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法律系 的英文翻译、例句


law department
更多网络例句与法律系相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That she thought I was some pre-med or pre-law Adonis.


AT THE Nomad Café in Oakland, California, Tia Katrina Canlas, a law student at the nearby university in Berkeley, places her double Americano next to her mobile phone and iPod, opens her MacBook laptop computer and logs on to the café's wireless internet connection to study for her class on the legal treatment 的of sexual orientation.

在加利福尼亚的奥克兰的流浪者咖啡馆,伯克利大学法律系学生Tia Katrina Canlas,把她的双份咖啡放在手机和ipod旁边。

Education: May 2001, New York University School of Law, New York, NYMaster of Comparative Jurisprudence Degree

教育背景: 1990年毕业于复旦大学法律系国际经济法专业,获法学学士学位

In the meantime, however, Fielding spent some time between 1728 and 1729 in Holland at the University of Leyden as a law student.


Miss Gabriella Montez, Stanford University, Pre-Law.


Professor Mike Radford is a Reader in law at the School of Law of AberdeenUniversity, the UK.

麦克 ·瑞德福特教授为英国阿伯丁大学法律系副教授。

This article helps to sort through some of the frequently asked questions regarding becoming a law student.


Only after I converted to a halo of Tantrism, thank from blessings from Zhi Guang Shang Shi, I had past the first-year examinations of Diploma of Legal Studies, and so made several good friends for myself, so much so that in "last resort" They still help me arm.


The company is targeting college students, in particular those in law school.


Hua Jing , graduated in 1987,was a member of the graduate student class of Law Faculty of the China People's University. From Aug.1987 to 1995, during her being a docent of the Law Faculty of Beijing Commercial College, she had been the teacher of International Law, Contract Law and other courses. And she was active in theory investigation, and published several articles on agency law and the law of the administration of advertisement.


更多网络解释与法律系相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

paternity suit, bastardy proceeding:生父确认诉讼

=> criminal suit -- 刑事诉讼 | => moot -- 假设案,被法律系学生用作练习辩论的假定案件 | => paternity suit, bastardy proceeding -- 生父确认诉讼

put behind bars:关起来, 监禁

pitch sb. over the bar [口]取消某人当律师的资格, 不准某人出庭辩护 | put behind bars 关起来, 监禁 | read for the bar 进法律系, 学习法律

government buildings:政府大楼

座落于议会对面的白色大楼原为政府大楼(Government Buildings),现为维多利亚大学法律系所在地,租期30年. 该楼是目前世界上仅次于日本东大寺的最大的木质结构建筑物,始建于1876年,占地10万平方码,使用110万码的塔斯曼硬木建成,1996年重修粉刷.


英国一个女权运动组织曾将女性参政的几大绊脚石概括为4个C,即文化(culture)、育儿(childcare)、收入(cash)以及信心(confidence). 法律执业证书(CLP)考试最终要被废除了!这项考试操控著海外尤其是英国法律系毕业生,是否可以在大马执业的生杀大权,



LLM Commercial Law:商法

法律系School of Law | 商法 LLM Commercial Law | 旅游、休闲与运动管理系 Division of Tourism, Leisure & Sport Management

George Washington:乔治华盛顿大学

毕业於国立台湾大学法律系并曾於美国乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington)进行智慧财产权专题研究,系理律法律事务所新竹所之创办人,现为该事务所合夥人兼新竹事务所主持律师.

George Washington University:[美]乔治华盛顿大学

公子定基继承衣钵,克 绍箕裘,政大法律系及法研所后留学美国维吉尼亚(University of Virginia )法学硕士,现为美乔治华盛顿大学(George Washington University)法学院法学博士(S.J.D.)候选人, 表现不凡,於二○○六年底与高雄望族之千金汤咏谕小姐(亦是 律师)结为连理.

Miss Gabriella Montez, Stanford University, Pre-Law:盖比瑞拉 蒙特 斯坦福大学 法律系预科生

...miles from you.|英里的学校 | Miss Gabriella Montez, Stanford University, Pre-Law.|盖比瑞拉 蒙特 斯坦福大学 法律系预科生 | Next, Mr. Chad Danforth.|还有就是查德 丹佛先生

Kingston Law School:法律系

MA in Marketing 营销 | Kingston Law School 法律系 | LLM in Business Law 商法