英语人>词典>汉英 : 法庭用的 的英文翻译,例句
法庭用的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与法庭用的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, the work contains an appendix of twenty-six pages containing the unpublished acts of the passion of the holy Cilician martyrs, Tharsacus, Probus, and Andronicus, which Rosweyde regarded -- wrongly -- as the authentic official report from the pen of a clerk of the court of the Roman tribunal.

最后,这项工作包含一个附录26页,载有未出版行为的激情圣cilician烈士, tharsacus ,罗布斯和Andronicus ,其中rosweyde视-错-因为正宗的正式报告,从用笔一法庭的书记的罗马法庭。

Both Chinese and English legal discourses have their own lexical features, such as those concerning connectives, diversity of items, repetitions, paraphrases, restatements, and coloring, etc.; syntactically, each has its own conventions of word order, topic-comment relations, structural characteristics; rhetorically, Chinese discourse attaches importance to Qichengzhuanhe or indirectness at the macro-level, and paratactic at the micro-level, as against the English way of being linear or direct at the macro-level, and hypotactic at the micro-level.

法庭口译既具有语用交际属性,也具有法律属性,因此法庭口译人员在进行口译实践时不能仅满足于割裂上下文和语境的局部性字面意义传译(semantic translating / interpreting --- local),而应当把法庭提问者和法庭答问者的互动性话语看作是一个依赖和利用上下文及有关情景因素的整体性的语用行为,努力理解并传译其中的整体含义( pragmatic translating / interpreting --- global )。

Chapter three conducts the concrete analysis of the strategic employment of presupposition in courtroom cross-examination generalized from the transcripts of courtroom recordings collected. The strategies detected are presupposition triggers, such as definite descriptions, factive verbs, attributive clauses, adverbial clauses of time, questions, etc, and sham pragmatic presupposition (especially intentional sham pragmatic presupposition).


George W. Stimpson's Nuggets Of Knowledge, published in 1934 cites a 1790 court record from Sumner County, Tennessee in which Jackson "proved a bill of sale from Hugh McGary to Gasper Mansker, for a Negro man, which was O.K." This was probably just poor penmanship on the part of a court clerk, however.


For the trials in criminal court that are interesting enough to be documented and hawked by the mass media reverse the critical principle of publicity in an analogous manner; in stead of serving the control of the jurisdictional process by the assembled citizens of the state, publicity increasingly serves the packaging of court proceedings for the mass culture of assembled consumers.


George Bush at first set out to destroy it:"unsigning" the Rome treaty that set up the court, strong-arming governments to exempt Americans from its proceedings and threatening to spring them by force, if need be, from the ICC's clutches.


They accuse those charged with making about $60 million on illegal trades, and said it was the first time court-authorized wiretaps had been used in an insider trading case.


Players will "battle heretics, execute exorcisms, face demons and unintentionally become part of a political and religious intrigue" while using physical and spiritual abilities to tackle hellish minions and unravel the Mystery of the Inquisition.


Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law.


From these beginnings there grew up for non-criminal cases a supplementary system, known as 'equity,' in which, by the early fifteenth century, justice was administered through a separate court, the Court of Chancery.


更多网络解释与法庭用的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

court reporter:法庭书记员

证词由专业的法庭书记员(court reporter)用速记机记录下来,事后装订成册,交给双方的律师. 法庭书记员按页收费,通常是每页3至5美元,一天下来几百页,几天下来上千页是常事,所以非常昂贵. 因为速记难免出错,所以双方的律师都会仔细阅读供词,

punitive damages:惩罚性赔偿

惩罚性赔偿(punitive damages),是指由法庭所作出的赔偿数额超出实际的损害数额的赔偿. 在>得到的解释是:"系一个术语,有时也是用来指判定的损害赔偿金,它不仅是对原告人的补偿,而且也是对故意加害人的惩罚.


英语中"礼仪"(etiquette)是由法语演变而来的. 法语原意是指法庭上的"通行证",用来发给进入法庭的每一个人,上面写有进入法庭时应遵守的事项,作为人庭后的行为准则. 后来,各种其他场合也都制定了相应的行为规则,这些规则由繁而简,

forensic:法庭的,用于法庭的 法庭的,用於法庭的

foreclosure 赎回权的取消 赎回权的取消 | forensic 法庭的,用于法庭的 法庭的,用於法庭的 | forensic expert 法医,科学鉴定专家 法医,科学鉴定专家


我们用棉纸做成这些火气楚,她在想着她的"乔其纱"(Georgette)的灵魂. 雕塑. 这个人,T.W 罗莱斯顿,结果是罗素(Russell)所谓"亲密的敌人";① 约翰 弗朗西斯 泰勒,(有资格出席高等法庭的)律师,他于1901 年10 月24 日在法律学生辩论协会的一次演讲中为学习爱尔兰语辩护,

The court is in short recess:法庭作短暂休庭

15. The judge summoned two witnesses to the court. 法官传唤两个证人... | 16. The court is in short recess. 法庭作短暂休庭 | 17. The death penalty shall be carried out by means of shooting. 死刑用枪决的方...

Spanish Inquisition:西班牙宗教法庭

"用无名搜查令进入人家以便取证,这比西班牙宗教法庭(spanish inquisition)更恶劣;[这是]任何1个英国人都不会愿意按其生活1小时的法律. ...




阴暗(shadow) 在大都会,指的是正义所遮住的东西. 法律依据(technicality) 在英国的一个法庭上,有个叫"祸蒙"的男人因中伤邻居犯有谋杀罪而受到传讯. "祸蒙"的原话是:""拖马死.祸尔特"先生曾用菜刀在他的厨子的脑壳中间劈了一刀,


fortyfold /四十倍的/ | fortyish /四十几岁的/近四十岁的/ | forum /公会所/公会用的广场/法庭/裁判/公开讨论会/