英语人>词典>汉英 : 机会主义者 的英文翻译,例句
机会主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
opportunist  ·  opportunists

更多网络例句与机会主义者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Wagner was a ruthless opportunist and an outspoken anti-Semite with an ego on par with the grandiosity of his operas.


They were chased and caught by a detachment of soldiers who persuaded them to give up the horses, so the incident ended in no trouble -- expect that one of the soldiers happened to be infected and the Assiniboin horse thieves innocently took the disease home.


Both arecalm under pressure, youngish and astutely opportunistic. Mr Cameron is a decent orator, if not quite anObaman one.


If I know aught of the spirit and purpose of our Nation, we will not listen to Comfort, Opportunism, and Timidity.


We need to design as the designer of fun, to enjoy a solid work hard, and the staff are good; do not need to rush the guests, unprincipled opportunist, not to appreciate the flattery of the people Ayu.


If the first category were empiricist that might be opportunist,the second category were idealist that might believe in doctrinairism.


But, the main chance and chance are much, become an opportunist to do not have inevitable connection together.


I'm an opportunist; Flair was an opportunist.


Marxist-Leninists want power and they see to it that it is not seized by opportunists.


The revisionists, the Right opportunists, pay lip service to Marxism; they too attack "dogmatism".


更多网络解释与机会主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bon voyage:一路顺风

>或者>(Bon Voyage)有纹风不动的讽刺意味,幽了戏里趁火打劫陞官发财的机会主义者一默,译作莫名其妙的>,扯佳人衫尾的情天已经泥菩萨过江,实在没有能力超渡企图搭顺风车的不速之客.

Lascaux Cave Paintings:洞穴的绘画(在线测试题)

Opportunists and Competitors机会主义者和竞争者(在线测试题) | Lascaux Cave Paintings洞穴的绘画(在线测试题) | Electricity from Wind风能发电(在线测试题)




opportunism /临机应变主义/机会主义/投机主义/ | opportunist /机会主义者/投机取巧者/ | opportunistic /机会主义的/投机取巧的/

An opportunist perhaps, but not a fanatic:可能是机会主义者,但不是宗教狂热分子

It's clear to me that you're not a fanatic, Samir.|显然你不是宗教狂热分... | An opportunist perhaps, but not a fanatic.|可能是机会主义者,但不是宗教狂热分子 | So consider this opportunity.|所以考虑一下这...


opportunist 机会主义者 | philogynist 喜欢女子的人,爱慕女子的人 | monogynist 实行一妻制的人

slack off:放松

18.opportunist n.机会主义者 | 19.slack off 放松 | 20.cocky adj.[口]骄傲自大的,自以为是的


当时的大祭司亚希米勒(Ahimelech)(注四六)全力合作(注四七),但扫罗的司牧长多益(Doeg)恰巧在场,目睹一切. 不久,这位机会主义者多益,为谋求王室的喜悦,将所见的通报扫罗. 扫罗立刻召见亚希米勒及在挪伯侍候的八十五位祭司,

Opportunists and Competitors:机会主义者和竞争者(在线测试题)

The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems生态系统长期的稳定(TPO3) | Opportunists and Competitors机会主义者和竞争者(在线测试题) | Lascaux Cave Paintings洞穴的绘画(在线测试题)

I'm a gold-digger, burrowing in from the land of opportunists:我就像个掘金人,在机会主义者的土地上刨坑

She loathes me, Johnnie.|她讨厌我... | I'm a gold-digger, burrowing in from the land of opportunists.|我就像个掘金人,在机会主义者的土地上刨坑 | Your father's an interesting study, though.|虽然你的父亲有...