英语人>词典>汉英 : 栀子花 的英文翻译,例句
栀子花 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

cape jasmine flower
更多网络例句与栀子花相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So many flowers, my favorite is the gardenia in front of my house.


It took a while, I remember I am not a gardenia, gardenia I was looking at ones!


Another way, is beautiful, said the Flower Gardenia is "the eternal love and agreement."


Any of various shrubs and small trees of the genus Gardenia having large fragrant white or yellow flowers.


My mirror is no longer childish, open gardenia flowers Xie, so is the number of autumn.


Orange blossoms for chastity and purity ,and the lilies of the valley symbolizing "a return of happiness ",were also part of the bouquet ,as were sweetly-scented carnations,gardenias and waxy trumpets of stephanotis.


Another way, is beautiful, said the Flower Gardenia is "the eternal love and agreement."


Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites with collectors in the 18 century, when scent was valued much more highly than it is today.


In addition to Lu Xun's naive nature and fairy tales love, we could see the group of brilliant flowers and grass images such as the white cardenia, the plum and winter plum, the camellias, the hollyhocks, the wild roses and lilies.


The sudden appearance of yellow leaves on plants accustomed to acidic soils-such as azaleas, hydrangeas, and gardenias-could signal a drop in the plant's iron intake or a shift in the ground's pH above a comfortable 5.0 level.


更多网络解释与栀子花相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


无庸置疑地,栀子花(Gardenia)对她而言如同一个象徵─象徵著她最心爱、最具有完美花相与低调香味的山茶花. 而栀子花不仅拥有如山茶花的美貌,同时还散发出香甜却无法被萃取的气味. 对於Chanel女士跟Ernest Beaux的挑战即是:在忠於原始花香的前提下,

Gardenia jasminoides:栀子花

9月8日 小幸福 栀子花(Gardenia jasminoides) 栀子花的花语是"永恒的爱,一生守侯和喜悦" 传说中栀子花的花语是等待的爱情 栀子花的花语:喜悦. 喜欢此花的你有感恩图报之心,以真诚待人,只要别人对你有少许和善,你便报以心灵致谢.

gardenia savona:栀子花

35.三叶草----------- clover | 36.栀子花------------ gardenia savona | 37.雏菊--------------marguerite

gardenia savona:栀子花: 闲雅、清静、幸福者

瑞香: 欢乐、不死 Daphne | 栀子花: 闲雅、清静、幸福者 Gardenia Savona | 金银花: 献爱、诚爱 Honeysuckle

gardenia florida:栀子花, 山栀子

Citric Acid 柠檬酸 (去角质/收敛) | Gardenia florida 栀子花, 山栀子, ... | Lonicera Japonica 金银花, 忍冬

Gardenia in blossom:栀子花开(中文版)

02. 忍不住眼泪 Cannot burden the tear | 03. 栀子花开(中文版) Gardenia in blossom | 04. 栀子花开(英文版) Garednia in blossom

Gardenia in blossom:栀子花开

7.忘情水--Forgiven love | 8.栀子花开--Gardenia in blossom | 9.寓言--God Rest You Merry Gentlemen

Garednia in blossom:栀子花开(英文版)

03. 栀子花开(中文版) Gardenia in blossom | 04. 栀子花开(英文版) Garednia in blossom | 05. 玻璃杯 Glass

The Body Shop White Gardenia:美体小铺白色栀子花女性香水

The Body Shop Velique美体小铺女性香水 | The Body Shop White Gardenia美体小铺白色栀子花女性香水 | The Body Shop White Musk美体小铺白麝香女性香水

Dos gardenias:栀子花

在这次访沪音乐会上,古巴明星将演唱的曲目包括<<乐满哈瓦那>>专辑中的几首名曲,<<锵锵>>(Chan Chan)、<<图拉的房间>>(El Cuar to De Tula)、<<栀子花>>(Dos Gardenias)等,这些乐曲从多个方面诠释了拉丁音乐,该专辑曾获格莱美最佳拉丁音乐奖.