英语人>词典>汉英 : 流线的 的英文翻译,例句
流线的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与流线的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Due to the rotation of the field lines near the source, the asymptotic limit of a field line is not exactly in the radially outward direction and as a consequence, the image in the far field is slightly shifted.


Seawater intrusion mechanism and its 3D numerical simulation are further explored and researched in this paper. On the basis of the classical theory of fluid mechanics, it built the ideal model of seawater intrusion, and attained the speed in flow field which gradually decreased along with the increasing distance of curvature center along the principal normal in the course of seawater intrusion.


The rate of flow of fluid, particles, or energy through a given surface .


Compared with some other methods including LIC and FLIC in Matlab environment, the visualization efficiency, the image coverage after calculating fixed number of streamlines of the improved algorithm is better.


The flow of air on the surface of moern aircraft and missiles may be laminar .


This paper presents the dynamic controlling method of stream lines on axial plane projection of the hydraulic model and square grid of the blade drawing of the pump impeller. The ideas and methods of the application of Bezier curve in impeller CAD are analyzed in detail.


The velocity of the fluid is inversely proportional to the spacing of the streamlines.


Some key problems whether the height and diameter of the reactor chamber can be further increased,how to optimize the temperature and concentration fields above the susceptor,etc.are explored.


In chapter 2, we focus on derivation of the tortuosity models for flow of Newtonian incompressible fluid in two- and three-dimensional porous media with spherical, cubic and plate-like particles by applying the geometrical method. We first present the ideal geometrical models of porous media to show the ideal and representative streamlines based on the assumption that some particles in porous media are unrestrictedly overlapped and hence of different configurations, then the average tortuosity is derived by geometrically and weightedly averaging these representative flow paths.


Stern frame to be shaped to obtain sufficient clearance of the propeller and obtain smooth streamline.


更多网络解释与流线的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bluff body:非流线形体, 不良流线体

look the other way 故意朝另一边看 | bluff body 非流线形体, 不良流线体 | hypsodonism (牙)高(深)冠的性质或状态

eddy current loss:涡流损耗

涡流损耗(eddy current loss) 导体在非均匀磁场中移动或处在随时间变化的磁场中时,因涡流而导致的能量损耗. 涡流是上述情况下导体内的感生的电流. 这种电流在导体中形成一圈圈闭合的电流线,称为涡流(又称傅科电流).

facile adaptability:灵活的适应性

fabrication n. 装配 | facile adaptability 灵活的适应性 | fairing n. 光顺体,流线体


inconnector 流线内接符 | inconsecutive 前后不连贯的 | inconsequenceirrelvance 不切题

shrunk stream:的例句

流线曲率法:the stream-curvature method | shrunk stream的例句: | shrunk stream的全文例句:


streaming 连续流动;流线型,流线化 | streamlet 小河,小川,溪流 | streamline a.流线的,流线型的n.流线;流线型;流水线;汽流


豆荚这类的线上杂货店的确有成功的机会--只要掌握了致胜的诀窍.也就是说,除了便利之外,它还必须兼顾价格.毕竟,豆荚只是帮杂货 店提供外送服务罢了.另外也有一些刚成立不久的网路杂货店,如麻萨诸塞 州的 "流线" (Streamline) 及 , "韩纳福

Wherein this most streamlined:就是这辆流线这么美的车子里

which I now put forth to you.|我还有另外一个问题 | Wherein this most streamlined|就是这辆流线这么美的车子里 | and trunkless of transports -|连个后车厢都没有


它还避免了相关和流线(streamlines)事务处理. 事务处理系统操作有两个基本功能:第一个是,它们提取、修改和再插入少量数据;其次,它们管理记录冲突,保证没有用户重写另外一个用户写的信息. VITAL分离了这两种环境,因而任务可以在许多平台上进行操作.


运营的改造通常由流线化(streamlining)和自动化(automation)这两种方式相结合来达成. 通过增加系统速度,可以减少动作与反应之间的时延,从而提高效率. 而用自动化响应替代需要人为干预的重复的流程和决策环,可以降低成本,并且使得动作更加一致,