英语人>词典>汉英 : 核破裂 的英文翻译,例句
核破裂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
karyorrhexis  ·  caryoclasis  ·  caryorrhexis  ·  karyoclasis  ·  karyoklasis

更多网络例句与核破裂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The quasi-elastic barrier distribution D〓 extends to low energy region and enhances the fusion cross section at the sub-barrier energies. It is still needed to do some work to determine the deformation parameter β〓 for light odd-odd nucleus, like 〓Li and to calculate all reaction channels by means of CDCC code simultaneously. It is important to measure the exclusive angular distributions of breakup fragments.


By using the Serber model, double differential cross section and angle distribution of 〓He fragments were calculated in terms of direct process theory including nuclear diffraction dissociation and stripping process.


It indicates that the excitation energy can be seen as a basic and scalable quantity to control nuclear disassembly.


Results Preoperative MRI classification indicated: intact annuals in 82 levels, annuals tear with intact PLL in 123 levels, PLL tear in 70 level, free protruded mass under PLL in 48 levels; on the other hands, the amount of annuals tear and free protruded mass under PLL introoperative observation were more than that preoperative MRI indicated: intact annuals in 38 levels, annuals tear with intact PLL in 165 levels, PLL tear in 62 level, free protruded mass under PLL in 63 levels; dural sac penetration in 2 levels.

结果: MRI术前分型:纤维环完整者81个椎间隙、纤维环破裂后纵韧带完整者123个椎间隙、后纵韧带破裂者70个椎间隙、髓核后纵韧带后方游离者48个椎间隙。手术发现纤维环破裂数量以及后纵韧带后方游离髓核片数量明显高于MRI的提示:纤维环完整型38个椎间隙、纤维环破裂后纵韧带完整165个椎间隙、后纵韧带破裂髓核疝62个椎间隙、后纵韧带后方游离髓核63个椎间隙、硬膜囊下疝2个椎间隙。

Treated by higher concentration of EMS,some cells appeared micronuclei,abnormal nucleus,poly nuclei,broken nucleus,and nucleolus losing.


There are two types of maturation according to our observation.One is nucleocapsids obtained its tegument in the nucleus and enveloped from the inner nuclear membrane.Another is nucleocapsids entered cytoplasm through nuclear membrane,then obtained their tegument in the cytoplasm,enveloped from the plasma membrane,finally released by necrosis,exocytosis or other ways.


Results Apoptotic cells were found among normal dentate hilus cells and CA1 cells. Chromatin condensation and clumping could be seen in the apoptotic nuclei. The shrinkage of the nucleus was shown by foldings and whorls of the nuclear membrane. At late stage of apoptosis, the nuclear membranes could be broken.

结果 电镜下,实验组大鼠海马齿状回门区和CA1区内可见散在的凋亡神经元,凋亡神经元主要表现为核周染色体的聚集和凝结成块,其核膜表现为皱缩和扭曲,在晚期凋亡的神经元有时可见核膜破裂。

A 30 min exposure to peroxynitrite (10〓μmol/L) followed by incubation in fresh medium induced apoptosis in cultured cerebellar granule cells, which was confirmed by DNA laddering, chromatin condensation, nuclei fragmentation, and the formation of apoptotic bodies.


RESULTS: In Phaco group, 79.2% of the patients visual acuities at the first day after operation were≥0.3. In this group, the nuclear hardnesses of some patients catract were ≤Ⅲ, and others ≥Ⅳ; complications occurred in the former including capsule rupture and vitreous prolapse(4.3%), corneal edema (22.2%); while the latter were 13.7% and 68.6%, respectively.


Based on the data of directional core drilling, FMI, routine cores and their thinsections, we have described the characteristics of H3 reservoir in Anpeng oil field, Miyang sag. By analyzing the stable isotopes of 20 fracture infillings and 5 groups of acoustic emission, combined with the studies of fracture characteristics and tectonic evolution, the fractures in H3 member were assigned to the regional fracture type which is characterized by the dominance of vertical or highangle extensional fracture, occurring in groups, relatively stable occurrences and out of the control of local nosetype folds. It has been recognized that there are 4 breaking stages, of which the 2nd one is the major stage.


更多网络解释与核破裂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

karyoplasm; caryoplasm; nucleoplasm:核质

胞核 karyon | 核质 karyoplasm; caryoplasm; nucleoplasm | 核破裂 karyoschisis; daryorrhexis


karyorrhexis 核破裂 | karyosome 核微粒 | karyosphere 核球

karyochylema,nuclear sap:核浆,核液,核汁

核胚细胞(最原始之红血球) karyoblast | 核浆,核液,核汁 karyochylema,nuclear sap | 核崩解,核破裂 karyoclasis,karyorrhexis


karyorhexis 核破裂 | karyorrhexis 核破裂 | karyoskeleton 核骨架

karyorrhexis:核破裂 核碎裂

karyoreticulum 核网 | karyorrhexis 核破裂 核碎裂 | karyosome 核体 核微粒


\\"花生饼\\",\\"earthnut cake\\" | \\"核破裂,核崩解\\",\\"earyorrhexis,karyorrhexis\\" | \\"东部马脑炎\\",\\"eastern equine encephalitis,EEE\\"


核液 karyenchyma | 核液 karyochylema | 核崩解核破裂 karyoclasis;karyorrhexis

karyorrhexis;nuclear fragmenta-tion:核破裂

核型小种 karyorace | 核破裂 karyorrhexis;nuclear fragmenta-tion | 染色质核仁 karyosome;chromatin nucleolus

daryorrhexis; karyoschisis:核破裂

\\"核溶解\\",\\"daryolysis\\" | \\"核破裂\\",\\"daryorrhexis; karyoschisis\\" | \\"核微粒\\",\\"daryosome; caryosome\\"

karyoschisis; daryorrhexis:核破裂

核质 karyoplasm; caryoplasm; nucleoplasm | 核破裂 karyoschisis; daryorrhexis | 核质 karyotin; caryotin