英语人>词典>汉英 : 涎腺囊肿 的英文翻译,例句
涎腺囊肿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Materials and Methods 15 cases included 8 salivary gland mixed tumors, 2 capillary hemangiomas, 3 squamous cell carcinoma and 2 mucous epidermoid cyst.


One patient deeloped a sialocele, which was aspirated and resoled after 3 months.


更多网络解释与涎腺囊肿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


常位于颈上部下颌角附近,胸锁乳突肌上1/3前缘. 一般认为来自鳃裂或咽囊的上皮剩余,也有认为与胚胎时期陷入颈淋巴结内的涎腺上皮囊性变有关. 四、粘液囊肿(mucocele)可分为粘液外渗性囊肿和粘液潴留性囊肿

mucocele of lacrimal sac:泪囊粘液囊肿

mucocele of frontal sinus 额窦粘液囊肿 | mucocele of lacrimal sac 泪囊粘液囊肿 | mucocele of salivary gland 涎腺粘液囊肿

Mucocele of salivary gland:涎腺粘液囊肿

mucocele of frontal sinus 额窦粘液囊肿 | mucocele of salivary gland 涎腺粘液囊肿 | mucocutaneous hemorrhage 皮肤粘膜出血


mucoceleofsalivarygland 涎腺粘液囊肿 | mucocellulose 粘液纤维素 | mucoclasis 粘膜毁除术 粘膜破坏术

odontogenic tumor:第十八章 牙源性肿瘤

2 第十六章 涎腺非肿瘤性疾病与涎腺肿瘤salivary gland non-tumor diseases and salivary gland tumor | 2 第十七章 口腔颌面部囊肿cyst of oral maxillofacial region | 2 第十八章 牙源性肿瘤odontogenic tumor

Selivary calculus; Sialolith; Ptyalolith; Ptyalith; Tartar of teeth:涎腺石; 齿石

Selenic poisoning; Selenism 硒中毒 | Selivary calculus; Sialolith; Ptyalolith; Ptyalith; Tartar of teeth 涎腺石; 齿石 | Seminal cyst 精囊囊肿