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杜埃 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The Councillor of the Royal Court of Douai, who was presiding over this session of the assizes at Arras, was acquainted, in common with the rest of the world, with this name which was so profoundly and universally honored


The Councillor of the Royal Court of Douai, who was presiding over this session of the assize s at Arras, was acquainted, in common with the rest of the world, with this name which was so profoundly and universally honored


The publication of this decision aroused all enlightened Catholics, and the "case of conscience" was condemned by Clement XI (1703), by Cardinal de Noailles, Archbishop of Paris, by a large number of bishops, and finally by the faculties of theology of Louvain, Douai, and Paris.

该刊物的这一决定引起了所有开明的天主教徒,以及"一案的良心"的谴责克莱门特十一( 1703 ),由红衣主教诺阿耶,巴黎大主教,通过大量的主教,并最终由学院神学比利时鲁汶,杜埃和巴黎。

Elton, and this is the only way I have of doing him a service.


The publication of this decision aroused all enlightened Catholics, and the "case of conscience" was condemned by Clement XI (1703), by Cardinal de Noailles, Archbishop of Paris, by a large number of bishops, and finally by the faculties of theology of Louvain, Douai, and Paris.

该刊物的这一决定引起了所有开明的天主教徒,以及&一案的良心&的谴责克莱门特十一( 1703 ),由红衣主教诺阿耶,巴黎大主教,通过大量的主教,并最终由学院神学比利时鲁汶,杜埃和巴黎。

The publication of this decision aroused all enlightened Catholics, and the "case of conscience" was condemned by Clement XI (1703), by Cardinal de Noailles, Archbishop of Paris, by a large number of bishops, and finally by the faculties of theology of Louvain, Douai, and Paris.

公布这一决定引起了所有开明的天主教徒,和&案件的良心&的谴责,克莱门特第十一章( 1703 ),由德noailles枢机主教,大主教巴黎,由大量的主教,最后由学院的神学鲁汶,杜埃,和巴黎。

Among these the Encyclical "Aeterni Patris" mentions Paris, Salamanca, Alcalá Douai, Toulouse, Louvain, Padua, Bologna, Naples, and Coimbra as "the homes of human wisdom where Thomas reigned supreme, and the minds of all, teachers as well as taught, rested in wonderful harmony under the shield and authority of the Angelic Doctor".

其中的通谕& Aeterni祖国报&提到巴黎,萨拉曼卡,阿尔卡拉杜埃,图卢兹,鲁汶,帕多瓦,博洛尼亚,那不勒斯,和科英布拉的&家园人类智慧的最高统治地位,托马斯和思想的一切,教师以及教,休息的美妙和谐的盾牌和权威的天使博士&。

The French president spoke in Douai, which is home to a major Renault car factory.


By the decision of the general chapter of 1625, the direction of the friars was carried on from Douai, where the English Franciscans had a convent, but in 1629 it was entrusted to the general of the order.


Concerts from Madrid,Douai and Geneve called off


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Dumouriez, Charles, General:杜穆里埃将军 / 杜穆里埃将军

Dumbarton Oaks Conference 敦巴顿橡园会议 | Dumouriez, Charles, General 杜穆里埃将军 / 杜穆里埃将军 | Dunkirk 敦刻尔克 / 邓扣克

Dumouriez, Charles, General:杜穆 埃将军 / 杜穆 埃将军

Dumbarton Oaks Conference 敦巴顿橡园会议 | Dumouriez, Charles, General 杜穆 埃将军 / 杜穆 埃将军 | Dunkirk 敦刻尔克 / 邓扣克


从杜布洛尼 (DBV)起飞的机票 - 快速、全面航班搜寻从克罗埃西亚 (HR)杜布洛尼 (DBV)起飞的航班从杜布洛尼 (DBV)机场起飞的航班?从 杜布洛尼 (DBV) 起飞的廉价航班 - 快速、全面航班搜寻 © Skyscanner Ltd 2002 2009


WhirlpoolCorporation惠耳普公司 | WHIST,MarthaDuenasde玛尔塔.杜埃尼亚斯.德维斯特 | WHITAKER-SALLES,JoaquimAugusto若阿金.奥古斯托.惠塔克-萨莱斯

WHIST, Martha Duenas de:玛尔塔.杜埃尼亚斯.德维斯特

Whirlpool Corporation;惠耳普公司;; | WHIST, Martha Duenas de;玛尔塔.杜埃尼亚斯.德维斯特;; | WHITAKER-SALLES, Joaquim Augusto;若阿金.奥古斯托.惠塔克-萨莱斯;;

DE WHIST, Martha Duenas:玛尔塔.杜埃尼亚斯.德维斯特

DE WET, A. M.;德韦特;; | DE WHIST, Martha Duenas;玛尔塔.杜埃尼亚斯.德维斯特;; | DE ZARCO, Teresa B.;特雷莎.德萨尔科;;

DOUMA, Emmanuel:埃马纽埃尔.杜马

Doul;杜尔;; | DOUMA, Emmanuel;埃马纽埃尔.杜马;; | DOUMBIA, Amara;阿马拉.敦比亚;;




15. the society of Jesus 天主教的耶酥会 | 16. Douai 杜埃(法国地名) | 17. Jesuit 天主耶酥会会士


Dijon 第戎国立音乐学院; | Douai 杜埃国立音乐学院; | Grand Chalon 大沙隆国立音乐学院;