英语人>词典>汉英 : 毛发稀疏 的英文翻译,例句
毛发稀疏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与毛发稀疏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Elephants are grayish to brown in colour, and their body hair is sparse and coarse.


Gynoecium in female flowers 1.5-2 mm, in male flowers 0.2-0.5 mm; ovary sparsely hirsutulous.


Results In OVX control group, hypotrichosis, hypoactivity and l istlessness were observed after operation; and in SHAM group, OVX I group, OVX II group and OVX III group, pilus, psyche and activity were normal.

结果 术后OVX 对照组大鼠毛发逐渐稀疏,活动迟缓,精神萎靡不振,反应较为迟钝;其余4 组大鼠毛发光洁,精神及活动正常。

Evolution has since stripped humans of their pelts.


The leather is fine, covered with short, thick hair mixed with a longer sparser hair, which becomes thicker along edges.


After 15 years of breeding I produced non carrier dogs BUT they lacked leg coat, thick coat on the inside of the ears and generally less dense undercoats and shorter guard coats.


更多网络解释与毛发稀疏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fourth ventricle:第四脑室

他得的是Medulloblastoma,一个连我听都很少听过的脑癌,是位于小脑(cerebellum)与第四脑室(fourth ventricle)附近的肿瘤. 小男孩在几个月前经以开过刀,虽然已经长出稀疏的毛发,不过后脑可以明显的看到有两条明显的刀痕. 他侧过脸去,

Steller's Sea Cow:大海牛

儒艮科的另一物种大海牛(Steller's Sea Cow)曾存活至近代,但已在18世纪时被猎捕至灭绝. 型态特征 尾巴分岔的儒艮海牛目动物相当适应水中生活,它们有流线型的身体,没有后肢与背鳍,身上毛发稀疏,前肢呈桨状便于游泳. 儒艮与海牛的体型相似,

hypotrichosis:稀发症 稀毛 毛发稀疏

hypotrematic 下侧条 | hypotrichosis 稀发症 稀毛 毛发稀疏 | hypotrochoid 长短辐圆内旋轮线 次内摆线