英语人>词典>汉英 : 沙皇的 的英文翻译,例句
沙皇的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
czarist  ·  tsarist

更多网络例句与沙皇的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Which provides that "double-headed eagle is the tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and the maharaja of His Majesty, Great Russia, a small Russian, Belarus dictator and protector, all the Russian tsar's throne marks","Three Crown, on behalf of His Majesty the Tsar of three powerful and glorious conquest of the kingdom - Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberia."


She posed as the Czar's daughter.


One hundred years ago, a czar ruled Russia, and Europe was a place of empire.


During invasion to Estonia Russian Red Army tortured and butchered Estonians and Czarist Russian citizens.


I'm not speaking of regicide.

" "我不是说杀死沙皇,而是说思想问题。""是的,抢夺、谋杀、杀死沙皇的思想。

The idea of plunder , murder , and regicide !


Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform had influences on the social tendency in Imperial Russia at that time. Especially when people had more and more dissatisfaction with Tsar, Witte's economic reform and Stolypin's agrarian reform related with the degree of people's support to Tsar.


Russia is the Kremlin Palace of Czar history, magnificent momentum, the world-famous, the Supreme Soviet of the former Soviet Union and the former Soviet Union's Congress of the Communist Party Congress held in the Kremlin.


This was the main residence of the tsar .


Which provides that "double-headed eagle is the tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and the maharaja of His Majesty, Great Russia, a small Russian, Belarus dictator and protector, all the Russian tsar's throne marks","Three Crown, on behalf of His Majesty the Tsar of three powerful and glorious conquest of the kingdom - Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberia."


更多网络解释与沙皇的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1890年共和党发言人里德(Reed)进一步巩固了发言人的权力,首次被称为"沙皇"(Czar),成为整个政府的领导人. 发言人权力在共和党的坎农(Cannon,1903-11)时代达到顶峰. 他通过控制承认议员的发言权、控制规则委员会、任命自己的支持者进入各个委员会来控制立法程序,

cyber czar:网络沙皇

为了迎合网络安全的需要,奥巴马宣布在白宫增设"网络沙皇"(Cyber Czar)的职位. 很多人盼望五角大楼能就"网络空间战命令"发表一个声明,它与奥巴马今天的声明看上去相似,但二者并无联系. 奥巴马说,互联网应当"公开自由",


czar 沙皇 | czarevitch 沙皇的长子 | czarevna 旧俄太子妃

czaritza:沙皇皇后, 女沙皇

czarist | 拥护独裁政治者 俄国帝制的 | czaritza | 沙皇皇后, 女沙皇 | Czech | 捷克人 捷克斯洛伐克的, 捷克斯洛伐克人的

October Manifesto:十月宣言

沙皇尼古拉二世在自己的权臣维特伯爵的施压下,颁布了>(October Manifesto),带来了一些立宪和公民自由权的希望. 虽然内阁政府可能只听从沙皇的指挥,不理会选举的国家议会的下议院--杜马;杜马的政策仍然必须得到沙皇与现在的上议院(旧的枢密院)的允许.


本来,"沙皇"(Tsar)这个词,是莫斯科大公国俄罗斯人,对拜占庭皇帝及钦察汗国的称乎,是一种对上的尊称. 但是,自伊凡四世自己称呼起沙皇之后,沙皇这个词就没有了原来的意义,而成为一种专制、独裁、暴力、侵略的代名词. 二,


throne 王位,宝座 | tsar 沙皇,皇帝,大权独揽的人,特权人物 | tsarina 沙皇皇后,女沙皇


tsar 沙皇,皇帝,大权独揽的人,特权人物 | tsarina 沙皇皇后,女沙皇 | tsarism 沙皇制,专制统治

white gold:沙皇的宝藏

White Chicks 小姐好白 | White Gold 沙皇的宝藏 | White Heat 歼匪喋血战


Cesarean | 凯撒的, 皇帝的 | cesarevitch | 沙皇的长子 | Cesarian | 罗马皇帝的崇拜者, 专制政体的拥护者 凯撒的