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测度论 的英文翻译、例句


measure theory
更多网络例句与测度论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nonstandard analysis ; nlargements of number systems ; transfer principle ; external producing principle ; comparative principle ; potential numbers ; measure ; continuum ; discontinuum ; cardinal number ; continuum hypothesis ; Hilbert's first problem Ner

非标准分析;数系的扩大;转移原则;外的生成原则;比较原则;潜在数;测度;连续统;离散统;基数;连续统假设; Hilbert第一问题;新的数学实体;不可分的连续体; Zeno的总格言; Aristotle的猜想;庄周;无厚不可积;万世不竭;测度论的基础

As a by-product of our proof, a new generalization of Hahn decomposition theorem in measure th...


Simons [30] proved the non-existence theorem for stable integral current in acompact Riemannian submanifold isometrically immersed into a unit sphere andvanishing theorem for homology groups. In 1984, Y. L. Xin [47] generalized theLawson-Simon\'s nonexistence theorem for stable integral current and vanishingtheorem for homology groups to the case of compact submanifolds in Euclideanspace, and gave several important applications.


Simons [30] proved the non-existence theorem for stable integral current in acompact Riemannian submanifold isometrically immersed into a unit sphere andvanishing theorem for homology groups. In 1984, Y. L. Xin [47] generalized theLawson-Simons nonexistence theorem for stable integral current and vanishingtheorem for homology groups to the case of compact submanifolds in Euclideanspace, and gave several important applications.


With four continuity of non-additive set function and the relation of four convergences of the measurable function sequence,four forms Lebesgue theorem about measurable closed-valued functions on monotone measure space are discussed,respectively.


The contents of the abstract of the short Communication is:"The paper gives a complete differential partition to a Euclidean straight line with a fixed frame, and three axioms for the integral of infinitesimals indexed by real numbers; proves in standard mathematics there are positive infinitesimals outside of real number set; Gives cosmic, macro and micro counterexamples to two axioms in Jordan, Carathéodory, and Lebesgue measure theory; transforms Weierstrass limit into Huang limit, Cantor continuum into Huang continuum, and Newton-Leibniz formula into Huang formula."


This thesis is devoted to study the properties of the solutions of some specialrefinable equations,such as properties of multi-refinable,global linear independence,local linear independence and local polynomial property,etc,by using fractal theory,measure theory and theory of generalized functions.


Theoretical analysis and topology knowledge, at the same time easy to make the reader get on locally compact space and measure theory subalgebra links.


In this paper, many concepts and propositions in measure theory are described and characterized by nonstandard analysis in nonstandard saturation model, and some important conclusions in Loeb measure space are extended and developed to a certain extent.


Consequently, we define and prove the generalized Jarzynski's equalities of in-homogeneous Markov chains and multidimensional diffusions.


更多网络解释与测度论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在普通微积分里面,最基本的理论基础是"收敛"(convergence)和"极限"(limit)的概念,所有其他的概念都是基于这两个基本概念的. 对于随机微积分,在我们建立了现代的概率论体系(基于实分析和测度论)之后,

geometric measure theory:几何测度论

几何[学]|geometry | 几何测度论|geometric measure theory | 几何单纯复形|geometric simplicial complex

method of measure theory:测度论方法

相关分析法: method of correlation analysis | 测度论方法: method of measure theory | 统计假设检验法: method of statistical hypothesis testing

Measure Theory, Donald L. Cohn:经典的测度论参考书

8、Functional Analysis by Yoshida:高级的研究生泛函分析参考书; | 9、Measure Theory, Donald L. Cohn:经典的测度论参考书. | 1、Hirsch, Differential topology:标准的研究生微分拓扑教材,有相当难度;

measure zero:零测度

measure theory 测度论 | measure zero 零测度 | measurement 测量

Measure, Probability and Integral Calculation:测度、概率与积分

排队论与库存理论Queuing Theory and Inventory Theory 3 3 | 测度、概率与积分Measure, Probability and Integral Calculation 4 1 | 高级时间序列分析Advanced Time Series Analysis 4 1

Queuing Theory and Inventory Theory:排队论与库存理论

随机运筹学Stochastic Operation Research 3 2 | 排队论与库存理论Queuing Theory and Inventory Theory 3 3 | 测度、概率与积分Measure, Probability and Integral Calculation 4 1

riemann integral:黎曼积分

勒贝格积分(Lebesgue Integral)便 是从黎曼积分(Riemann Integral)的原有框架发展而来的. 由于介绍勒贝格积分须涉及很多测度论(Measure Theory)的专门概念和知识(例如「测度空间」Measure Space、「可测函数」Measurable Function等),

method of statistical hypothesis testing:统计假设检验法

测度论方法: method of measure theory | 统计假设检验法: method of statistical hypothesis testing | 随机服务法(排队论法):stochastic service system

measure vector:测度向量

测度论 measure theory | 测度向量 measure vector | 零测度 measure zero