英语人>词典>汉英 : 杂谈 的英文翻译,例句
杂谈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

tittle-tattle · tittle-tattles · tittle-tattling · by-talk
更多网络例句与杂谈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is my abnegation day today, which is actually not mine, but his. That spirit fraught with emotion and avidity has going blighted over the past two years. He was perspicacious enough to discover the essence of the mundane world and consequently consigned his body to me. I am obliged to assume his responsibilities in the world from now on, until life comes to an end. It is hard to anticipate whether he will have the opportunity to resuscitate, which may happen only after an huge period of time.

杂谈 今天是我的祭日,其实不是"我"的,是"他"的,那个充满欲望与感情的灵魂在这两年多的时间里慢慢枯萎了,他看到的这世界的本质,所以将身体托付给了我,从今天起我将承担他在这个世界上的义务,直到轮回结束,我不知道有没有机会让他复活,即使有,也是很久以后的事了。

Blue Jade, also known as "blue fish dog","Anabaena."

杂谈 蓝翡翠亦称"蓝鱼狗"、"鱼腥"。

The Second day of New Year, Andrea is four months old!


Objective To study the anti-inflammatory activity of the water extract from Radix et Caulis Ilicis Asprellae.

杂谈 目的研究岗梅水提取物的抗炎作用。

Refreshing cobalt blue, vibrant green, eye-catching tartrazine in overjoyed ......


On wednesday we diddn't need to wear our uniform ,because we had to give money to the Community Chest.

杂谈我在星期三的时候我们可以不穿校服!!因为今天我们是要给钱那个 Community Chest 先可以不穿校服。

From the 50s of last century's first prestressed concrete bridge built so far, especially since the reform and opening up, China has built a large number of prestressed concrete bridge.

杂谈 从上世纪50年代首座预应力混凝土桥梁修建至今,特别是改革开放以来,我国已经修建了大量的预应力混凝土桥梁。

The Russians understand it too Therefore, diminishment of the affluent, through the impact of inflation on their investments, will not even provide material short-term aid to those who are not affluent.


Objective:To evaluate the effects of laparoscopic excision of benign tumor of seminal vesicle.

杂谈 目的:探讨腹腔镜手术治疗精囊良性肿瘤的效果。

Three-in-one pump, filter set, surfing functions and processing of oxygen.

杂谈 三合一泵,集过滤、冲浪和加氧功能于一身。

更多网络解释与杂谈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

August Rush:八月迷情

[杂谈随感]>(August Rush)电影原声大碟. ... [杂谈随感]>(August Rush)电影原声大碟_音乐天地_天涯社区 ...

A Miscellany of Men:杂谈

137. A Millionaire of Yesterday 昨日富豪 | 138. A Miscellany of Men 杂谈 | 139. A Modest Proposal 一个小小的建议


分类:尚书杂谈 | 评论: 5 | 浏览:00 | 推荐指数:0 | 星期(Sunday) 晴分类:尚书杂谈 | 评论: | 浏览:19 | 推荐指数:0 | 星期三(Wednesday) 晴分类:尚书杂谈 | 评论: 0 | 浏览:1 | 推荐指数:0 | 星期(Saturday) 晴分类:尚书杂谈

Tittle-tattle:闲聊, 杂谈

relatively invariant functional 相对不变泛函 | tittle-tattle 闲聊, 杂谈 | head smut 丝黑穗病

Daily Conversations:日常杂谈

创业 Starting a Business | 29 日常杂谈 Daily Conversations | 天气 Weather

Daily Conversations:第二节 日常杂谈

138.创业Starting a Business | 第二节 日常杂谈Daily Conversations | 139.天气Weather

Daily Conversations:常杂谈

创业 Starting a Business | 29 常杂谈Daily Conversations | 天气 Weather


by-place 偏僻地方 | by-talk 杂谈 | by-time 余暇

Art .Jingle:艺苑杂谈

Travel .Jingle旅游度假(INET) | Art .Jingle艺苑杂谈(INET) | Music .Jingle音乐之声(INET)

Art .Jingle:艺苑杂谈(本站)

Student .Jingle校园之声(本站) | Art .Jingle艺苑杂谈(本站) | Discussion .Jingle站务商议(本站)