英语人>词典>汉英 : 杜鹃 的英文翻译,例句
杜鹃 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与杜鹃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Traillianum and R. adenogynum. The called "Alpine Rhododendron Garden" From Baitoushan to bandahua is composed of these two species.


I'm not her, she died last year, i'm her daughter Azalea.


Results showed a high-purity and a good-integrity DNA can be obtained from the preserved fresh leaves of Camellia azalea, using the methods of modified CTAB and SDS subarea. The DNA extracting quality from the leaves preserved with silica gel by the methods of modified CTAB and SDS subarea is high, which is the same as from the leaves preserved at the -200C and liquid nitrogen, So these preserving methods are suitable for the fresh leaves of Camellia azalea, including for it from distant place.


The shape of their conidiospore is round, spindly, bacilliform, and so on.


A time when the cuckoo birds, it is a time when the rhododendrons bloom, see the ancients to have red lips cuckoo that it suffered in Spring's song, not only because of hemoptysis, and the bright red rhododendron is the cuckoo expectorate the blood falling on the result.


I used to record most non-singing cuckoos as "unidentified", but looked very closely at cuckoos this spring in the hope of finding Indian Cuculus micropterus .


Incidentally,"Oriental Cuckoo" may be split into two species, Horsfield's Cuckoo Cuculus horsfieldi and Himalayan Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus .


In three year's rehabilitation after deforest, the aboveground phytomass of Salix spp. Caragana jubata, Dasiphora futicosa and R.

柳、头花杜鹃、鬼箭锦鸡儿和百里香杜鹃在恢复初期形成的地上植物量较高,分别达到35.3、31.0、23.7和21.5 g/m〓;而金露梅和烈香杜鹃较低,为4.4和1.5 g/m〓。

In vitro inoculation technology of Rhododendron fortunei L . with ericoid mycorrhizal fungi and its inoculation effect;2. Observation on Microstructure of Mycorrhizal Root of Rhododendron fortunei L .;3. In this experiment, Rhododendron fortunei L .


Light takes about 13,000 years to reach us from 47 Tuc which can be seen on the sky near the Small Magellanic Cloud in the southern constellation of Tucana.


更多网络解释与杜鹃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

R.parvifolium Adams:小叶杜鹃

黄绿杜鹃 R.chloranthum | 小叶杜鹃 R.parvifolium Adams | 单色杜鹃 R.tapetiforme Barf.F.et Wand

Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset et Morre:五叶杜鹃(日本)

锦绣杜鹃(陈嵘) Rhododendron pulchrum Sweet | 五叶杜鹃(日本) Rhododendron quinquefolium Bisset et Morre | 小叶三叶杜鹃(日本) Rhododendron reticulatum D.Don

The Cuckoo:杜鹃

[杜鹃记事] [春天的杜鹃](The Cuckoo)是叙述一个别名「杜鹃」的北欧拉普族(Lapp)女子的故事. 拉普族是一个散居在北欧挪威、瑞典及芬兰的民族,在俄国约有1500名拉普族人住在现今的柯尔斯基半岛(Kolsky)上. 拉普族在北欧是最古老民族的后裔,

Oriental Cuckoo:中杜鹃

0193# 大杜鹃 Eurasian Cuckoo | 0194# 中杜鹃 Oriental Cuckoo | 0195# 小杜鹃 Lesser Cuckoo

Rhododendron decorum:大白杜鹃

Rhododendron davidii 腺果杜鹃 | Rhododendron decorum 大白杜鹃 | Rhododendron decorum ssp. diaprepes 高尚大白杜鹃

Rh. decorum:大白杜鹃

亮鳞杜鹃 Rh. heliepis | 大白杜鹃 Rh. decorum | 树生杜鹃 Rh. dendrocharis

R. haematodes Frsanch. Blood-like Rhodo- dendron:似血杜鹃

杜鹃(天目杜鹃) R. fortunei Lindl. Fortune Rhododenron | 似血杜鹃 R. haematodes Frsanch. Blood-like Rhodo- dendron | 光枝杜鹃(灏富杜鹃) R. haofui Chun et Fang Bared Branches Rhododendron

Rhododendron campylogynum:弯柱杜鹃

3459 弯果杜鹃 Rhododendron campylocarpum | 3460 弯柱杜鹃 Rhododendron campylogynum | 3461 头花杜鹃 Rhododendron capitatum

Cucuts tartarus amarus:大杜鹃

(94)四声杜鹃 Cuculus micropterus micropterus | (95)大杜鹃 Cucuts tartarus amarus | (96)中杜鹃 Cuculus saturatus horsfieldi


鹃形目(Cuculiformes)杜鹃科(Cuculidae)鸟类. 常指杜鹃亚科(Cuculinae)和地鹃亚科(Phaenicophaeinae)的约60种树栖种类. 杜鹃科分布于全球的温带和热带地区,在东半球热带种类尤多. 杜鹃栖息于植被稠密的地方,胆怯,常闻其声而不见其形.