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泥人 的英文翻译、例句


clay figurine
更多网络例句与泥人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the terra-cotta figures have beeb burnt and have gone through the natural process of decay, we can't see their original gorgeous colours.


If God approved of His creation, He brought the painted clay model into life by signing His own name.


There is Jacqui,a cleaning woman who knows more by intuition than most of us learn by analysis.


If you tend to underwater your plants, plastic is a better choice than terra cotta for you.


I just want to know,who directed this farce...


Nowadays, gesso is introduced into figurines making in order to deal with the Hui Mountain clay deficiency.


According to the Bible, God breathed the spirit of life into man with the kiss of life."And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul."


In particular, she created a landscape of "clay figurine Institute Mi," as founder of Zhejiang clay figurine. create a large number of clay figurine features works of Zhejiang, has been in many provinces and cities nationwide exhibition and Gold.


We as a group of mischievous monkeys, brazenly naughty the moment were not idle, mottled shadows of the trees, we climb race, Tiaopi Jin, hopscotch, shuttlecock, catching dragonflies, throwing the old k, build mud houses, do clay figurines, also compiled and performed self-dubbed martial arts people to a mud fight.


The image of the Huishan clay figurine is of long standing and wellestablished, from the day of emerging, probably went through the long time inthe past 400 years until today but not changed, these already becomescommon people and discerns an important sign and characteristic whichHuishan clay figurine identity.


更多网络解释与泥人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


姓名是最容易被攻击的部分,"佛格"很自然就衍生出许多毁谤的名号:像是"男同性恋"(Fag)和"青蛙"(Frog),还有不计其数的气象名词:"雪球大头"(Snowball Head)、"融雪泥人"(Slush Man)、"毛毛雨嘴"(Drizzle Mouth)等等.

clay figurine:泥人

紫砂壶 boccaro teapot | 泥人 clay figurine | 泥人张 Zhang the clay-figurine master


姓名是最容易被攻击的部分,"佛格"很自然就衍生出许多毁谤的名号:像是"男同性恋"(Fag)和"青蛙"(Frog),还有不计其数的气象名词:"雪球大头"(Snowball Head)、"融雪泥人"(Slush Man)、"毛毛雨嘴"(Drizzle Mouth)等等.

gypsum adorned board:石膏装饰板

gypsite 土石膏 | gypsum adorned board 石膏装饰板 | gypsum and clay figure 石膏泥人


computer graphics 電腦動畫 | claymation 泥人動畫 | Music 音樂

clay figurines:泥人

Microscopic Carving 微雕 | Clay Figurines 泥人 | The God of Longevity 老寿星


天津 感谢美嘉斯之门提供 c罗那儿多协力 红狗 / 小红 春丽 / 娘(nia)们儿 苏联大汉 / 老苏 / 大苏 小鬼儿 / 泥人 / 泥猴


1384,DELETER,狂暴飞龙 | 1385,DELETER_,狂暴地龙 | 1386,SLEEPER,狂暴泥人