英语人>词典>汉英 : 民众的 的英文翻译,例句
民众的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与民众的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The emergence of the idea of detesting lawsuit, litigiosity and disputatiousness all came from people's inclination towards benefits at certain time in certain time in certain place.


The townscape assumes the gregariousness、aggregative production and use of natural resource by local populace, and holds a profound conjunctions on their living way. In substance, the townscape development depends on the aggregative participation of the local populace.

摘要 城乡风貌呈现的是地方民众的群居生活、集体生产与自然资源的使用,深刻关切到地方民众的生活方式,因此城乡风貌的发展基本上是建构在地方民众的集体参与下。

Either they do this out of pusillanimity and a natural defect of spirit; then you must make use especially of those who are of good counsel, because in prosperity they bring you honor and in adversity you do not have to fear them; but, when by art and for an ambitious cause, they are not obligated, it is a sign that they are thinking more for themselves than for you; and the prince must be on guard against them, and fear them as if they were open enemies, because in adversity they will always help ruin him.

有的人 生性优柔寡断,天生就缺乏热情。君主尤其要启用那些能忠言直谏的人,因为他们会在繁荣期给君主带来荣誉,而君主在逆境中时也不必担心他们拆台。但如果大人物工于机巧,野心勃勃,而没有感恩之心,那就是一种征兆,证明他们更多的是考虑自身的利益,而很少为君主着想。对这样的人必须像对待公开的敌人一样提高警惕,因为他们在君主遭殃时往往会落井下石。一个人在民众的拥戴下当上了一国之君,就应该善待民众——这是轻而易举之—事,因为民众对他的要求只是不受压迫而已。

It performs the functions of controlling the people, upholding the ruling and repressing the people.


RESULTS: The public cognitive behavior model changed significantly during the prevalence of SARS. People of different cultural and educational levels showed different change trend and their supportability was also different.

结果: 在SARS疫情流行期间,民众的认知和行为模式发生显著变化,而且不同文化程度的民众心态变化趋势不同,心理承受能力上存在显著差异。

The emergence of the idea of detesting lawsuit, litigiosity and disputatiousness all came from people's inclination towards benefits at certain time in certain time in certain place.


The officials, the masses and foreign powers, elaborate on the different policies that the Qing government adopted in settling church cases under the influence of the stand off ideology. As for the foreigners who directly caused the church case, the Qing government dare not go into it seriously, the government simply yielded to the foreigners' unreasonable demand of indemnity and construction of the church; as for the masses who is against the churches, the government suppressed them with a firm hand and punished those innocent people in order to meet the foreigner's demand of 'punishing the guilty people'; as for the officials who refused to carry out the standoff ideology, the government dismissed them from their posts.


Nike managed the deftest 『灵巧的;机敏的』 of marketing tricks: to be both anti-establishment and mass 『大众的;民众的』 market, to the tune of $9.2 billion in sales last year.


Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.


I hope they will understand the character and the motive forces of the Chinese revolution, make their work serve the workers and peasants, go into their midst and become propagandists and organizers among them.


更多网络解释与民众的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Almighty god:万能的上帝

在这种情况下,艾森豪威尔只能以向万能的上帝(Almighty God)祈祷的方式来祈求上帝保佑他和美国摆脱困境,同时利用多数美国人信仰基督,念祈祷词对民众具有感召力,来唤起民众的民族认同感,让民众产生他们(即政府)是在接受上帝的指示来服务于民众的,


demotedisrate 使降级 | demotic 民众的 | demotic 人民的

demotic adjective:民众的, 通俗的

demote verb. 降级, 降职 | demotic adjective. 民众的, 通俗的 | demur verb. 表示异议, 反对

general public:民众

香港的预售市场包括三种类型的交易者:开发商(developers)、投机者(speculators)和民众(general public). 开发商是预售市场上的第一手出售者,香港的房地产业遵循优胜劣汰的竞争模式,市场上的活跃的开发商大多为资金势力雄厚的大财团,

grass roots:民众的

grass-blade 草叶 | grass-roots 民众的 | grasshopper 蚱蜢

grass roots:由乡间民间来进行的

grass-roots 一般民众的 | grass-roots 由乡间民间来进行的 | grassThemedaforsbali 菅



In the past year, I and my itinerant clergymen friends:在过去的几年当中 我和我的朋友们

seeks evidence of people's concern.|所持的证据是民众的观... | In the past year, I and my itinerant clergymen friends|在过去的几年当中 我和我的朋友们 | have been gathering just such evidence.|收集到以下证...

I would lose support of the plebeians:我这样会失去民众的支持的

to murder anyone who opposes me.|去杀掉任何反对我的人 | I would lose support of the plebeians...|我这样会失去民众的支持的... | Perhaps Vorenus and I might be able to...|或许乌瑞纳斯跟我可以...

No matter how loud you shout, you will not drown out the voice of the people:就算你喊声再大 也不会淹没民众的呼声

That roll of paper reeks of rebellion!|这纸卷发出叛乱的臭气! | No matter how loud you shout, you will not drown out the voice of the people!|就算你喊声再大 也不会淹没民众的呼声! | The people?|民众?