英语人>词典>汉英 : 模范畴 的英文翻译,例句
模范畴 的英文翻译、例句


modular category
更多网络例句与模范畴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Similar to [KV2], for a Dynkin-algebra A, we prove that there is a bijection between the bi-aisles in Db and thestrictly full triangulated subcategories of Db which are closed under direct sum-mands.


Ringel realized positive parts of semisimple Lie algebras in the framework of Ringel-Hall algebras. The main result of this thesis is to build a geometric and topological model over triangulated categories such as derived categories and stable module categories of repetitive algebras. We defines a Lie bracket by Euler characteristics of constructible subsets and thus realizes infinite dimensional Lie algebras of various types with non-degenerated bilinear form.


Leading to a new proofs, we show that the left Drinfeld Double D -module category is isomorphic to the category of the Yetter-Drinfeld modules.

并且通过新的证明方法,我们得出左Dinfeld DoubleD-模范畴同构于Yetter-Drinfeld模范畴

Based on the methods and techniques of covering theory, the structure of module category of tame concealed algebra, one-point extension, vector space category, finite enlargement, degeneration theory, stable equivalence and combinatorial method, we will classify all of the three-point algebras with Gabriel quiver the system quiver Q according to representation type. We get the classification theorem: Let A=kQ/I be a three-point algebra given by the system quiver Q.

本文综合利用覆盖理论,tame concealed代数模范畴的结构,单点扩张,向量空间范畴,有限enlargement,退化理论,稳定等价以及组合的方法等多种方法和技巧,将所有由系统箭图Q给出的三点代数按表示型进行分类,得到如下分类定理:Q是系统箭图,I是kQ的一个admissible理想。

The injective rings play an important role in the study of rings and categories of modules . First , we introduce the notion of ann-injective rings and CT-injective modules .Second,we make an inquiry into a series of their properties.Third,we give the definition of homological dimension of CT-injective modules.At last,we give the definition of FGT rings which is the extension of cogenerator rings.

本文对环与模范畴中一重要的模类—内射模进行了延拓,引入了ann -自内射环以及CT -内射模的概念,探讨了它们一系列的性质,并定义了CT -内射模的同调维数,最后对余生成子环进行推广得到了FGT -环,讨论了它与CT -内射环的关系以及它的一些性质。

The latter is essentially derived from the geometric realization of Happels triangulated equivalence between stable module category of repetitive algebra and bounded derived category of finite dimensional algebra. In terms of this realization, we deduce that the Lie algebra realized by derived category of a finite dimensional algebra is isomorphic to the Lie algebra realized by stable module category of the corresponding repetitive algebra.


Then we discuss comodule algebra on the Hopf algebroid. If L is finite generated as a left R-projective module, left L-comodule category is equivalent to the left L〓-module category.


For detail,we studied the Incidence Algebra I defined by finite Partially Ordered Set X,and sheaf F based on the topology T_x defined by the partial order;By studying the relation between finite module category mod I and the sheaf category Sh_x A,we proved that they are equivalent.


In chapter 1, we introduce the development of module theory and it s applications in the development of algebra,and present conditions of development of prime submodule s,prime radicals,isolated submodules.


In this dissertation,we concentrate on the homological properties of DG mod-ules over connected DG algebras and study various homological invariants.


更多网络解释与模范畴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

category of groups:群范畴

category 范畴 | category of groups 群范畴 | category of modules 模的范畴

category of modules:模的范畴

category of groups 群范畴 | category of modules 模的范畴 | category of sets 集的范畴

category of sets:集的范畴

category of modules 模的范畴 | category of sets 集的范畴 | category of topological spaces 拓扑空间的范畴


1.蛋白质通常具有模组结构(modular architecture),亦即是由一些结构和功能区段(domain)组合而成. 2.在"界(kingdom)"之上的范畴:域(domain),将现今的生物分成三大类:细菌(Bacteria)、古菌(Archaea)和真核生物(Eukarya).

extension of ring by module:环籍模的扩张

环范畴|category of rings | 环籍模的扩张|extension of ring by module | 环流[量]|circulation

extrusion die:挤出模

注塑模(Mould)、挤出模(Extrusion Die)等一般不包括在内. 模具钳工的主要工作就是模具制造(Building Die)、修理(Repairing Die)、维护(Maintaining Die)以及更新(Rebuilding Die). 除模具之外,模具钳工的工作范畴也包括各种夹具(Fixture)、钻具(Jig)、量具(Gauge)的制作与维护.

full unimodular group:完全幺模群

full subcategory 完全子范畴 | full unimodular group 完全幺模群 | fully faithful 完全一一的


普兰廷卡对"跨世界同一性"问题的解答是难以令人满意的;文章还证明了,"跨世界识别"问题乃是"跨世界同一性"问题的认识论基础,必须对其做全面的回答. [关键词]可能世界 事态 跨世界同一性 跨世界识别 模态(modality)是指可能性、必然性等哲学范畴

modular category:模范畴

modular 模的 | modular category 模范畴 | modular character 模特征

modular character:模特征

modular category 模范畴 | modular character 模特征 | modular equation 模方程