英语人>词典>汉英 : 氢氧根的 的英文翻译,例句
氢氧根的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与氢氧根的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the reaction, the hydroxyl firstly attacked the carbon atom of imide and finally formed an anion with hydroxyl linked to C=C by a transition state. The calculation results reveal that the initiated reaction belongs to anion polymerization.


Introduction of a large quantities of sodium hydroxide can dramatically accelerate the reactive rate of the photoreduction process.


Reaction coordinate calculations show that for all of these phosphodiesters the alkaline hydrolysis follows a one-step bimolecular mechanism initialized by the attack of hydroxide ion at the phosphorous atom of the ester.


Reaction .coordinate calculations show that for all of these phosphodiesters the alkaline hydrolysis follows a one-step bimolecular mechanism initialized by the attack of hydroxide ion at thephosphorous atom of the ester.


Different chemicals have different spectrographic signatures, but those of water and hydroxyl are very similar. Therefore, the scientists can't exactly distinguish whether it is a hydroxyl or water at this point. Nevertheless, the findings overturn long-held beliefs that the surface of the moon was dry and further pave the way for scientists to one day set up a permanent research base on the moon.


The original theory was based on Svante Arrhenius's electrolytic theory of solutions and involved the dissociation of water into hydrogen and hydroxide ions.


They may be mono, or triacylglycerols according to the number of – OH groups esterified.


Therefor the key of gaining more sulfurs from sulfide is the strict controlling of the temperature and current.


At present time people has found that various oxidants exist in injured cells, including peroxide and other free radical (eg: peroxide anion and hydroxide radical ion); these ROS also exist in abnormal cells arose from cell cleavage block and cell function loss.


They found 3 times more tar mixed into the sand from the last two major warming periods, 11,000 and 15,000 years ago, than was seen on average.


更多网络解释与氢氧根的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hydroxyl radical:氢氧根离子

在活性氧中,氢氧根离子(Hydroxyl Radical)比超级双氧水(Super Oxydol)的氧化性强100倍,它会损害人的遗传基因,过氧化氮(Peroxy Nitride)则是导致神经细胞死亡的原因.


氢氧根(OH)增加又通过两种途径影响气候:2, 甲烷(Methane)的影响---同温层中的甲烷归纳起来起着三种作用:⑴形成OH根,在较高的同温层和散逸层中通过催化循环,诱导臭氧的破坏,但由于这些区域中的臭氧浓度是非常低的,故这种破坏作用非常有限;


白云母(muscovite) 含钾的云母. 角闪石(amphibole) 含氢氧根(OH[-])的铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物. 竹叶状灰岩(wormkalk) 由圆形、椭圆形扇平砾石平行排列组成的石灰岩,在垂直切面上砾石的形状象竹叶.


(一)碱化处理 碱化(alkalize)作用是通过碱类物质的氢氧根离子打断木质素与半纤维素之间的酯键,使大部分木质素(60%~80 %)溶于碱中,把镶嵌在木质素-半纤维素复合物中纤维素释放出来,同时,碱类物质还能溶解半纤维素,


hydroxid 氢氧化物 | hydroxy 氢氧根的 | hydroxybenzene 酚


到了19世纪后期,阿伦尼乌斯(Arrhenius)创立了电离理论后,又相继提出了多种关于酸、碱的理论. 首先,阿伦尼乌斯从电解质在水溶液中电离的角度提出了水-离子论. 他认为凡能在水溶液中电离出氢离子的物质叫做酸,能电离出氢氧根离子的物质叫做碱,