英语人>词典>汉英 : 标新立异 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与标新立异相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The timing varies but a solid foundation in Steiner education and Anthroposophy is important if the school is to be not just another alternative school.


the instinctive thought is the main form of people's thought, is the base of the creationary thought, so it needs encyclopedical knowledge, rich association of ideas, proper analogy, reasonable extending and developing as well as the rat-fuck courage and courage and insight.


A contrarian by nature, Mr Bondy is of the view that a playwright's work is never so good as in translation in a foreign theatre.


Nowadays novelists aim at novelty either in subject or in style, instead of following the beaten path of conventionality.


Her advanced idea have make her the enfant terrible of the art world.


Her advanced ideas have made her the enfant terrible of the art world.


We went to see a fashion show yesterday.beauties and the rat-fuck dress made us get a eyeful.


Where city employees had been offered flexitime or 4/10 regimes, 64 per cent said the alternative work schedule improved morale, and 41 per cent said it improved productivity - though 9 per cent said the opposite.


Genghis Khan's Mausoleum Genghis Khan,"Khan of Khans", was the great leader of Mongolians. At the...


I have this toy packaging design, I its market position is mainly concentrated in the 15-29 age group of young people, young people are标新立异the crowd.


更多网络解释与标新立异相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bandwagon Effect:潮流效应

也就是说,消费者的消费行为没有相关性,不存在所谓"潮流效应"(bandwagon effect)和"自欺效应"(Snob effect). 前者是人们为追赶潮流,后者是为了标新立异而采取的在独立决策的情况下而不会发生的消费行为.

Bandwagon Effect:从众效应

外部效应又分为从众效应(bandwagon effect)、势力效应(snob effect)和凡勃伦效应. 从众效应是消费者追求潮流,他人购买越多,自己的购买欲望就越强烈;势力效应是消费者追求标新立异和独占性,他人购买越多,自己的购买欲望就越弱;



fashion designer:时装设计师

"这种现状下最高兴的恐怕是时装设计师(fashion designer)以及那些为明星们量身定制、进行形象包装的stylists了. 首先是男装(menswear或men's wear). 除了一些素来喜欢标新立异之族,绝大多数的男星们出场都会着正装(in formal wear),

massed movement:大规模运动

mass transportation 公共交通运输 | massed movement 大规模运动 | maverick a. 标新立异的;持不同意见的

massed movement:大规模运动 ncN无忧研修网

mass transportation 公共交通运输 ncN无忧研修网 | massed movement 大规模运动 ncN无忧研修网 | maverick a. 标新立异的;持不一样意见的 ncN无忧研修网

massed movement:大规模活动

mass production 大量生产 | massed movement 大规模活动 | maverick a. 标新立异的;持不同意见的

musical form:曲式

48:曲式(musical form) 乐曲的组织形式,主要有乐段、二部曲式、三部曲式、回旋曲式、变奏曲式、奏鸣曲式、套 曲式七种. 49:先锋派 (avant-gardism)在文艺领域中,泛指打破一切传统准则,勇于标新立异的作品及其风格. 在音乐上,


far?outer 标新立异的人 | far?outness 极端性 | far?reaching 深远的


3)仿拟(Parody) 仿拟是套用人们熟知的某个谚语、格言、名句,使其产生一种新的意义,从而达到标新立异,加深印象的效果. 例如: Not all cars are created equal.(三菱汽车广告) 这则广告套用了(美国独立宣言)中的"All men are created equal."(人人平等.