英语人>词典>汉英 : 梅克伦堡州 的英文翻译,例句
梅克伦堡州 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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So when he decides to live in Hamburg, he has no room, no food and he can be collected by the police any time and get sent back to Mecklenburg.


Those who once hoped that she might be a Thatcherite reformer, a Maggie from Mecklenburg, were always going to be disappointed.


There is for example Muhamad from Togo. He came to Hamburg by ship as a stowaway. When he went to the immigration office and said he is seeking asylum, he was sent to Mecklenburg in eastern Germany.


Doenitz was born in 1892 of a family of landowners and shipowners on the Baltic in the province of Mecklenburg, which the Red armies are now rapidly overrunning.


He will go to Stralsund, a medieval town on Mecklenburg-West Pomerania's Baltic coast.

他将前往Stralsund,一个座落于德国东北部梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚州(Mecklenburg-West Pomerania)州的中世纪风格的古城,北临波罗的海。7月13日,在拜谒该市市长、拜访教堂后,他将在市场上面见一群经过精挑细选的群众。

Initially it was the capital of the State of Mecklenburg which at that time included the western part of Pomerania. After the states were dissolved in the GDR in 1952 Schwerin served as the capital of the Schwerin district.


He will go toStralsund, a medieval town on Mecklenburg-West Pomerania's Baltic coast. On July 13th, after greetingthe mayor and visiting a church, he will meet a hand-picked crowd in the marketplace anti-Bush rallies

他将前往Stralsund,一个座落于德国东北部梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚州(Mecklenburg-West Pomerania)州的中世纪风格的古城,北临波罗的海。7月13日,在拜谒该市市长、拜访教堂后,他将在市场上面见一群经过精挑细选的群众。

Schwerin became capital of the Free State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern thereafter.


更多网络解释与梅克伦堡州相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mecklenburg Declaration of:《梅 克伦堡独立宣言>

马萨诸塞州制宪会议 Massachusetts Constitutional | Convention > Mecklenburg Declaration of | > "Negro Family in the United States"


维斯马(Wismar)和施特拉尔松德(Stralsund)是梅克伦堡-前波莫瑞州濒临东海的两座城市,风景优美,都有着辉煌的历史. 如果任其败落,将是人类文化的一大损失. 维斯马在保护其港口和运河一直做得相当好,而施特拉尔松德的历史中心自13世纪以来几乎没有任何变化.