英语人>词典>汉英 : 楔状骨 的英文翻译,例句
楔状骨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cuneiform  ·  sphenoid

更多网络例句与楔状骨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It permits excision of the entire talus, and the only tarsal joints that it cannot reach are those between the naicular and the second and first cuneiforms.


A wedge - shaped bone,especially one of three such bones in the tarsus of the foot.


更多网络解释与楔状骨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cuneiform bone:楔状骨

\\"楔状\\",\\"cuneiform\\" | \\"楔状骨\\",\\"cuneiform bone\\" | \\"楔状软骨\\",\\"cuneiform cartilage\\"

cuneiform cartilage:楔状软骨

6.楔状软骨 楔状软骨(cuneiform cartilage)位于杓状会厌襞内,小角软骨之前. 可能缺如. 7.麦粒软骨 麦粒软骨(triticeous cartilage)为纤维软骨. 包裹于舌骨甲状侧韧带内. 喉软骨有两对关节,即一对环甲关节(cricothyroid joint)和一对环杓关节(cricoarytenoid joint).

cuniculus:地道; 排水沟 (名)

cuneiform 楔形文字; 楔状骨 (名) | cuniculus 地道; 排水沟 (名) | cunnilingus 舔阴 (名)

cuneate:楔形的 (形)

cumulus 积云, 堆积 (名) | cuneate 楔形的 (形) | cuneiform 楔形文字; 楔状骨 (名)

medial malleolus:(内

\\" (内颈动脉) internal carotid artery → \\" | \\" (内 . ) medial malleolus → \\" | \\" (内侧楔状骨) medial cuneiform bone → \\"