英语人>词典>汉英 : 树立信心 的英文翻译,例句
树立信心 的英文翻译、例句


build confidence
更多网络例句与树立信心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you want to have some accomplishments in all life, the most importance is building confidence.


It is most essential to build up your confidence if you want to achieve something in life.


It is most essential to build up your confidence if you want to achieve some thing in life.


It is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards one's own abilities.


Children overcome pica progress should be commended timely so that they win their confidence.


There's nothing like adding a bit more muscle to inspire confidence, swagger and a relatively roughhouse maneuver or two.


He just tried to keep us encouraged and let us know the season wasn't a total loss.


In fact, get the order of the boot is not necessarily bad matter, as long as set up the confidence, the affirmation there will be enchanting sight in spring time again one new atmosphere of the village.


If u wanna have achievement in your life,being confident is most important.


Faced with the severe international financial crisis situation, which is responsible for the staff person to lead authorities to their contact separately Su salt valve company Haiyuan machinery companies, eight giant pharmaceutical companies, chemical companies and other enterprises Nichiha assist analysis of the status quo, to establish confidence , troubleshoot and resolve development problems and re-enacting practical to address the financial tsunami of the development plan.


更多网络解释与树立信心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assertive training:自信训练

2.自信训练(assertive training)很多人的焦虑情绪是因为自己信心不足导致的,让来访者通过一些训练重新树立自信,建立自信心可以缓解焦虑情绪. 3.系统脱敏(systematic desensitization)诱导来访者缓慢地暴露出导致焦虑的情景,

build confidence:树立信心

Bronze Age 青铜器时代 | build confidence 树立信心 | bump into 碰到

brief psychotherapy:简短心理治疗

在干预过程中,为实现稳定情绪的要务,救助队综合运用心理咨询与心理治疗及简短心理治疗(brief psychotherapy)的各种方法, 与被救助者"共情"、"通情"、"结情",引导被救助者宣泄负性情绪,迁移积极情绪,珍爱生命,感恩社会,树立重建美好家园的责任感和信心.

stuff up:塞住,堵住

set off 引起,激起 | stuff up 塞住,堵住 | take heart 受到教育,树立信心

take account of:考虑,重视

take heart 受到鼓励,树立信心 | take account of 考虑,重视 | take pleasure in 以......为乐

take heart:受到鼓励,树立信心

take too far 做得过火 | take heart 受到鼓励,树立信心 | take account of 考虑,重视

take too far:做得过火

take the initiative 采取主动 | take too far 做得过火 | take heart 受到鼓励,树立信心