英语人>词典>汉英 : 没有行动的 的英文翻译,例句
没有行动的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与没有行动的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In face of the deterioration of public morality, we should abnegate ourselves first and any commentaries without actions are superfluous.


At that amazing apparition, he made at first no movement and no sound.


To be acquainted with something is to be directly and immediately aware of it, without the action of an intermediary.


Then, I want to be A practicer, not only a man that just have plan.


The brilliance lay not so much in the execution, even though all would have been in vain without it, but in the conception - the daring, the single-mindedness, and above all the creative imagination of it.


This is because stagnation is the result of no action, no directionality, no growth.


Not only is there no definite indication of time or place, all being vaguely rhapsodical; but there is no movement, no culmination or catastrophe.

不但没有明确的说明时间和地点,都被模糊rhapsodical ;但没有行动,没有高潮或灾难。

All operations are conducted in flight, no preparatory actions to dois necessary.


He was riding with downcast eyes and more than pensive look; but at this clatter of arms he raises his eyes and instantly catching the significance, wheels his horse with that superb grace of which he is master, drops the point of his sword to his stirrup, gives a command, at which the great Confederate ensign following him is dipped and his decimated brigades, as they reach our right, respond to the 'carry'.

我们自始至终没有发出一记喇叭声或鼓声,没有欢呼,没有言语也没有行动,有的只是可怕的寂静,就像死神经过一样。4 k1 p$ '5 P* i- G; 3 9 G$ B/ N张伯伦向同盟军士兵致敬的行为招致了不少北方人的不满,他在回忆录《The Passing of the Armies》里为自己的行为辩护。

That's such a desperate act or tipples of over four hours, and nobody did anything about it, neither the police nor the army, and that's why we become very very worried.


更多网络解释与没有行动的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



Particular course of action:采取什么行动

I do not urge you to any|我可没有强迫你 | Particular course of action.|采取什么行动 | Nor will i take the course you do not urge.|你所谓没有强迫我的事我不会做的


deedbox 文件箱 | deedless 没有行动的 | deejay 播放音乐者


deedbondcontractticket 券 | deedless 没有功绩的 | deedless 没有行动的


deed-poll /单方盖章契据/ | deedless /没有行动的/没有功绩的/不活动的/ | deeds /番/


deedless 没有行动的 | deejay 播放音乐者 | deem 认为

free of:无...的

这一限制排除了-例如-对"无......的"( free of)和"摆脱了......的"(free from)的某些用法-也就是那些与行动者的自由无关的用法,它们仅仅表示"摆脱"( rid of)或"没有"( without)的意思.


其中的一种误解源出于这样一个事实, 即人们常常把那种由我们并不意识的规则所指导的行动视作是"本能的"(instinctive)或"直觉的"(intuitive)行动. 这两个语词并没有多大的负面意义, 但是也有例外的情形, 因为这两个语词,


这一限制排除了-例如-对"无......的"( free of)和"摆脱了......的"(free from)的某些用法-也就是那些与行动者的自由无关的用法,它们仅仅表示"摆脱"( rid of)或"没有"( without)的意思.


e.g. He is gonna keep at it.他会继续做的(阻挠我们的行动). | 22.rudderless无舵的,无方向的 | e.g. I was a rudderless drunk. 我是个没有目标的酒鬼.