英语人>词典>汉英 : 构成主义者 的英文翻译,例句
构成主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与构成主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Following Democritus, he believed that the world consisted of atoms.


The first force underlying the disintegration of the earlier form of globalization was protectionist interests, shown most decisively in the United States in the interwar years.


And this, in turn, constituted an important part of the material basis on which the struggle was waged to end legal segregation and open terror by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacists—a struggle which, through tremendous sacrifice and heroism, brought about very significant changes in U.S. society, and in the position of Black people in particular, even while it did not, and could not, put an end to the oppression of Black people, which has been, and today remains, an integral and essential element of the capitalist-imperialist system in the U.S.


Mystical theology begins by reviewing the various descriptions of extraordinary contemplation, contained in the works of mystics and of writers on mystical subjects, and the divisions which help to describe its various phases, indicating chiefly whether it consists of an enlargement or elevation of knowledge, or of absorption in the Divine vision, or, again, whether the cherubic, ie, intellectual, or seraphic, ie, affective, element predominates.

神秘的神学开始通过审查的各项说明非同寻常的沉思,载于该工程的神秘主义者和作家对神秘的科目,并进行记名表决时,协助来形容它的各个阶段,显示主要有否构成的扩大或海拔的知识,或吸收在神的眼光,或再次,是否cherubic ,即智力,或seraphic ,即情感,元素占主导地位。

Kazimir Malevich also worked in the constructivist style, though he is better known for his earlier suprematism and ran his own competing group in Vitebsk.

Kazimir Malevich也曾以构成主义者风格来从事创作,虽然他因早期的至上主义而广为人知,且在Vitebsk有经营自己的竞争团队。

One structuralist, Titchener, claim there were a total of 46708 basic sensations that combined to form the structure of the human mind, but the approach was very limited in its ability to explain and was replaced by functionalism.


In some ways this is a sign of Wikipedia's maturity and importance: a project of this scale needs rules to govern how it works. But the proliferation of rules, and the fact that select Wikipedians have learnt how to handle them to win arguments, now represents a danger, says Andrew Lih, a former deletionist who is now an inclusionist, and who is writing a book about Wikipedia.

在某种程度上,这是维基成熟以及重要性的标注,这么大规模的项目需要规则来管理其运行,但是规则的泛滥,而且Andrew Lih(一个前删除主义者,现在是一个收录主义者,他正在写了一本有关于维基的书)认为那些被选择的知道游戏规则的维基人已经构成威胁。

Wilders went on to criticize Europe and America for failing to realize the threat posed by Islam in general, and not just the smaller number of violent jihadists that most Western leaders insist comprise the whole of the problem.

Wilders 接著批评欧美未能体认到是整体伊斯兰所加诸的威胁,而不是如大多数西方领袖所坚持的,是少数暴力的圣战主义者构成全部的问题。

Others, representing the safer, more conventional wisdom, will insist that all the constitutional compromise on slavery—the omission of abolitionist sentiments from the original draft of the Declaration, the Three-fifths Clause and the Fugitive Slave Clause and the Importation Clause, the self-imposed gag rule that the Twenty-fourth Congress would place on all debate regarding the issue of slavery, the very structure of federalism and the Senate—was a necessary, if unfortunate, requirement for the formation of the Union; that in their silence, the Founders only sought to postpone what they were certain would be slavery's ultimate demise; that this single lapse cannot detract from the genius of the Constitution, which permitted the space for abolitionists to rally and the debate to proceed, and provided the framework by which, after the Civil War had been fought, the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments could be passed, and the Union finally perfected.


His bold black and white designs are influenced by Russian Constructivist art of the nineteen twenties.


更多网络解释与构成主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

constitutes a majority of one:都构成一个人的大多数

He once said, "Any man more right than his neighbors|他说过,"任何比邻居要更正... | constitutes a majority of one."|都构成一个人的大多数," | Thoreau the idealist could never know|梭罗这个理想主义者可能永...


两个职 ..我并不打算在这个问题上花太多功夫,但我也下决心要把一件事一直讲到明白无误为止:意义是多种多样的. 这个问题为什么重要?因为我们在讨论教学的时候经常要谈到意义. 比方说,谈到经典构成主义者(constructivist)的 ..


现代者们对玻璃和纤细钢材感兴趣,是因为它们是能使构造"非物质化"(dematerialize)的理想材料. 构成主义者甚至象雕塑家们那样进行建造,分解和释放空间. 在立体主义,至上主义者,莫利-纳吉(Moholy-Nagy)和其他人之前,空间总是被理解为约束性的边界.


依照吉尔松的说法,这种学术的和政治的混战的最终结果是"到了十四世纪末的时候,多米尼克托钵僧(friar )们--他们曾构成托马斯主义者的主体--已经被驱逐出了巴黎大学的基督教研究活动中心;此外,




为了描述这些理论框架,我们会使用这样的一些术语--构成主义者(constructivists)、解释主义者、女权主义者、方法论者、后现代思想家、"心目中的"(with a heart)实证主义者、自然主义(naturalistic)研究者.


constructivist 构成派成员 | positivist 实证主义者,实证哲学家 | reservist 后备军人,在乡军人


权力表现的形式不外乎设立标准尤其是判别人与动物,文明与野蛮、理性与非理性的标准. 女权主义者认为,抵制现存权力关系的方法是重述原始故事,通过重述(retell)而企图把女人建构成"我们". [12]