英语人>词典>汉英 : 未升高的 的英文翻译,例句
未升高的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与未升高的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Also, there was no increase in the number of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among patients in the antibiotics groups.


"The results of Dr. Felice's study are consistent with the findings of 7 published studies specifically designed to test the hypothesis that easier access to EC promotes risk-taking," Dr. Trussell told Medscape."All of these studies showed that easier access did not result in more unprotected sex and did not reduce the use of regular contraceptive methods."


In mice lacking K channels Kir6.2(-/- mice, we found that pretreatment with GIP in vivo failed to blunt the rise in blood glucose levels after oral glucose load.

在缺乏K通道的大鼠 Kir6.2(-/- mice中,我们发现,在口服葡萄糖负荷后,体内用GIP预处理后,血糖升高的水平未被减弱。

PFO shunting may be continuous left to right, or right to left by provokable maneuvers that raise right atrial pressure.


Compared with PF6P, the attachment of alkyl or alkoxyl groups on phenylene effectively inhibits the formation of fluorenone-based excimers and thus remarkably improves the thermal stability of the spectra.3. Morphology and phase behavior of the polymers substituted with alkyl and alkoxyl groups on phenylene were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, X-ray diffraction and other techniques.


The results show that the undissolved silicon particles in the melt become the cores of primary silicon precipitated in solidification and there is a close relationship between the shape of primary silicon and undissolved silicon particles. The growth of silicon follows not only the twin plane re-entrant edge mechanism, but also layer mechanism as well. Meanwhile, the shape of primary silicon also relies on kinetic surroundings, such as the transmitting of solute. At higher overheating temperature, the shape of primary silicon becomes the star-shape and tree-shape.


The results showed that elevated CO2 increased the R/S ratio and the dry mass of both coarse and fine roots, indicating that the seedlings under elevated CO2 allocated more biomass to their belowground part. Compared with control, elevated CO2 increased the contents of reducing sugar, sucrose, and total soluble sugar in coarse roots significantly, but had less effect on those in fine roots. Elevated CO2 increased the contents of starch and total non-structural carbohydrate both in coarse roots and in fine roots. Under elevated CO2, the carbon content in coarse and fine roots had an unsignificant increasing trend, while the nitrogen content decreased significantly, which resulted in an increase of C/N ratio.


The results showed that elevated CO2 increased the R/S ratio and the dry mass of both coarse and fine roots, indicating that the seedlings under elevated CO2 allocated more biomass to their below- ground part. Compared with control, elevated CO2 increased the contents of reducing sugar, sucrose, and total soluble sugar in coarse roots significantly, but had less effect on those in fine roots. Elevated CO2 increased the contents of starch and total non-structural carbohydrate both in coarse roots and in fine roots. Under elevated CO2, the carbon content in coarse and fine roots had an unsignificant increasing trend, while the nitrogen content decreased signifi- cantly, which resulted in an increase of C/N ratio.


Results CK-MB and TnI conformed to the dynamic variation of ACS and no rerunning after PCI was found.The BNP values stayed high before PCI and twelve hours after PCI.

结果CK-MB、TnI符合ACS的动态变化,未发现术后再次升高的病例;术前和术后12 h的BNP处于高水平。

At higher concentrations hydrogen bondings formed due to the residual hydoxyl groups of nitrocelluloses lead to viscoities only a weak function of shear rates.


更多网络解释与未升高的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


内容包括以烟弹(smoke bomb)及热枪(heat gun)模拟实际火灾时产生之烟10 秒后的稳定电压和频为 4150V 及频 60.2Hz,运转中调速器(Governor)重要结构、系统、组件(SSCs) 可用,造成风险升高,尤其以RCS 半水位时电子卡片未执 /通过电磁相容(EMC)测试.

Primary hypertension:原发性高血压病

3、心肌纤维化 第四节 原发性高血压(病) (primary hypertension) 一、概述:是一种原因未明的,以体循环动脉血压升高[收缩压≥140mmHg(18.4kPa)和(或)舒张压≥90mmHg(12.0 kPa)]为主要表现的独立性全身性疾病,以全身细动脉硬化为基本病变,

maintained response:维持应答

4.维持应答(maintained response)在抗病毒治疗期间表现为HBV DNA检测不到(PCR法)或低于检测下限,或ALT正常. 5.反弹(breakthrough)达到了初始应答,但在未更改治疗的情况下,HBV DNA水平重新升高,或一度转阴后又转为阳性,可有或无ALT升高.

Streptococcus mitis:缓症链球菌

力较强的缓症链球菌(streptococcus mitis)个别病例血中亦检出相同致病菌但未分离得乙型溶血性链球菌从恢复期患者血清中检出相应抗体将分离得的菌株注入兔或豚鼠皮下可引起局部肿胀及化脓性损害伴体温升高经及时抗菌(用青霉素红霉素或克林霉素等)以及抗体休克治疗极大多数患者恢复(一)感染性休克的发病机理极为复杂60年代提出


髓鞘形成(myelination)之前的未成熟的脑组织含胆固醇和磷脂较多,而含脑苷脂极少,脑苷脂合成酶系的活性也极低. 当髓鞘形成时,此酶系的活性升高,脑苷脂的含量亦相应增多,髓鞘形成与神经系统的发育和功能密切相关,

acid phosphatase:酸性磷酸酶

当酸性磷酸酶(acid phosphatase)显示大大增高时,反映溶酶体活性明显升高(酸性磷酸酶为溶酶体的标志). 显示,起初蛋白核心被劈开. 最后,目前还未认识的酶,例如多糖酯酶(polysaccharidase)、硫酸酯酶(sulfatase)和氮基乙糖苷酯酶(hexosaminadase)降解粘多糖(GAGs).

uninflated:未加压的 未升高的

uninflammable 不易燃的 | uninflated 未加压的 未升高的 | uninhabitedisland 无居民的岛


uninflated 未加压的 | uninflated 未升高的 | uninfluenced 未受影响


uninflammable 不易燃的 | uninflated 未加压的 | uninflated 未升高的


unimolecular film 单分子膜 | uninflated 未加压的;未膨胀的;未升高的;未充气的 | uninfluential 不产生影响的