英语人>词典>汉英 : 格瓦拉 的英文翻译,例句
格瓦拉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与格瓦拉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

GILLESPIE: He said his dream was to become a killing machine.

尼克。 格莱斯比:格瓦拉曾说他个人的愿望就是要当一个"杀人机器"。

She lives in Taos, New Mexico, with her son, Rafa, and his father, Cisco Guevara.


He became known as the butcher of La Cabana prison in revolutionary Cuba where he personally oversaw the execution of anywhere from 175 to several hundred people.


Guevara's myth—of the romantic rebel, not the murderous, militaristic Marxist of real life—burns as brightly as ever, recreated in hagiographical books and in a new Hollywood movie hitting American and British screens this month.


while the drama Che Guevara, which arosed furor about revolution words,has little influence in tidal wave of market and consumption, After four years, the drama, the 93' year, performed by the state showplace, whice blazoned forth "the absolute humanitarianism above the absolute revolution", encountered cold shoulder at the very start. The paper's goal is to inquire the uncommensuration states between revolution and humanitarianism under intervention of power volition of country by their acception.


while the drama Che Guevara, which arosed furor about revolution words,has little influence in tidal wave of market and consumption, After four years, the drama, the 93' year, performed by the state showplace, whice blazoned forth "the absolute humanitarianism above the absolute revolution", encountered cold shoulder at the very start. The paper's goal is to inquire the uncommensuration states between revolution and humanitarianism under intervention of power volition of country by their acception.


As a well-educated the Argentines Guevara, could have chosen stability and carefree life, however, he has abandoned all of this into the Latin American revolutionary flames. In 1955,when exiling in Mexico, Guevara met with Castro ,the Cuban revolutionaries.From then on,he joined the Cuban revolutionary struggle.


FONTOVA: He says,"The Negro is lazy and indolent and spends all of his money on frivolities and booze, whereas the European is intelligent and forward-looking."


S.","A Black Little Boy Saluting the French Flag","Revolution Image - Ernesto Che Guevara", and "The Whole World Witnesses My First Time to expound state mythology, obedience and devotion, produced revolution image and uniform thought. It also studies whether females arouse visual desire, as well as discussed the relation between image and market mechanism by the Creations Theory of Barbara Kruger, in order to show the influences of image consumption for political advertisements.


Its territory east longitude 10 ° 29'26 "Graubünden沙瓦拉茨state-feng, west longitude 5 ° 57'24" of the town of Geneva, Sang Hee, the southernmost tip at latitude 45 ° 49'8 ", near the Chiasso in Ticino, the most in the north of latitude 47 ° 48'35 ", the Department of Schaffhausen root of Barr.


更多网络解释与格瓦拉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ALVARADO CORREA, Jose Antonio:何塞.安东尼奥.阿尔瓦拉多.科雷亚

ALVA, Margaret;玛格丽特.阿尔瓦;; | ALVARADO CORREA, Jose Antonio;何塞.安东尼奥.阿尔瓦拉多.科雷亚;; | ALVARES, Julio Ego-Aguirre;胡利奥.埃戈-阿吉雷.阿尔瓦雷斯;;


本作讲述的是老一代革命家(汗)切.格瓦拉(Guevara)和卡斯特罗(Castro. 没错!就是现在的古巴领导亻!)一起打败独裁者建立社会主义慖家的故事!游戏过程火暴无比,而且第一次在游戏中引入了乘物系统,玩家可以搭乘坦克来攻击敌亻,



Che Guevara:切.格瓦拉

国际在线娱乐频道消息:日前,由导演史蒂文.索德伯格导演的传记系列影片>(Che Guevara)公布了首款官方预告片,预告片以那副著名的切.格瓦拉画像开头,进而转变成本片的男主角本尼西奥.德尔.托罗,片中以黑白画面的形式再现了当年的一些经典场景,

Che Guevara, Marxistrevolutionary:切格瓦拉,马克思主义的革命

13. Napoleon Bonaparte, French militaryleader拿破仑波拿巴,法国军事领导... | 14. Che Guevara, Marxistrevolutionary切格瓦拉,马克思主义的革命 | 15. Fidel Castro, former Cubanleader菲德尔卡斯特罗,前古巴领导...

Che Guevara, Marxistrevolutionary:切格瓦拉,马克思主义革命

13. Napoleon Bonaparte, French military leader拿破仑波拿巴,法国军事领导... | 14. Che Guevara, Marxistrevolutionary切格瓦拉,马克思主义革命 | 15. Fidel Castro, former Cubanleader菲德尔卡斯特罗,前古巴领导...

GUEVARA, Cynthia B:辛西娅.格瓦拉

guest worker;外来工人; 客籍工人;; | GUEVARA, Cynthia B.;辛西娅.格瓦拉;; | GUEYE, Lena;莱纳.盖耶;;

Che Guevara:切.格瓦拉

国际在线娱乐频道消息:日前,由导演史蒂文.索德伯格导演的传记系列影片<<切.格瓦拉>>(Che Guevara)公布了首款官方预告片,预告片以那副著名的切.格瓦拉画像开头,进而转变成本片的男主角本尼西奥.德尔.托罗,片中以黑白画面的形式再现了当年的一些经典场景,

Bodegas Chivite - Gran Feudo:朱丽安史威特酒庄 - 格兰富都系列 西班牙/那瓦拉

11 Blason Timberlay 宝森添百利古堡 法国/波尔多 | 12 Bodegas Chivite - Gran Feudo 朱丽安史威特酒庄 - 格兰富都系列 西班牙/那瓦拉 | 13 Bollinger 柏林格香槟 法国/香槟区

Walla Walla:瓦拉瓦拉

加点"瓦拉-瓦拉"(Walla Walla)甜味洋葱圈或是甜味烤土豆片怎么样?还是加草莓、西红柿或是苹果的"落鸠河"(Rogue River)烟熏奶酪?至于甜点,可以尝尝奶昔,用冰激凌和纯正的俄勒冈州奶牛生产的牛奶混合而成. 欢迎光临伯格威尔(Burgerville)餐厅,