英语人>词典>汉英 : 核膜质 的英文翻译,例句
核膜质 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The ultrastructural changes during the development of sieve element companion cell complex (SE/CC complex) in Populus deltoides were investigated using electronic microscopy. The result showed that SE and CC tome from the same secondary phloem mother cell. The development of sieve element went through three stages, i. e. immature, mature, and degenerate stage. In immature stages the sieve element presented radial expansion, cell wall thickening, and production of sieve plastid and P-protein. The cytoplasma selectivly autolysed in mature stage. At the same time, karyoplasm was dispersed, and nuclear envelope was not clear, or karyoplasm was disorgnized, and nuclear envelope was clear. The karyopalsm finally turned into P-protein. In degenerate stage, the cytoplasm completely disappeared, and the function was lost.


The nucleus was degenerated dissimilarly in two ways: 1 the nuclear membrane was degenerated earlier,and karyoplasm joined with P-protein was dispersed;2 the chromatin was agglomerated earlier.Subsequently,the karyotin was almost degenerated,but the nuclear membrane still kept two layers structure clearly.


Under transmission electron microscope, cellular swelling in brain tissue, nuclear membrane of neuron has incisures, some chromatic agglutination, group A mainly appears endoplasmic reticulum distention and glial cell endocytosis, while group B mainly appears histolysis; cardiac fibrous structure is chaotic, Z line concentrates, mitochondria swelling, nucleus deform; the ecphyma of podocyte becomes thinner and longer like villus, some mix together, plasma membrane infolding of renal cells decreases, mitochondria malformation, cells in lumens.


Several masses of condensed chromatin without nuclear membrane were observed in some treated K562 cells,while chromatin of some other cells tended to marginate in crescents around the nuclear envelope with compacting cytoplasm,normal or slightly expanded endoplasmic reticulum,which presented typical morphology of apoptosis.


Mitochondria was relatively little in size. Round primary lysosome with high electron-densed granules and secondary lysosome with high or low electron-densed granules were seen frequently. DCs contained many rough endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus and ribosomes. The vacuoles with flocculent electron-densed granules were rare. Some special granules in cytoplasm were seen, whose surface like earphone were covered with a membrane. High electron-densed contents in the granules were near one side and the other side was bright. The nucleus became markedly small in volume, nephroid or hoofed in shape. The nucleus had little euchromatin and lots of heterochromatin under nuclear membrane.


Results (1)ATP could inhibit the proliferation of U937 cells with inhibition rate over 43% after 48hour ATP treatment;(2)ATP treated U937 cells numbers increased obviously in G1 phase,and apoptosis peak appeared before G1 phase,apoptotic cell number was 3.4% for 24hour,and was 22.7% for 48hour of ATP treated U937 cells;(3) Nuclear chromatin condensed into sperical masses bound cytoplasma membrane formed apoptotic bodies which is shed from membrane surface into intercellular medium;(4) Apoptotic bodies were nigrosine staining negtive.

结果 (1)ATP对U937细胞的增殖有按摩明显的阻抑作用,加药48h后增殖的抑制率可达43%以上;(2)ATP处理的U937细胞周期发生改变,G1期细胞数按摩明显增多,ATP作用24h时G1期前出现亚二倍体峰——凋亡峰,凋亡细胞数为3.4%,作用48h时凋亡细胞数增多为22.7%;(3)ATP处理的U937细胞首先在核内染色质浓缩成半月形贴近核膜,逐渐向核膜外移动,进入胞浆内再移向质膜内外面,紧贴质膜外面再逐步脱离细胞体,进入细胞基质中,成为游离的凋亡小体。

Methods Cell culture,flow cytometry,HE staining,Nigrosine staining and electron microscopy were used. Results (1)ATP could inhibit the proliferation of U937 cells with inhibition rate over 43% after 48hour ATP treatment;(2)ATP treated U937 cells numbers increased obviously in G1 phase,and apoptosis peak appeared before G1 phase,apoptotic cell number was 3.4% for 24hour,and was 22.7% for 48hour of ATP treated U937 cells;(3) Nuclear chromatin condensed into sperical masses bound cytoplasma membrane formed apoptotic bodies which is shed from membrane surface into intercellular medium;(4) Apoptotic bodies were nigrosine staining negtive.

结果 (1)ATP对U937细胞的增殖有明显的阻抑作用,加药48h后增殖的抑制率可达43%以上;(2)ATP处理的U937细胞周期发生改变,G1期细胞数明显增多,ATP作用24h时G1期前出现亚二倍体峰——凋亡峰,凋亡细胞数为3.4%,作用48h时凋亡细胞数增多为22.7%;(3)ATP处理的U937细胞首先在核内染色质浓缩成半月形贴近核膜,逐渐向核膜外移动,进入胞浆内再移向质膜内外面,紧贴质膜外面再逐步脱离细胞体,进入细胞基质中,成为游离的凋亡小体。

One view is that the nucleocapsids get tegument in the nucleus, and by budding into perinuclear space, they obtain their envelope from the inner lamella of the nuclear membra...


Grew on the normal temperature, it was shown that the deposits of calcium antimonate being the indicator for Ca(superscript 2+) localization mainly concentrated within the vacuoles and intercellular spaces and there was also some Ca(superscript 2+) deposits in cell walls. But when Garyota urens L. was treated by the temperature of 2℃ for 48 h, the level of Ca(superscript 2+) increased in cytoplasm and plasma membrane, but decreased in vacuoles and intercellular spaces considerably. At the same time, the ultrastructure of chloroplasts suffered from chilling: the membrane of chloroplasts had been damaged, the layer of thylakoids was exiguous and unclear, the photosynthetic rate decreased evidently. And when Garyota urens L. was treated by the temperature of 2℃ for 120 h, the deposits of Ca(superscript 2+) mainly concentrated within the cytoplasm, nucleus and plasma membrane and there was also some Ca(superscript 2+) deposits in vacuoles, and the ultrastructure of some cells was simultaneously damaged severely: Chloroplasts structure, vacuole membrane and nuclear membrane had been damaged fully, the structure within the cell had become unclear, and the cell only have respiration.

研究结果表明,未经低温处理的董棕幼苗叶肉细胞,焦锑酸钙沉淀颗粒大量出现在液泡和细胞间隙中,细胞壁中也可见少量沉淀,而细胞基质中则看不到焦锑酸钙沉淀;经2℃ 48 h低温处理后,细胞基质和细胞膜上焦锑酸钙沉淀增加,而液泡和细胞间隙中的焦锑酸钙沉淀则显著减少,并且超微结构已初步显示出寒害的特徵,叶绿体外膜部分破损,类囊体片层稀疏且排列不规则,光合速率明显下降等;经2℃ 120 h低温处理后,细胞间隙内的焦锑酸钙沉淀极少,有的也紧贴在细胞外壁上,而细胞基质和细胞膜上则分布有非常多的焦锑酸钙沉淀,在核基质和液泡中也可见到少量的焦锑酸钙沉淀,并且超微结构遭到了显著破坏,叶绿体结构完全被破坏,核膜与液泡膜严重破损,内部结构模糊,细胞只表现为呼吸作用,不进行光合作用。

Electron-microscopic observation: In stroke-prone spontaneous hypertension group, electron density was found increased in necrotic neurons; moreover, some nuclear membrane lost double-layer structure with ridges broken, even reduced or disappeared, displaying vacuolated changes. In losartan 30 mg/ group and losartan 10 mg/ group, most of neurons displayed basically normal morphology, with neuron chromatin evenly distributed and nuclear envelops regular, but there were still some neurons that had dense chromatin, with ridges broken and reduced.

3组大鼠脑组织电镜观察:易感型自发性高血压组大鼠坏死神经元电子密度增高,有的核膜失去双层结构,嵴断裂、减少甚至消失,呈空泡样改变;氯沙坦30mg/组和氯沙坦10 mg/组大多数神经元染色质分布均匀,核膜规整,细胞形态基本正常;少数神经元核染色质较致密,部分嵴断裂、减少。

更多网络解释与核膜质相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.细胞核的改变 细胞核的改变是细胞坏死的主要形态学标志,表现为:①核浓缩(pyknosis),即由于核脱水使染色质浓缩,染色变深,核的体积缩小;②核碎裂(karyorrhexis),核染色质崩解为小碎片,核膜破裂,染色质碎片分散在胞浆中;③核溶解(karyolysis),在脱氧核糖核酸酶的作用下,


核膜 karyotheca;nuclear envelope | 核质 karyotin;karyoplasm | 核型 karyotype


karyotheca 核膜 | karyotin 核质;染色质 | karyotype 染色体组型


karyotheca 核膜 | karyotin 核染质 | karyotype 核型 染色体组型


amphiphyte 两栖植物 | amphipyrenin 核膜质 | amphirhinal 双鼻孔

chromatinic body:染色质体

细菌的细胞核是一个拟核(nucleoid),实际上是一条环状的裸露的DNA链,所以也称染色质体(chromatinic body)或细菌染色体(bacterial chromosome). 无核膜结构、无固定形态. 核区是一个反差极弱的区域,没有核膜,内含丝状物,即DNA分子.

perinuclear space:核周(间)隙

不需核被膜(nuclear envelope)位于间期细胞核的最外层,是细胞核与细胞质之间核纤层(nuclear lamina)是一层紧贴于内层核膜下,由纤维蛋白构成的网络两层膜之间有20-40nm的透明空隙,称为核周间隙(perinuclear space)或质环,辐(+栓,核质环三种结构亚单位,

perinuclear space:核周膜

perikaryon 核周质 hézhōuzhì | perinuclear space 核周膜 hézhōumó | periodic acid-Schiff reaction 过碘酸希夫反应

perinuclear cisterna:核周隙

两层膜的间隙宽10~15nm,称为核周隙(perinuclear cisterna),也称核周腔. 核被膜上有核孔(nuclear pore)穿通,占膜面积的8%以上. 外核膜表面有核糖体附着,并与粗面内质网相续;核周隙亦与内质网腔相通,因此,核被膜也参与蛋白质合成. 内核膜也参与蛋白质合成.


5.共质体(symplast) 答案:由胞间连丝把相邻细胞的细胞质连成一体的体系. 1.生物膜(biomembrane )答案:指细胞中主要由脂类和蛋白质组成的、具有一定结构和生理功能的膜状组分,即细胞内所有膜的总称. 包括质膜、核膜、各种细胞器被膜及其他内膜.