英语人>词典>汉英 : 查理大帝 的英文翻译,例句
查理大帝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

Charles The Great
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Charlemagne ; Carolus renaissance ; historical role


He could sometimes be seen standing by the hour together in front of the sutler's window in the Charlemagne yard, staring like an idiot at the sordid list of prices which began with: garlic, 62 centimes, and ended with: cigar, 5 centimes.


He could sometimes be seen standing by the hour together in front of the sutler's window in the Charlemagne yard, staring like an idiot at the sordid list of prices which began with: garlic, 62 centimes, ended with: cigar, 5 centimes.


In the support of Frank kings especially Charlemagne, monasteries dominated in the social culture.


He had been let loose in the Charlemagne courtyard, the eyes of the watchers were fixed on him.


To appear and to reign, to march and to triumph, to have for halting-places all capitals, to take his grenadiers and to make kings of them, to decree the falls of dynasties, and to transfigure Europe at the pace of a charge; to make you feel that when you threaten you lay your hand on the hilt of the sword of God; to follow in a single man, Hannibal, Caesar, Charlemagne; to be the people of some one who mingles with your dawns the startling announcement of a battle won, to have the cannon of the Invalides to rouse you in the morning, to hurl into abysses of light prodigious words which flame forever, Marengo, Arcola, Austerlitz, Jena, Wagram!


What is certain is, that on the following morning, a "postilion" was flung from the Charlemagne yard into the Lions' Ditch, over the five-story building which separated the two court-yards.


Of this there are many manuscripts It represents the Sacramentary sent by Pope Adrian I to Charlemagne, after it had been rearranged and supplemented by Gelasian and Gallican editions in France.

在这个有许多手稿它代表了S acramentary发出亚德一查理大帝后,已重新安排,并辅以G elasian和高卢圣版在法国。

An opening or recess in a wall .the other by the chapel in which Louis XI caused his statue to be sculptured kneeling in front of the Virgin, and to which he had transferred—indifferent to the fact that thereby two niches were empty in the line of royal statues—those of Charlemagne and Saint-Louis: two saints who, as Kings of France, he supposed to be high in favour in heaven.


Aachen was guaranteed fame and fortune once Charlemagne had selected it as his retreat in 768 AD.


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Carolus Magnus:查理曼大帝

Amyitis 巴比倫小園丁 | Carolus Magnus 查理曼大帝 | Yspahan 伊斯巴罕市集

Monte Cassino:卡西诺山

[[529年]],在[[卡西诺山]](Monte Cassino)建立了[[本笃会|本笃修道院]]. 他为修道院所写的规章,定下了修道院的管理方针和修士道德及生活的准则. 此规章在[[查理大帝]]统治期间广为传播,从此其他修道院均以此为准. 本笃被封为圣徒,


公元 801 年,查理曼大帝(Charlemagne)的儿子路易(Luis el Piadoso)率领军队征 服了巴尔西诺那,驱逐了那里的穆斯林人,巴尔西诺那也就此成为了法兰克王国的一部分.


巴黎"亨利四世"(HENR14)、"路易14"(LOUISLEGRAND)、"阿尔萨斯"(ALSACIEN)、"查理大帝"(CHARLEMAGNE)等四所名校中都能看见华人子弟的身影. 仅"路易大公"一校,在校的华裔学生就有8名,加上近年已经毕业的有20多名. 华裔子弟以勤学和成绩优异找到了自己的位置.

Life of Charlemagne:查理大帝传

Lienhard and Gertrude 林哈德与葛笃德 | Life of Charlemagne 查理大帝传 | Littre-Dictionnaire de La Langue Francaise利特雷法语词典

charlemagne the Great:查理曼大帝

他们的论点获得少数人的支持,但绝大多数在西、法两国教会中的神职人员皆极力反对,甚至引起查理曼大帝(Charlemagne the Great)的干豫,并在七九四年的法兰克福会议(Synod of Frankfort)中被判为异端17.

Isidore of Seville:伊西多尔

他处在两派之间,一边是博埃修斯、卡西多拉斯、格雷哥里及塞维尔的伊西多尔(Isidore of Seville)等,受到古典派或教父派学术直接影响的拉丁注释家,另一边是查理大帝所设立的教会学院的学者们.

palankeen:轿; 肩舆 (名)

paladin 查理大帝, 游侠, 骑士 (名) | palankeen 轿; 肩舆 (名) | palanquin 担在肩上的轿子 (名)

Charles the Great:查理大帝

艾蜜莉.波斯特(Emily Post)美国礼仪专家人物:查理大帝(Charles the Great)是统治欧洲大部地区的法兰克国王. 查理.达尔文(Charles Darwin)以进化论著称的生物学家. 人物:大卫(David)是十世纪时统治以色列的最伟大君王.

Peter I the Great:彼得一世(大帝)

10.欧根亲王 Eugen von Savoyen | 11.彼得一世(大帝)Peter I the Great | 12.查理十二世 Charles XII