英语人>词典>汉英 : 浅回 的英文翻译,例句
浅回 的英文翻译、例句


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This is obviously influenced by the base level up and down changings, pore space variation and sediment alimentation. Through analysing the relationship between the course of base level up and down cycles of high resolution sequence strata and the reservoir physical behavior, six heterogeneity models of diff...


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Results show that gas release in gassy sand will cause the additive deformation of tunnel and additive stress of the shield segment, and make important impacts on the global displacement of tunnel but little influences on the stress of shield segments and the relative displacement of tunnel. It is inclined to arouse the differential settlement and cracks on the tunnel so as to cause hazardousness. Re-accumulating of the gas can also produce additional stress and the additive resilience, but it can be ignored in practical engineering because the influence degree is small. The shallow gas in reservoirs is appropriate to be discharged before construction of the subway tunnel.


Based on a comprehensive study of drilling and log data, sequences of short-term base-level cycle of turbidite fan in Yanchang Formation of Triassic in Longdong area are divided into three basic structure types: up - deepening non - symmetry, up -shallowing non ?symmetry and symmetry ones according to recognition sign of the interface of the short - term base - level cycle.


Leaves tufted; stipes stout, up to 1.2 m long, densely covered with golden brown hairs at base; lamina up to 2 m long and 1 m wide, tripinnatifid; pinnae alternate, sparsely spaced; pinnules linear-lanceolate, to 15 cm long and 1-2.5 cm wide, short-stipitate; ultimate lobes linear, more or less falcate, shallowly serrate, dark green and shining above, light green to glaucous below.


Basal petioles 10–20 cm; blade broad-triangular, 10–15 cm, ternate-2-pinnate; pinnae petiolulate; petiolules 3–6 cm; ultimate segments subovate, 3–11 × 2–6 cm, undivided or 2–3-lobed, both surfaces slightly roughened, sharply serrate or doubly serrate.

基部的叶柄10-20厘米;叶片宽三角形,10-15厘米,三出2回羽状;羽片具小叶柄;小叶柄3-6厘米;末回裂片近卵形, 3-11 * 2-6 厘米,不裂或2-3浅裂,两面稍变得粗糙,锐的有锯齿或重锯齿。

In this paper ,to overcome the shortcomings in 3MK133 Groove Grinder's hybrid spindle system that the shallow slots of the throttler are easy to be blocked and difficult to be disassembled to clean,we use the throttler which is put on the big-side surface of the conical bearing to replace the traditional throttler, change gap throttling to capillary throttling, and adjust the taper of the conical bearing , oil return way , seals and sealed mode.

针对 3MK133沟道磨床动静压主轴系统中,节流器浅沟容易堵塞及拆卸清洗不便等缺陷,提出采用端置式节流器替代原有的内置式浅沟节流器,变间隙节流为毛细管节流,并相应调整了主轴系统中圆锥轴承的锥度、回油通路、密封装置及密封方式。

Results Many neuronal cell bodies and fibers with dense mGluR7-like immunoreactivity were intensely distributed in the island of Calleja,hippocampus,dentate gyrus,medial habenular nucleus,olivary pretectal nucleus,zonal layer of the superior colliculus,superficial layers of the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus,paratrigeminal nucleus,raphe magnus nucleus,raphe nucleus pallidus,locus coeruleus,superficial layers and lateral spinal nucleus of the spinal cord.

结果 mGluR7阳性浓染的神经元胞体和纤维主要密集分布于Calleja岛、海马、齿状回、内侧缰核、橄榄顶盖前核、上丘带状层、三叉神经尾侧亚核浅层、三叉旁核、中缝大核、中缝苍白核、蓝斑、脊髓背角浅层和外侧脊核。

ABSTRACT: Shallowing-upward carbonate cycles in the~2650 Ma Cheshire Formation, Belingwe greenstone belt, closely re- semble their Proterozoic and Phanerozoic counterparts.


Basal petioles 1.5–5 cm, sheaths long, broad; blade oblong, 2–4 × 1–2 cm, pinnate; pinnae sessile,(3–) 4–6 pairs, remote; ultimate segments long-ovate to suborbicular, 5–10 × 3–8 mm, base subtruncate or rounded, entire or apex shallowly 1–3-toothed, sometimes 3–4-crenate; terminal pinnae obovate or orbicular, base cuneate, apex more deeply 3-lobed.

基部的叶柄1.5-5厘米,鞘长,宽;叶片长圆形, 2-4 * 1-2 厘米,羽状;羽片无柄,(3-)4-6 对,遥远;末回裂片长卵形到近圆形, 5-10 * 3-8 毫米,基部近截形或圆形,有时,浅全缘或先端1-3齿状具圆齿;更深的顶生的羽片倒卵形的或圆形,基部楔形,先端3浅裂。

更多网络解释与浅回相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


亚历山大乘胜占领吕底亚(Lydia)、卡里亚(Caria)、吕基亚(Lycia)、安哥拉(Ancyra,今安卡拉)等地. B.C.333与波斯国王大流士三世亲自统率的军队会战于伊苏斯(Issus)城郊. 这回波斯人占据了有利的位置实施防御,该地位于一条浅河入海口之后.

light green slate pencil:浅绿滑石笔

light green cloth 淡绿色布 | light green slate pencil 浅绿滑石笔 | light grey cashmere waste 浅青绒回丝毛

play a part inEducation and technology have played an important part in market competition:教育和科技在市场竞争中起着重要的作用

24. 请把书放回原处whereP... | 25. 阅读丰富了我的知识,我从中获益非浅... | 26. 教育和科技在市场竞争中起着重要的作用play a part inEducation and technology have played an important part in market competition.


shoal 浅滩,沙洲,暗沙,变浅 | shoaling 变浅,回淤 | shock 冲击,震动,冲击波,激波