英语人>词典>汉英 : 枝脱落 的英文翻译,例句
枝脱落 的英文翻译、例句


twig drop
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The buds on the twig are an important diagnostic characteristic, as are the abscission scars where the leaves have fallen away.


The cones are globose to ovoid, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter with 16-28 scales, arranged in opposite pairs in four rows, each pair at right angles to the adjacent pair; they mature in about 8-9 months after pollination.


Peduncles sparsely glandular hairy or glabrous; stems and branches sparsely pubescent or glabrescent; achenes biconvex, rarely trigonous.

花序梗疏生腺毛或无毛;茎和分枝疏生短柔毛或后脱落;瘦果两面凸,很少三棱。 24 P 。 persicaria 蓼

The age and rate of growth of a twig can be determined by counting the winter terminal bud scale scars, or annular ring marking, down the length of the twig.


The caducous shoots have bud scales at the base, but these are lost soon after the branchlets develop.


Leaf sheaths shorter than internodes, loose, pilose or glabrescent; leaf blades linear, flat or convolute, rigid, 15–30 cm × 5–8 mm, glabrous or hairy, apex finely acuminate; ligule 0.3–0.5 mm. Panicle usually contracted, dense, infrequently looser, 15–35 cm; central axis and branches scabrid-hispidulous; branches 2.5–10 cm, fasciculate in middle part, ascending; pedicels scabrid, apex often with stiff bristles.


Shrubs or lianas, 3-10 m or more; branchlets and inflorescences densely yellowish brown or silver-gray pubescent; branches glabrate, ferruginous-red or dark gray, with light- colored lenticels.


Stipules green, falcate, rarely ovate or ovate-lanceolate, herbaceous, margin sharply serrate or lobed, rarely entire, apex acute or acuminate; petiole sparsely pilose or pubescent; leaf blade interrupted imparipinnate with (2 or)3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, reduced to 3 leaflets on upper leaves; leaflets sessile or shortly petiolulate, obovate, obovate-elliptic, or obovate-lanceolate, 1.5–5 × 1–2.5 cm, abaxially appressed pilose on veins, or densely pubescent or tomentose-pubescent between veins, rarely glabrescent, markedly or sparsely glandular punctate, adaxially pilose, or hirsute or hirtellous on veins, rarely glabrescent, base cuneate to broadly so, margin acutely to obtusely serrate, apex rounded to acute, rarely acuminate. Inflorescence terminal, spicate-racemose, branched or not; rachis pilose.

绿色,镰刀形的托叶,卵形或卵状披针形的很少,草本,边缘锐切成锯齿状或者有叶,很少全缘,先端锐尖或渐尖;叶柄疏生柔毛或短柔毛;叶片间断奇数羽状具(2或)3或4小叶,退化至3小叶在上部叶片上;短的小叶无柄或具小叶柄,倒卵形,倒卵状椭圆形,披针形或倒卵形, 1.5-5 * 1-2.5 厘米,背面的贴伏的具柔毛的在脉上,在脉之间的或密被短柔毛的或被绒毛的短柔毛,很少脱落无毛显著具点,正面具柔毛的或疏生腺体,或具粗毛或在脉上,很少脱落无毛,基部楔形到宽楔形,花序顶生,穗状总状,与否的分枝;轴具柔毛。

Long branch is rufous, show "" the glyph bends, smooth, have stipular thorn or not apparent; Short branch is born in the each other on the long branch of biennial above; Fall off sexual rod is finer, without bud, bunch is born on short branch, after autumn and foliaceous all fall.


Leaves variable, those on previous year's branches usually alternate, those on short branches approximate and often fascicled; petiole 1–2(–3) cm, glabrous, with 2 to 4 nectaries at apex or at base of leaf blade; leaf blade lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, 3–6(–9)× 1–2.5 cm, slightly pilose when young, glabrescent, base broadly cuneate to rounded, margin shallowly densely serrate, apex acute to shortly acuminate.

易变的叶,那些在通常互生的第二年分枝上,那些在短枝紧靠和通常簇生上;叶柄1-2(-3)厘米,无毛,具2在4蜜腺在先端或叶片的在基部;叶片披针形的到椭圆形披针形, 3-6(-9)* 1-2.5 浅的幼时的厘米,稍具柔毛,后脱落,基部宽楔形到圆形,边缘浓密有锯齿,先端锐尖到短渐尖。

更多网络解释与枝脱落相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


4.小鳞茎(bulblet)蒜(Alliumsativum)的花间,常生小球体,具肥厚的小鳞片,称为小鳞茎,也称珠芽(bulbil). 小鳞茎长大后脱落,在适合条件下,发育成一新植株. 百合地上枝的叶腋内,也常形成紫色的小鳞茎. 5.小块茎(tubercle)薯蓣(山药)、秋海棠的腋芽,


4.小鳞茎(bulblet)蒜(Alliumsativum)的花间,常生小球体,具肥厚的小鳞片,称为小鳞茎,也称珠芽(bulbil). 小鳞茎长大后脱落,在适合条件下,发育成一新植株. 百合地上枝的叶腋内,也常形成紫色的小鳞茎. 5.小块茎(tubercle)薯蓣(山药)、秋海棠的腋芽,

Deplumation; Loss of eyelashes; Falling out of eyelashes:睫毛脱落; 秃睫病; 睫毛癣

Dentritic cancer 枝状癌; 乳头状瘤 | Deplumation; Loss of eyelashes; Falling out of eyelashes 睫毛脱落; 秃睫病; 睫毛癣 | Deposition; Deposit 沉积; 沉着


睫毛脱落 madarosis,madema,madesis | 狂痒,假性狂犬病 maditch,pseudorabies | 足分枝菌病,马杜拉足肿 madura foot

Bambusa vulgaris:龍頭竹

箣竹属是世界属,龙头竹(Bambusa vulgaris)是世界种,3大竹区均有分布. 竹叶更新通常每年1次;也有隔年1次的,如1年生以上的毛竹竹株通常每两年换叶 1次. 多数单轴和复轴竹种在老的着叶小枝脱落前,下部各节的休眠芽萌发长成新的着叶小枝;


老时浅灰褐色,纵裂成薄片状脱落,侧生小枝扁平,直展不下垂.种子的种鳞扁平,覆瓦状排列,幼时蓝绿色,成熟时红褐色,通常无翅.实际上,真正称为扁柏的扁柏属(Chamaecyparis)植物除红桧,别名:台湾扁柏(Chamaecyparis formosensis)外,


紫薇紫 薇 (Lagerstroemia) 紫薇,别名痒痒树、百日红. 属千屈菜科,落叶小乔木,高可达7米,枝干屈曲光滑,树皮秋冬块状脱落. 小枝略呈四棱形. 叶对生或近于对生,椭圆形,全缘,先端尖,基部阔圆,叶表平滑无毛,叶背沿中肋有毛. 花圆锥状丛生于枝顶,