英语人>词典>汉英 : 杀气 的英文翻译,例句
杀气 的英文翻译、例句


murderous look
更多网络例句与杀气相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was intend to have a "4" in my upper, but it turns out to be something close to "infinite symbol" or a tilted "8". The black upper fits me great especially make my foot looks longer. The basic idea comes from converse wade OX, the shoe has an all black upper instead of its toe box, the only weak point is its lack of support. That's the reason why I have bracelet all over my concept rendering.

我个人很偏好Converse wade OX 的设计,整双鞋除了鞋头外都是黑色的,配上NIKE黑袜就是有一种杀气(也可以修饰我脚短:kenlu_2:),唯一美中不足的是保护不够,所以加了类似绷带的白色粗线条在鞋身上,这整个想法都还很粗陋,我只是想用手边的工具努力的表达我脑中的想法,如有伤眼还请多多包涵:kenlu_3

On the open plains, there is no more devastating a sight than an army of Boyar Sons riding with javelin in hand and all manner of armour and weapons glistening in the sun.


Actually a lot of the 'boys' seem to have done the same, so I'm guessing we could expect more combativeness from them in the future, which is why I wonder just how many players will come in.


Drummer of "zuo you kai gong ","Bu impact","interspersed ancient","playing the opening and closing of the Big Dipper"; gong hands of "fan kou downfield,""bow after rebate"; cymbals hand there are the "big cymbals high over""front flip", as well as the "single-turn", the "double double","Ramp forks,""are forks," and so on, drums cymbals gongs here has become the sword swords and guns, will be Wei performer has become a single, powerful magnificent, a murderous look,"Dance" has become the "arms."


I'm fagged out as it is without you venting your spleen on me!


Abrupt one day, a fighter of mysterious " foot " comes to the village, he set a snow-white flix on simple armor, he sends out all over the charm that gives to cannot be kept out, of course, still have that thrusting vent one's ill feeling.


Their legs moved a little jerkily like well-made wooden dolls and they carried pillars of black fear about them.


In fact, in these soul-stirring 64 matches,more than murderous look friendship between countries should be!


Hell for some time, full of murderous look will become more angry.


Following is an excerpt from that Marxist big character poster, the wording of which incorporated a unique Western flavor into a stridency matching the most radical Chinese activists


更多网络解释与杀气相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They strolled decorously on the seafront:他们优雅地在海边马路上漫步

We dined alfresco on an Italian sidewalk. 我们在一个意大利式的... | They strolled decorously on the seafront. 他们优雅地在海边马路上漫步. | A masked man ran amok in the town square. 一个戴面具的人 杀气...


strong-willed: 坚定, 坚持 | displayed: 发出 | deadly: 杀气




murderouslook 杀气 | mure 用墙壁围绕 | mure 幽禁


"电极"(Pole)乐队无法描述的静态噪音残酷地蔓延. 昏黄的台灯底下,你的手像奔向最后一杯"杀气"的醉鬼一样输入一个最顺手的词,大脑开始脱离身体,向另一套神经系统转进. 在最后的朦胧中,想起另一只手的姿态,


" 四散溢流的杀气浓度达到顶点 魔力全数集结的瞬间,女子手中金色的长刃,陡然变成一锋耀眼的炽白-- -- "明命(Radiant Lifey)---------------- 以无可比拟之速度,女子手中的炽白之色自上而下地向前疾闪而出 ---------------咆哮(Roar)!

Running Scared:杀气冲天

形式有些玩过头的片子, 从这一点上它就比>(Running Scared)逊色很多. 布鲁斯威利斯、乔什哈内特、摩根弗里曼、本金斯利、刘玉玲一堆的明星并没有给影片加分. 如果你喜欢复杂的剧情, 惊诧的结尾, 喜欢动脑思考的话, 建议看一看.

Running Scared:招积妙探

Running Scared 杀气冲天 1983 | Running Scared 招积妙探 1986 | Rush Hour 2 尖峰时刻 2 2001


'流光'(streamer)'华诞''飞星'(Meteoren)'流光'(streamer)半透明之剑,细剑,折射阳光. "有杀气!?"堂吉诃德神色异常的说道:"树状神经网络(Abstract)(不懂得查百科). ON.共感者(Thefeeling)开启!"另一边,闭上了眼睛,