英语人>词典>汉英 : 浓荫的 的英文翻译,例句
浓荫的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与浓荫的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade trees and fruitetrees.


The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade trees and fruite trees.


The house on Beechwood Avenue had a big Front yard with shade trees fruite trees.


There is a den not too far away atop a timbered knoll sheltered by overhanging boughs.


Till at last it falls into the vasty sea, but the sea is so calm.


There were dense woods at the hill foot, among which were hustling and bustling vendors, selling fresh water melons and grapes. Strolling through the huckstering, I walked up to the white tablet, with The Ancient Ruins of Jiaohe inscribed in black Chinese characters and Uighur. Suddenly, we seemed to have stepped into another fantastical world.


When I am dead, my dearest/Sing no sad songs for me/Plant thou no roses at my head/ nor shady cypress tree/Be the green grass above me/with showers and dewdrop's wet/and if thou wilt, forget.


It stood on the shore, looking across a basin of the sea at the forest-covered hills, towards the west.


"It stood on the shore, looking across a basin of the sea at the forest-covered hills, towards the west."


The branches and leaves of the jujube tree are not so bushy as those of the willow or poplar trees, so the shade was pretty mottled, and we generally enjoy it in the afternoon when the sunshine was a little weak. With neither glaring sunlight nor the heaviness of dense shade, all we could sense was a kind of clearness and dynamic nimbleness, which endowed us with a special sentiment.


更多网络解释与浓荫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dark felling:浓荫采伐, 下种伐

cored slab 空心板 | dark felling 浓荫采伐, 下种伐 | light-dues 灯塔税(一种为维护或维修灯塔而向船只收的税)


umbrage 不快 | umbrageous 多荫的 | umbrageously 浓荫地


umbrage 树荫,荫影 | umbrageous 浓荫的,阴暗的 | umbriferous 有阴影的


umbrageous 多荫的 | umbrageously 浓荫地 | umbral 有荫影的


umbrageously 浓荫地 | umbral 有荫影的 | umbrella stand 伞架


umbrageous 浓荫的,阴暗的 | umbriferous 有阴影的 | adumbral 荫影的,遮日的

Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree:我的墓前不用种上玫瑰,也无须浓荫的桐柏

When I am dead, my dearest, sing no said songs for me; 当我死去的时... | Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: 我的墓前不用种上玫瑰,也无须浓荫的桐柏 | Be the green grass about me 让青...

Beneath those rugged elms,that yew tree's shade:粗壮的榆树和紫杉的浓荫下面

Molest her ancient solitary reign. 扰乱了它的古老幽僻... | Beneath those rugged elms,that yew tree's shade, 粗壮的榆树和紫杉的浓荫下面, | Where heaves the turf in many a moldering heap, 荒芜的草皮一堆连...

nor shady cypress tree:也无需浓荫的柏树

plant thou no roses at my head, 我坟上不必要插蔷薇, | nor shady cypress tree; 也无需浓荫的柏树; | be the green grass above me 让盖着我的青青的草,


看到这种情景,仙宫的守卫海姆道尔(Heimdall)取出密藏于世界之树浓荫中的神奇号角,吹出紧急信号,示警诸神. 号角的声音响彻云霄,比雷鸣还清晰. 诸神与英雄们迅速地拿起武器,冲出英灵殿,在原野上布好阵势,准备迎击敌人,圆盾与圆盾互相撞击,