英语人>词典>汉英 : 一般民众的 的英文翻译,例句
一般民众的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与一般民众的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The interest rate descends consumption level and wallet of fighting the people in general. Compound interest's rolling to increase wealth income is another way. But the person of real meeting is still a handful of men, hence the gap between rich and poor's pulling has to open more, the margin is also larger. If general citizen can't make use of wealth to create more wealths effectively, just only put in the bank, and acceptancy the super and low interest income. When in June, 2001, Legislative Yuan resolution insurance revision bill, The life insurance industry can start selling an investment linked insurance product . The advantage of this product will "investment","insurance" unite as one with" property management" knot, for the economic environment of present very much a rather big help, deserve a research..


Any manoeuvre hazardous to other competitors, or the public and unauthorised aerobatics is prohibited.


As to his painting contribution, accomplishment and influence, I have made three conclusions according to my research results and various allegations from others. 1. He actively promoted art of the aquarelle; raised the position of aquarelle in the painting circle.2. He insisted on taking local subject as the core of painting, therefore, he has left the precious historical records of the native scenery .3. He actively endeavored to hold painting exhibitions, encouraged the international cultural interchange and expanded the vision of the painters and the public at southern Taiwan.


THE financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher.


The scientists said that cartoon-like faces are better than normal photos at jolting people's memories.


Results: The major findings are:(1) the public held strong belief in the preventability of AIDS/STDs and considered prevention was of greater importance than biomedical interventions,(2) of the possible prevention strategies proposed by the research participants, personal behavior control was deemed as the most ef fective; meanwhile a sense of powerlessness was expressed while mentioning the government's responsibility for keeping the quality of blood supply and managing the potential dangers posed by other people's behavior,(3) condoms were well accepted as an effective tool for AIDS/STDs prevention but were used mostly for the purposes of contraception than HIV/STDs prevention, and (4) people were unwilling to use condom mainly due to sensational and psychological discomforts.


Results: The major findings are:(1)the public held strong belief in the preventability of AIDS/STDs and considered prevention was of greater importance than biomedical interventions,(2)of the possible prevention strategies proposed by the research participants, personal behavior control was deemed as the most effective; meanwhile a sense of powerlessness was expressed while mentioning the government's responsibility for keeping the quality of blood supply and managing the potential dangers posed by other people's behavior,(3)condoms were well accepted as an effective tool for AIDS/STDs prevention but were used mostly for the purposes of contraception than HIV/STDs prevention, and (4)people were unwilling to use condom mainly due to sensational and psychological discomforts.


This effort also worked to lower the general rate of infection in the community, Steen said.


Because the question what environmental rights inherent character is , doesn"t to be solved , punishing environmental tort doesn"t go on . Although judicial practice also can remedy environmental tort from right of the person and right of property at present, it make the original legal system contused , make common person"s illusion, distort the environmental right, make it not to further progress , they are not benefit for strengthening our country"s legal system and realizing society rule by law.


He always identifies himself as one of the commoners.

他老是 把自己望成是一般民众的一员。

更多网络解释与一般民众的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

grass roots:由乡间民间来进行的

grass-roots 一般民众的 | grass-roots 由乡间民间来进行的 | grassThemedaforsbali 菅


参加音乐会的民众需尽早到达现场,下午 5点至8点,鹿湖道(Ave.)与鹿湖公园大道(Parkway)及加拿大大道(Canada Way)的交口,都有可能封闭不准一般车辆进入.


[冲浪运动](surfing) 冲浪是波里尼西亚人的一项古老文化. 他们的酋长是部落中技术最好的驾浪者、并拥有使用最好的树木所制造最好的冲浪板. 统治阶级并拥有最好的海滩和板子;一般阶级的民众不准进入他们的沙滩,但民众可以经由优良的冲浪技...

Survival analysis:存活分析

ost meth od)以及一般常用的剂 反应法以条件评估法分别 用间断选择模型(Discrete Choice M odel)以及存活分析(Survival Analysis)估计出评价函 ,并计算民众对於避免一场急性IPA 是由欧盟组织在发展能源外部成本计划(ExternE Project)中,

calcaneal tuberosity:跟骨结节

随着病情发展,这种足跟疼痛会挶限在跟骨结节(calcaneal tuberosity)的内侧;有些患者会因为剧烈的足跟疼痛,导致「行走姿势」改变,甚至是踮着脚尖行走. 由于足跟的疼痛在站立或行走一段时间后,不适应感觉会慢慢减轻;使得一般民众误认为,


在美国的售价是约90美元一剂,一个免疫疗程需要三剂. 这个价格即使对于一般美国民众而言,也嫌偏高. 世卫组织说,这种疫苗目前列在该组织"资格预审"(prequalification)清单中,这意味着发展中国家今后有可能通过联合国机构购买这种疫苗.


据说,琐罗亚斯德受到神的启示开始传道,约在三十岁之时. 琐罗亚斯德教深入一般民众的生活,则是十二年后,巴克特里亚(Bactria)的地方首长卫殊达斯巴皈依之后.

