英语人>词典>汉英 : 河的 的英文翻译,例句
河的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fluviatile  ·  riverain  ·  riverine  ·  riverly

更多网络例句与河的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Every fact which occurs in the bed, on the banks or in the air over it; the fishes, and their spawning and nests, their manners, their food; the shad-flies which fill the air on a certain evening once a year, and which are snapped at by the fishes so ravenously that many of these die of repletion; the conical heaps of small stones on the river-shallows, the huge nests of small fishes, one of which will sometimes overfill a cart; the birds which frequent the stream, heron, duck, sheldrake, loon, osprey; the snake, muskrat, otter, woodchuck and fox, on the banks; the turtle, frog, hyla and cricket, which make the banks vocal, were all known to him, and, as it were, townsmen and fellow creatures; so that he felt an absurdity or violence in any narrative of one of these by itself apart, and still more of its dimensions on an inch-rule, or in the exhibition of its skeleton, or the specimen of a squirrel or a bird in brandy.


Downtown area of tourism for the state class 4A scenic spots, 30 Whalley濠河surrounded by the city, visitors have been at home and abroad as the "girl on the neck of the emerald necklace," is in the planning, development along the base will give濠河Museum Tongcheng deeper cultural connotations.


The environmental transport of POPs in Dagu Drainage River selected as a typical example is reasonedly investigated in this article. Characteristics of sediment from DDR in Tianjin are analyzed. The mean value of TOC in sediments is as high as 8%, which is in favor of sorption POPs. The particle sizes of both suspended sediment and bottom sediment are mensurated by Malven Mastersizer. Silt accounts for about 60% in mass, while clay is about 10%. Particles of sediments belong to fine granule. Suspended sediment and bottom sediment mensurated by XRD mainly consist of quartz and illite, both account for 75.5% and 62.2%, respectively. The conformation of suspended sediment is very similar to bottom sediment from SEM photo.

采集自天津大沽排污河的底泥样品进行了特征分析:全河段底泥TOC含量较高,平均值约为8%,利于吸附POPs;Malven Mastersizer激光粒度仪测定了大沽排污河悬浮物和沉积物的粒径分布,结果表明主要以粉砂为主,占60%左右,其次为黏土,占30%左右,大沽排污河底泥颗粒属于细颗粒;悬浮物样品和表层沉积物样品经X射线衍射分析表明,石英和伊利石是大沽排污河底泥悬浮物及沉积物矿物的主要成分,两者之和分别占75.5%和62.2%;环境扫描电子显微镜结果表明,河流底泥悬浮物和沉积物的形态没有本质差别。

It is the source of the Green River, a tributary of the Lillooet River, and is fed by the River of Golden Dreams, which issues from Alta Lake, which is at the height of land dividing the Green River drainage from that of the Cheakamus River to the south, which is a tributary of the Squamish River.


The PO and the Rhone are the dirtiest, followed by the Ebro and the Llobregat in Spain , by the Adige and the Tiber in Italy, and by the. Nile.

来自 PO 和罗讷河的是最脏的,其次是西班牙的埃布罗河和 Llobregat 河,接着是意大利的阿迪杰河和台伯河,还有尼罗河。

The PO and the Rhone are the dirtiest, followed by the Ebro and the Llobregat in Spain , by the Adige and the Tiber in Italy, and by the. Nile.

PO 和罗讷河的是最脏的,其次是西班牙的埃布罗河和 Llobregat 河,接着是意大利的阿迪杰河和台伯河,还有尼罗河。

Established in 1996, Beijing Dongrun Investment Group is a multi-faceted private enterprise that focuses on resort hotels, real estate development and the creative industry. Owned by Dongrun Group, the famous "Moon River" brand represents the finest lifestyle and top quality accommodations for travel and leisure. Chairman Qi Chunsheng has led the group with great vision to build Moon River Hotel and Resorts, Moon River Residence, Moon River Golf Club, Moon River Equestrian Club and Moon River Intech Wellness Center. After ten years of effort,"Moon River" has won the coveted title of "First Class Business and Leisure Cultural Enterprise in China," ushering in a new era and providing the Chinese people with a name-brand holiday experience.


The Rhine, the Meuse, and the Scheldt .


Major peninsular rivers whose steeper gradients prevent their waters from flooding include the Godavari , the Mahanadi , the Kaveri , and the Krishna , which also drain into the Bay of Bengal;[76] and the Narmada and the Tapti , which drain into the Arabian Sea .

但印度境内的河流包括戈达瓦里河, Mahanadi 河, Kaveri 河和克利须那河,虽然也都同样经孟加拉湾流入大海,由于河流坡度较陡,所有不大容易形成洪水。纳尔默达河和 Tapti 河的河流坡度也较陡,但最后流入阿拉伯海。

The finger-length Ouachita madto沃希托河lives only in the Saline River in Arkansas.


更多网络解释与河的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the other side of:在......的另一面,在(河)的对岸

after a time 过了一会儿 | at the other side of 在......的另一面,在(河)的对岸 | be surprised 吃惊

The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver:那只乌鸦口里含着一块生的肝脏飞到河的另一边

The cat catchers can't catch caught cats. 捉猫的人捉不到被... | The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver. 那只乌鸦口里含着一块生的肝脏飞到河的另一边. | The epitome of femininity. 女子气质的...


Fitzgeald,費茲捷勒,英國,技術高明的造箭家. | Fod,福特,英國,河的渡口. | Fancis法蘭西斯,拉丁,自由之人,無拘無束的人.


Mississippi 密西西比河 | Mississippian 密西西比河的 | missive 公文


Mississippi /密西西比/密西西比河/密西西比州/ | Mississippian /密西西比河的/密西西比州人/ | Missoula /米苏拉/


wildlife 野生动植物 | riverfront 沿河的;临河的 | marketplace 市场;集市

catadromous:降海繁殖的,降河的 降海性的

catabolism 分解代谢 異化作用; 分解代謝 Y | catadromous 降海繁殖的,降河的 降海性的 Y | catadromous fish 降河产卵鱼 降海魚 Y


fluvial /河流的/ | fluviatile /河的/生在河中的/ | fluviation /河川作用/河流活动/河流作用/


Lethe /遗忘河/忘却/遗忘/ | Lethean /遗忘河的/使人遗忘过去的/ | Leticia /莱蒂西亚/


river 河 | riverain 河的 | riverbank 河堤