英语人>词典>汉英 : 没有想像力的 的英文翻译,例句
没有想像力的 的英文翻译、例句


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Even Ansel said "The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it."


This in turn requires sympathy and imagination:without which there is no capa city for moral thought.


He, by some wonder of vision, saw beyond the farthest outpost of empiricism, where was no language for narration, and yet, by some golden miracle of speech, investing known words with unknown significances, he conveyed to Martin's consciousness messages that were incommunicable to ordinary souls.


This set of unplugged time, although the house like the two men into their world, but this is the music he most truly side, each musician is not necessarily bright luster present in front of you, perhaps re - This course of time the state, the audience unknowingly became the music of the burden, perhaps to herself, could not see so clearly is not absolutely not what we want, than generous to show the real side of it, there is no burden exists, in the milli - No binding of the state, are more likely to inspire boundless creativity, imagination in the music.


He queried, secretly exulting at the language he had used, his swift imagination throwing the whole scene and atmosphere upon a vast screen along with a thousand other scenes from his life - scenes that were rough and raw, gross and bestial.


If you have a Taurus date, you'd better have a big pocket book or a rich imagination. Taureans like luxury, so do it up right -- expensive dinner, the theater, dessert and a foot massage might just earn you a permanent place on your Taurean's calendar. If you don't have the money, get creative-- make the experience feel rich, earthy and delicious.


After all, as Anderton points out:"Without an architecture of excess, we wouldn't have Versailles, the Taj Mahal, the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera House, Bilbao, and many other monuments to mankind's capacity for egomaniacal yet wondrous feats of imagination."


Fools act on imagination without knowledge; pedants act on knowledge without imagination and the task of a university is to weld together imagination and experience.


更多网络解释与没有想像力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Haute Couture:高级时装

没有比"高级时装"(Haute Couture)汇演更能让时装设计师发挥想像力的了. 不受潮流与买卖的束缚,高级时装设计师(Couturier)们尽情释放创意能量,玩得起劲! "高级时装"汇演可说是大师角力的舞台. 最大胆最前卫的设计意念,矜贵的衣料配合巧夺天工的剪裁,


人类或其它哺乳动物的骨折、骨断裂或骨不连合(nonunion)能通过鱼肝油酸钠的应用而加速 愈合,是极富想像力的研究 Thiele[26]将鱼肝油酸钠注入马的棺材骨(coffin bone )的断裂处,无需托架和悬吊,并且没有疼痛,在极短的时间内,


届时,他已是个分裂型(schizoid)的病患. 他的姊姊患有精神分裂症,接受过精神分析(相当成功). 前来接受分析时,他说自己无法自由自在地说话,也没法和人寒喧,没有想像力,也没有随性游戏(play)的能耐,没办法做随兴的表达(spontaneous gesture),


literal 文字的 | literal-minded 没有想像力的 | literalism 拘泥于字句