英语人>词典>汉英 : 枕中的 的英文翻译,例句
枕中的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
medioccipital  ·  midoccipital

更多网络例句与枕中的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And suggestions on design of the traction and bolster structure of tank car without center sill are given.


Objective:This project chooses the classic Chinese medicine prescription on treating ADHD——Kongsheng Zhenzhong Pill and studies it\'s impact on the signal trasmission of the neurotransmitter DA of the prefrontal cortex-basal ganglial circuit loop in the center of the ADHD animal model——SHR.The project tries to make clear Kongsheng Zhenzhong pill\'s curative effect in animal experiment and explore in depth the mechanism of treating ADHD with Chinese medicine.


The results of in situ hybridization and fluorescence quantitative PCR showed that the gene expression of dopamine receptors(including D1 and D2) in the prefrontal cortex and DRD1 in lentiform nucleus of SHR from the Kongsheng Zhenzhong Pill group is higher than that in the methylphenidate hydrochloride group and both groups are lower than that in the control group:the gene expression of dopamine receptors D2 in the lentiform nucleus from the methylphenidate hydrochloride group is higher than that in the Kongsheng Zhenzhong Pill group while both groups are lower than that from the control group.


Objective To introduce and evaluate the clinical application of Cervifix internal fixation system and allogeneic freeze drying,radiation sterilization bone sheet in craniocervical fusion surgery for occipitocervical instability patients.

目的 介绍Cervifix枕颈内固定系统及同种异体骨板在枕颈融合术中的应用并评价其疗效。

Objective To introduce and evaluate the clinical application of Cervifix internal fixation system and allogeneic freezedrying,radiation sterilization bone sheet in craniocervical fusion surgery for occipitocervical instability patients.

目的 介绍Cervifix枕颈内固定系统及同种异体骨板在枕颈融合术中的应用并评价其疗效。

RESULTS: Aggressie behaior was found in 3 patients (7.3%) among 41 patients with posterior cerebral artery stroke. One patient had right occipitotemporal and entrolateral thalamic stroke. The second patient had left occipitotemporal and lateral thalamic stroke. The third patient had right isolated occipital stroke.


In comparison with healthy comparison participants, major depression showed increased activation in right middle occipital gyrus(BA18), left postcentral gyrus(BA5), left precuneus(BA7) and right hippocampus and decreased activation in middle frontal gyrus when explicit recognition of sad faces.


Golden Millet Dream (from the story of a poor scholar who dreamt that he had become a high official but awoke to find only the pot of millet still cooking on the fire);pipe dream


Golden Millet Dream (from the story of a poor scholar who dreamt that he had become a high official but awoke to find only the pot of millet still cooking on the fire);pipe dream


Golden Millet Dream (from the story of a poor scholar who dreamt that he had become a high official but awoke to find only the pot of millet still cooking on the fire);pipe dream


更多网络解释与枕中的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


03. Tomorrow's Promise 明日的承诺 | 04. Bittersweet 苦中有乐 | 05. To Sleep on Angel's Wings 与天使共枕

cervical plexus:颈丛

1.颈丛(cervical plexus) 由颈神经1-4的前支组成,位于中斜角肌和肩胛提肌的前方,胸锁乳突肌上部的深面. 颈丛发出皮支和肌支,皮支主要有枕小神经、耳大神经、颈皮神经、锁骨上 神经等. 这些神经分布于枕部、耳廓周围、颈前部、锁骨区等皮肤.


包括头骨(cranium)和下颌骨(mandible)二部分. 头骨的特征是一块枕骨,具有二个枕髁;三块听骨,即镫骨、槌骨和砧骨. 后二块骨头系由爬行类中连接下颌骨与头骨的方骨和关节骨转化而来;有隔开口腔和鼻孔的次生腭骨. 下颌骨或叫齿骨(dentary),

Crested Myna:(中国)八哥

(澳大利亚)斑胸草雀Zebra Finch――鸟中珍珠 | (中国)八哥Crested Myna――画家的偏爱 | (中国)黑枕黄鹂Oriolus Chinensis――诗人的宠儿


2 .下降 (descent)胎头沿骨盆轴前进的动作 3 .俯屈(flexion)当胎头以枕额径进入骨盆腔后,继续下降至骨盆低时,原来处于半俯屈的胎头枕部遇肛提肌阻力,借杠杆作用进一步俯屈4.内旋转 (internal rotation)胎头达到中骨盆为适应骨盆纵轴而旋转,

pillow lava:枕状熔岩

枕状熔岩(Pillow Lava) 具有枕状构造并认为是在水下环境中枕状熔岩形成的那些熔岩的总称. 它由稍不规则的椭圆体或多数球体聚集而成,在每个椭圆体上发育有从中心向外放射的裂隙,看上去就像枕头似的(见图). 椭球体的中心由较粗粒的岩石组成,...

temporal lobe:颞叶

3.颞叶(temporal lobe) 在外侧沟下方,有两条与其平行的颞上、下沟,将颞叶外侧面分为颞上、中、下回. 在颞上回的上面卷入外侧沟的脑回称颞横回(transverse temporal gyrus). 在底面,有一条与枕颞沟相平行的深沟,称侧副沟.

pincushion distortion:枕形失真

枕形失真(Pincushion Distortion)枕形失真是由镜头引起的画面向中间"收缩"的现象. 我们在使用长焦镜头或使用变焦镜头的长焦端时,最容易察觉枕形失真现象. 特别是在使用焦距转换器后,枕形失真很容易便会发生. 当画面中有直线(尤其是靠近相框边缘的直线)的时候,


匐行性脱发(ophiasis)最先是由Galen所描述. 它是斑秃中的一种特殊类型. oph是蛇形的意思,iasis是脱发的意思,简单的称为蛇形脱发. 它好发于儿童,但也可见于成人,好发于发际处,特别是颞部或侧枕部,当然也可能发生头顶部,尤其是后顶部.

center bearing anchor bar:中摇枕拱板(三轴转向架)

center back || 排球队或手球队站在后排中间的后卫 | center bearing anchor bar || 中摇枕拱板(三轴转向架) | center bearing beam || 中摇枕