英语人>词典>汉英 : 极右派的 的英文翻译,例句
极右派的 的英文翻译、例句


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After the execution, the case became a cause celebre for the Flemish extreme right.


But many voters turned to the far-right National Front, which secured 17.8% in the regions in which it was on the ballot in the second round of voting.


Some suggest that supporters for the far-right former paratrooper are disguising themselves as Sarkozy voters in the polls.


The far-right National Front, which Mr Sarkozy defanged in 2007, rebounded to double figures.


Mr Netanyahu's bid for PM was boosted on Thursday when he won the backing of the far-right Yisrael Beiteinu party.


But analysts predict that far-right parties, many of them running on anti-immigration platforms, will score gains in this vote.


Despite the best efforts of new groups such as the Magyar Garda, a nationalist organisation whose members march in formation and wear black uniforms, support for the far-right nationally remains at two or three percent.


A pioneering investigative journalist, specialising in exposés of far-right and neo-Nazi movements, he was repeatedly threatened.


Messrs Kapur and Macleod suggest there may even be a link between the growth of profits as a proportion of national income and the rising popularity of far-right European parties such as the National Front in France.

Messrs Kapur和麦克劳建议,作为国家收入的一部分,利润增长可能与欧洲的极右派的声望渐高有所联系。

There is virtually NO ONE in America (talk radio nutters and Fox News aside) who is gung-ho to go to war.

1, 今天在美国几乎没有人(广播脱口秀极右派的疯子与福斯新闻除外[2])能霸道的主张战争。

更多网络解释与极右派的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


breach of trust背信, 违约 | resurface重新浮现;重新出现 | far-right极右派的, 极端保守主义的

far-back:古代的; 遥远的

far right 极右派; 极端保守主义 | far-back 古代的; 遥远的 | far-famed 驰名的; 威名远播的