英语人>词典>汉英 : 机会主义 的英文翻译,例句
机会主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与机会主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is followed by applying empirical data to test the effect ofalternative accounting treatment on the proxy contract.


Idealism and mechanical materialism, opportunism and adventurism, are all characterized by the breach between the subjective and the objective, by the separation of knowledge from practice.


In the family business, the executive is subjected to both of encouragement and restriction coming from family interest and affectionateness, so there are few chances the moral risk and the opportunism behaviors of the executives will occur.


There are two kinds of opportunism, being slow and being hasty


Just for incomplete information and asymmetrical information, there are principal's opportunism and agency's opportunism.


Therefore, it analyzes the theory of opportunism behavior, credit behavior and cost of transaction to conclude that opportunism behavior is determined by single game, the length of time of cooperation and prior probability of repeated game.


The opportunism of Chang Kuo-tao, however, was Right opportunism in the revolutionary war and was a combination of retreatist line, warlordism and anti-Party activity.


So the purpose of this research is using social network analysis method, developing a systematic explanative understanding about the opportunism behavior of smaller firms in the Asymmetric Strategic Alliance Networks, including antecedents and consequences of opportunism, the control of opportunism and diffusion process of opportunism in the networks.


Consequently, every enterprise may act opportunistically, but opportunism is harmful to the maintenance and development of the partnership between enterprises, and has passive effects on the whole supply chain.


The cause that opportunism behavior produces in alliance has brought forward the main body of a book to strategy first on the analysis being in progress, here basis keeping watch the alliance middle opportunism behavior relevance countermeasure.


更多网络解释与机会主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the fastidious refinement and aloofness:那种眉高于顶的高雅超脱

an openly avowed and cynical contempt 直言不讳而又冷嘲热讽的鄙视 | the fastidious refinement and aloofness那种眉高于顶的高雅超脱 | catchpenny opportunism聚财机会主义

categorical brevity:绝对简洁

catchpenny opportunism聚财机会主义 | categorical brevity绝对简洁 | the wearsome monotony单调乏味


至于防止误解的说明(caveat),我们认识到了契约法除了防止机会主义行为之外,它的另一个重要功能是:通过加入遗漏条款而使当事人的协议变得更为完满. 这一功能也与契约履行的相继性有关. 对当事人而言,履约所花的时间越长--并且应记住,


根据戴维.莱克(David Lake)的归纳,国家在对外安全关系中经常面临其伙伴的三种机会主义行为:抛弃( abandonment) 、陷入( entrapment)和剥削( exp loitation) .

Accounting fraud:会计欺诈

[中文摘要]会计欺诈(Accounting fraud)是会计主体在会计活动中,管理方出于不良动机有意虚构会计信息,或者披露被歪曲的财务状况以谋求非法利益的一种机会主义行为.


"机会主义" (Opportunism)一词我们并不陌生,在许多社会科学的文献中都可以找到它. 在西方新制度经济学未被我国学者熟知之前,人们对它的认识多是从党史和有关社会主义的文献得到的. 比如说"左倾机会主义"、"右倾机会主义"等. 近

rightist opportunism:右倾机会主义

right wing 右翼 | rightist opportunism 右倾机会主义 | Rockefeller, John D. 克菲

catchpenny opportunism:聚财机会主义

the fastidious refinement and aloofness那种眉高于顶的高雅超脱 | catchpenny opportunism聚财机会主义 | categorical brevity绝对简洁


opportunism /临机应变主义/机会主义/投机主义/ | opportunist /机会主义者/投机取巧者/ | opportunistic /机会主义的/投机取巧的/


进行交易的个人都是有限理性的(boundedly rational)和机会主义的(opportunistic). 有限理性是指个人在交易过程中不可能考虑到所有的意外因素(contigencies),这将增加事前起草合约的成本,同时也将增加事后解决意外情况的成本.