英语人>词典>汉英 : 海难 的英文翻译,例句
海难 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
shipwreck  ·  shipwrecking

更多网络例句与海难相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Apportionment of remuneration for salvage is a pivotal aspect in the system of salvage at sea.


In December, a bulk freighter loaded with wheat limped into Dutch Harbor with engine problems similar to those that led to the Selendang Ayu disaster.

实施海上救助的承包人得益于海上难得一见的好天气,才将这艘倾斜的船只拖拽到阿拉斯加岛的荷兰港的港口。12月,一只载满小麦的散料转运船蹒跚进入荷兰港,究其原因是发动机出现了问题,这跟导致Selendang Ayu海难的原因很相似。

This article deals with the development of the marine insurance laws and the theoretical and practical problems associated with marine insuran ce, such as the risks (perils of the sea, jettison and barratry), additional risks (theft, pilferage and non-delivery, T. P. N. D., rain fresh water damager, risk of shortage, risk of odour), special additional risks (war risk, strikes, riots and civil commotions risks, S. R. C. C.) and excluded perils, as well as losses and charges insured, i. e. total los...


This article deals with the development of the marine insurance laws and the theoretical and practical problems associated with marine insuran ce, such as the risks (perils of the sea, jettison and barratry), additional risks (theft, pilferage and non-delivery, T. P. N. D., rain fresh water damager, risk of shortage, risk of odour), special additional risks (war risk, strikes, riots and civil commotions risks, S. R. C. C.) and excluded perils, as well as losses and charges insured, i. e. total loss act...


"A."受海上危险影响的船舶,货物,或其他动产","海上危险"则被定义为:"the perils consequent upon or incidental to, the navigation of the sea ,that is to say, perils of the seas, fire, war perils, pirates, rovers, thieves, captures, seizures, restraints and detainments of princes and peoples, jettisons, barratry and any other perils, either of the like kind or which may be designated by the policy.

"( "因海上航行而发生的或与之有关的各项危险。也即,海难,火灾,战争危险,海盗,劫掠者,盗贼,及君主和人民的捕获,扣押,拘禁,管制,抛弃,船长、船员恶意损害被保险人的欺诈恶行及任何诸如此类的或保险单清楚地标明的其他危险。

The sailor who had lost everything by shipwreck said that he was thrown on his beam-ends.


The shipwreck/castaway event in the desert island narrative is the initial scene of modern significance.


C.G, the present main unit of departments of the national search and rescue, is just one of the national SAR units of search and rescue organization. As my experiences of conducting SAR on sea, the duty, the integration , command, coordinate, communicate and cooperation of SAR resources show the efficiency of national SAR system still need to be upgraded.


After having them differentiated and defined separately,this article holds the opinion that seaworthiness is the foundation and premise of maritime distress.


In the perils of the sea, may need to call for other party to salvage the ship in the perils, on some occasions the other party may salvage the ship initiatively. There may be disputes that concern the payment of Salvage Charges after the rescue action. If the ship in the peril has cargo on it, there may be some disputes on the General Average and others issues related. Furthermore, in the accident, the captain or the crew may salvage the ship by themselves, in this condition the Sue and Labour will occur.


更多网络解释与海难相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

salvage at sea:海难救助

南极海冰:Antarctic sea ice | 海难救助:salvage at sea | 海面湿度:sea surface humidity

on-scene commander:海难现场指挥员现埸指挥(员

on-scene commander 海难现场指挥员 | on-scene commander 海难现场指挥员现埸指挥(员 | on-scene commander 现埸指挥(员

on-scene commander:海难现场指挥员

on-position 通电位置 | on-scene commander 海难现场指挥员 | on-scene commander 海难现场指挥员现埸指挥(员

extended protest:海难补充报告

Extended Pilotage 超区引航 | extended protest 海难补充报告 | extended protest 延伸海事声明海难补充报告

extended protest:延伸海事声明海难补充报告

extended protest 海难补充报告 | extended protest 延伸海事声明海难补充报告 | Extended Sea Protest 延伸海事声明

Salvage Company:海难救援公司

salvage boat 海难救援船 | salvage company 海难救援公司 | salvage corps 消防队

Salvation Association:海难救助协会

海难救助作业 salvaging | 海难救助协会 Salvation Association | 打捞 salve

wreck master:海难救助指挥员;看管失事船或货物的人员

wreck master 海难救助指挥员 | wreck master 海难救助指挥员;看管失事船或货物的人员 | wreck master 遇难船主

wreck master:海难救助指挥员

wreck marking light 沉船灯标 | wreck master 海难救助指挥员 | wreck master 海难救助指挥员;看管失事船或货物的人员

perils of the sea:海难

按照海上风险的性质,可分为海难(Perils of the Sea)和外来风险两种,海难又分为自然灾害和意外事故.7.浮冰(Floating Ice).是指由极地大陆冰川或山谷冰川末端因崩裂滑落海中而形成的冰山,它们大部分沉于水下,仅小部分露出水面,随海流向低纬度地区漂流,