英语人>词典>汉英 : 涂抹油 的英文翻译,例句
涂抹油 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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They did not have time to wash and anoint Jesus' body, which is also proper.


Artistry Extra Dry Hydration Oil provides a concentrated boost of moisture to immediately hydrate, pamper, and comfort extremely dry skin. Smooth this vitamin-rich oil on any part of the body where extra hydration is needed -- face, elbows, knees, hands, or cuticles.


Ingredient: tea tree essential oil, horsemint essential oil, lemon essential oil, ylang-ylang essential oil, Usage: several times a day, dispense about pearl amount onto cotton bar, directly extend onto the acne, wash free.

成分: 茶树精油、香蜂草精油、柠檬精油、伊兰精油用法:一日数次,每次挤出约珍珠大小,用棉签直接涂抹在痘痘上,用后无需再用清水冲洗。

Hours after meals or before going to bed, extend 10 drops of essential oil onto belly, massage clockwise around the navel till thoroughly absorbed, it can not only remove proud flesh but also promote digestion and defecation .


Refers to smudges with the volatile oil massage oil in body's spot, carries on the massage the method.


Refers to smudges with the volatile oil massage oil in bodys spot, carries on the massage the method.


It has been used to condition body for pregnant lady or baby birthing lady in areas such as Guangxi, Fujian and Taiwan, it is called "baby birth oil" or "confinement treasure" since it can prevent post-natal body fat and remove striae of pregnancy by smearing.


It has been used to condition body for pregnant lady or baby birthing lady in areas such as Guangxi, Fujian and Taiwan, it is called "baby birth oil" or "confinement treasure" since it can prevent post-natal body fat and remove striae of pregnancy by smearing.


Ginger oil was besmeared on the skin of mice and then the mice were either directly infected with Schistosoma japonicum cercariae or with the Schistosoma japonicum cercariae after washed by muddy water.

方法将实验小鼠随机分为A、B、C 3组,先将生姜油涂抹于A、B组小鼠皮肤, A组小鼠直接用血吸虫尾蚴感染,B组小鼠用泥浆水洗擦后感染血吸虫尾蚴,C组为对照组,A、B两组结果与对照组比较,观察生姜油预防血吸虫尾蚴感染的效果。

Margarines, used mostly as table spreads and to some extent as cooking fats, are prepared by blending suitably prepared fats and oils with other ingredients, such as milk skids, salt, flavoring materials, and vitamins a and d.


更多网络解释与涂抹油相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1985年 雅丝.兰黛推出漂亮(Beautiful), 并提出香水的选择是很有个性的, 涂香水的作用是与周围的人分享自己的个人感受和魅力. 3年后, 雅丝.兰黛又再次推出知己(Knowing),馥郁的香气更是让人无法忽略涂抹者的存在. 香料普通是油溶性的,


(#黑色) 奇可俏可 (Chic Choc) 眼线膏,防水防油,柔顺好上色. 水嫩润唇 春季的唇色大部分都比较轻透,质地也比较水润,建议可以涂抹唇部中间,如果妳唇纹较为明显,建议以指腹沾取护唇品,在唇部旋转按摩,可让唇部更为丰润. 整个都涂满,

essential oil:植物精油

植物精油(Essential Oil)是从植物的叶子、枝杆、花朵、根茎或者其他部分提炼的挥发性液体. 精油中包含了从植物里面萃取的精华,所以只要一点点就很有效果了. 精油对人的身心都有很大的好处. 精油呼吸法可以调节情绪甚至强健身体;在皮肤上涂抹精油,

rose hip:玫瑰果

我买了蜂蜜、牛油果(avocado)和玫瑰果(rose hip)三种,没有廉价的香精味,感觉很天然. 最爱用的是玫瑰果,轻轻擦一层嘴唇立刻润泽闪亮,连唇彩什么的都不用了. 加上斜口设计方便涂抹,比Kiehl's经典护唇膏更好用还便宜得多.

smearer:拖尾消除电路 消冲电路

smear-collection涂油捕收 | smearer拖尾消除电路 消冲电路 | smearingculture涂抹培养


粒子形态.测定粒子范搽剂(liniments)系指专供揉搽皮肤表面用的液体制剂.用乙醇和油作分散剂.洗剂(lotions)系指专供涂抹,敷于皮肤的外用液体制剂.洗剂一般轻轻涂于皮滴鼻剂(nasal drops)系指专供滴入鼻腔内使用的液体制剂.以水,