英语人>词典>汉英 : 没有漏洞的 的英文翻译,例句
没有漏洞的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与没有漏洞的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This can even be useful in special circumstances, such as in the debugger, and that's one reason why this loophole is not closed. Buglet: derivation of a class with the same name as the base class makes use of private variables of the base class possible.


An air tight case: a very convincing case that has no apparent counterargument


We must see that there is no gap in our defence.


Although this website returns the code that did not use safe loophole temporarily, but, this rubbish mail is probable be " storm " a when corpse network carries out attack in New Year's Eve augural.


A:in recent years,management has really been dedicated to having a satisfied workforce.their efforts,however,often rekindleast upheavals,when employees made sacrifices for the company and received little in return.in human resources we spend a lot of money trying to break down the walls between exempt and nonexempt employees.if"the company"is management,i would have to say management is making a conscious effort to mend fences and to do right by our employees


These tactics all work because they challenged the logistics of the game-engine and took advantage of scenarios unimagined by the programmers.


Whilea HEN cannot be developed because of the lack of kmode vuln, m0skit0and I are developing an eloader for use with the MOHH exploit. Keep inmind that this will be the first open-source eloader for the PSP, so itwill take some time to develop


For instance when the evicted tenants question, then at its first inception, bulked largely in people's mind though, it goes without saying, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some of which wouldn't exactly hold water, he at the outset in principle at all events was in thorough sympathy with peasant possession as voicing the trend of modern opinion (a partiality, however, which, realising his mistake, he was subsequently partially cured of) and even was twitted with going a step farther than Michael Davitt in the striking views he at one time inculcated as a backtothelander, which was one reason he strongly resented the innuendo put upon him in so barefaced a fashion by our friend at the gathering of the clans in Barney Kiernan's so that he, though often considerably misunderstood and the least pugnacious of mortals, be it repeated, departed from his customary habit to give him one in the gizzard though, so far as politics themselves were concerned, he was only too conscious of the casualties invariably resulting from propaganda and displays of mutual animosity and the misery and suffering it entailed as a foregone conclusion on fine young fellows, chiefly, destruction of the fittest, in a word.


NET see it as way of giving their customers additional benefits through faster development of new, bug-free functionality.

NET 系统的应用软件商都认为它能更快地开发没有漏洞的新功能,用户将因此而受益。

And detective fiction detective inside the house are private detectives, and the Chinese law does not allow private sector involved in the investigation of cases, we generally do not know the reasoning process of detection, as television drama series of the drama, but it fits, no new ideas are mystery from foreign countries to learn from the, or are obvious loopholes.


更多网络解释与没有漏洞的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可以这么说,一台没有漏 洞(BUG)的机器,是不可能存在所谓纯技术的,只可能存在技巧. 如果一个十几甚至几十个程序员开发的成熟产品,如此轻易就被你一个人破 解了,那你也太神了. 在业内,所谓技术无非两种,一种叫做BUG,一种叫做技巧.

derived class:子类别

一个子类别(derived class)的定义看起来是这样的∶子类别的特例化(instantiation)也没有什么特别之处,使用考(reference)就是有效的. 调试器(debugger)上面,这也是为什么这个漏洞没有被补起来的一个原因.




专家说,被称为"嘲笑(Gibe)"和"斯文"(Swen)的新电脑病毒于19日检测到,利用微软公司浏览器中的安全漏洞传播. 微软公司此前已经提醒用户小心电子邮件病毒,并声明公司没有用电子邮件方式给用户提供安全补丁,而是将补丁发送到公司网站由用户下载.

holeproof:不会破洞的; 没有漏洞的 (形)

hole 孔, 穴, 洞 (名) | holeproof 不会破洞的; 没有漏洞的 (形) | holey 有孔的 (形)

trap door:陷门

应用提供者必须绝对地确定智能卡执行的金融交易无任何错误,而且该软件没有安全漏洞,更不要说蓄 意引入软件中的"陷门"(trap door)了. 同样的问题对军事应用的软件和系统开发来说已经存在许多年了,在智能卡世界中并不是一件新鲜事.