The temperature from the interior of the Tan-Lu faults is higher than that from apart off the fault.

除金刚石中的辉石温压投点落于40m W/m〓占地温线上外,捕虏体及捕虏晶中石榴石,铬尖晶石及单斜辉石的投点均偏离该地温线,显示较高的地温特点,而且捕虏体及捕虏晶的压力范围多在20-40kb(相当于65-130km)间,该深度范围内地幔的交代作用特别发育,如蒙阴大量发育的沂蒙矿、钛钾铬石等就发育于该深度范围,世界范围内不含金刚石的高钙方辉橄榄岩、二辉橄榄岩、异剥橄榄岩也分布于该区中,一方面表明捕虏体的主要取样位置已不在金刚石稳定区中,另一方面也表明金刚石稳定的橄榄岩环境,在金伯利岩侵位并捕虏他们时已发现了明显的改造,这种改造作用主要是通过长期的熔流体与先存的橄榄岩相互作用的结果。

The study covers the vertical displacement distribution character of each mode of Rayleigh wave, theoretical dispersion curve character of multi-modes Rayleigh wave and the characters of the max-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curve in different layers structure, which are velocity increasing with deep, high velocity layer within underground, low velocity layers within undergroan and high velocity surface layer, within the depth of 15 meters.


更多网络解释与深度线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bit depth:色彩位数/深度

bisectrix 等分线 | bit depth 色彩位数/深度 | bit parallel 比特并行

depth line:深度线

depth line accuracy 水下航行深度精度 | depth line 深度线 | depth manometer 测深压力表

depth line accuracy:水下航行深度精度

depth indicator 下潜深度指示器 | depth line accuracy 水下航行深度精度 | depth line 深度线

marked depth line:标定深度线

marked compound 标记化合物 | marked depth line 标定深度线 | marked flask 带刻度烧瓶

fathom curve:水深线,深度线

水深线,深度线 fathom curve | 等深线 fathom line | 回声测深仪,水深计,测深计 fathometer


isobathyeline 等深线 | isobathytherm 等温深度线 | isobedmap 岩层等厚线图


"等深线","isobathye line" | "等温深度线,等温深度面","isobathytherm" | "岩层等厚图","isobed map"


isobathytherm 等温深度线 | isobathytherm 等温深度线面 | isobetanine 异甜素苷


可以将一...2.2.3 样条线(Splines) 样条线是二维图形,它是一个没有深度的连续线(可以是开的,也可以是封闭的). 创建样条线对建立三维对象的模型至关重要. 例如,可以创建一个矩形,然后再定义一个厚度来生成一个盒子.

winding engine indicator:提升机深度指示器

winding element ==> 绕组单元 | winding engine indicator ==> 提升机深度指示器 | winding factor ==> 绕线系数,绕组因数=>巻線係数