英语人>词典>汉英 : 泛阿拉伯主义 的英文翻译,例句
泛阿拉伯主义 的英文翻译、例句


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Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria were once pillars of pan-Arabism but Syria has drifted into an ever-tighter orbit around Iran, a country viewed by America's Arab allies as an alien meddler in their affairs.


And the Nasserist dream inspired a wave of pan-Arab nationalism that helped install lookalike leaderships, with similar flags, propaganda and secret police, across much of the Arab world.


In the post-cold war era,the traits of the Baath Party's rule are: symbolistic democratization,anti-America and anti-Israel complex;potential pan-Arab psychology influence;revival of tribalism.


After this,the dissertation studied the status in quo and tendency of relation between Islamand nationalism in the Middle East:For Arab nation,Pan-Arab nationalism is increasinglydeclined,but regional Arab nationalism namely'State Nationalism'is now rising,thecontradictory relation between Islamic Fundamentalism and regime of Arab nationalism is stillquite intense,it mainly embodied the challenge of Islamic political opposition to politicallegitimacy and power foundation of regime of nationalism.


The existence of outer power stayed in Arab world destroys union of geography, society, economy, culture and spirits of Arab world, separates the connection of different regions, obstacles development of Arab unity movement which is thought to be outer factors. However, deeper reasons should be found in inner world. Inner reasons include that political structure of Arab world and deeply dispute weakens the base of Pan-Arabism movement. In local region, the thoughts of Religious Minorities and Sectarianism deny and destroy Arab nationalism movement and its premise-the sincerity of country. Some non-Arab nations pursuit the unity of theirs own not the whole Arab nations. Regional Nationalism and Islamism obstacle the development of Pan-Arab unity movement Weak sovereignty of Arab countries and diverse political rules weaken the political base of movement of Pan-Arab unity. Unbalance of economy, culture and base of society between different regions also lag the unified movement.


From the above-mentioned analysis, it can be seen that pan-arabism has less affected Arab World and the ideas of sovereignty have aleady attracted the people of Arab world.


For the Palestinians, Pan-Arabism, Communism, Islamism have all come and gone, with none having delivered statehood or prosperity.


The causes that propelled them in the glory days are either redundant (independence from colonial masters) or discredited (the pan-Arabism of Gamal Abdul Nasser or the Baathism of Syria and Iraq).


The historical meanings of earlier Arab national movement are that: First, the rising of nationalism in Arab world pioneers a new routine different from traditional one; Second, the new conception of constructing country causes Arab people to be separated from formulation of religion / empire, and be immersed in construction onrush in neoteric world; Third, the grown-up of nationalism awakens and changes Arabs traditional idea, and adapts them to the new one of national development; Fourth, the thoughts of nationalism rebuilds Arab nation in the background of new era; Fifth, the babyish Pan-Arabism especially in King Era establishes development contrail of Arab world.


After the World War II, the situations in Middle East had been complicated. AH kinds of ideas and movements surged on. Arab-Nationalism and new Pan-Islamism were popular from 1950"s to 1960"s in Arab world, whose effects were great.


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Pan-American 泛美洲的 | pan-anglican 全英国国教 | Pan-Arabism 泛阿拉伯主义


纳赛尔的政策便与"泛阿拉伯主义"(Pan Arabism) 联系在一起. "泛阿拉伯主义"推广强一个有力的阿拉伯政府行动,以面对"帝国主义本质"的西方,呼吁阿拉伯国家的资源应该被用来使阿拉伯而不是西方的人民受惠.


Pan-Arabism 泛阿拉伯主义 | Pan-German 泛德的 | Pan-Slavism 泛斯拉夫主义


Pan-Arabism /泛阿拉伯主义/ | Pan-German /泛德的/泛德主义者/ | Pan-Islamic /泛回教界的/全回教徒的/


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