英语人>词典>汉英 : 期望 的英文翻译,例句
期望 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
desire  ·  expectance  ·  expectancy  ·  expectation  ·  hope  ·  hoped  ·  hoping  ·  desires  ·  desiring  ·  expectancies

expect sth of sb · in expectation of · on the chance of · be expecting · lay one's account with
更多网络例句与期望相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The quantum amplitude amplification is the generalization of quantum Grover search algorithm. In this strategy, the Grover iteration has been replaced by two different quantum amplitude amplification operations. This makes it possible to collapse the system with probability 1, in other words, with certainty. The measurement operation in this scheme is only used to cancel the phase factor. Finally, one can use the admissible control to drive the system from the eigenstate to the target state and the control task is accomplished.


Results: Normal university students got higher self-expectation scores of firmness, frankness, candidness and enterprise, lower scores of slovenliness, quietness and dressiness. Their gender partners were expected to be very allowable, firm, family-oriented, magnanimous and candid, not to be too slovenly, quiet and dressy. Male students were expected to be strong and enterprising, female being kind, quiet, dressy and lovingly. Students from cities got significantly(P<0.05,P<0.001=higher self-expectation scores of kindness and dressiness than those from countryside. They expected their gender partner to be stronger, more cool-minded and enterprising significantly(P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.001=than students from countryside. Liberal arts majors had significantly self-expectation scores of magnanimity and family value(P<0.05=than those of science majors. Sophomore's self-expectation of firmness, frankness and braveness was significantly(P<0.05=higher than that of freshmen and junior.


According to the LC-P line of each of insecticide in the mixture and the formula of co-toxicity factor, several expected mortality and the region of additive action (expected mortality±20% expected mortality) were calculated, and according to observed mortality of mixture, the 95% confidence interval was calculated, LC-P line of expected mortality with the region of additive action and LC-P line of observed mortality with the 95% confidence interval were drawn, it was found that there was overlap between the region of additive action and 95% confidence interval and two lines crossed each other when co-toxicity coefficient was more than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was less than 20, which meant there was no significant differences between expected mortality and observed mortality, and that there was on or a few overlap between the region of additive action and 95% confidence interval when co-toxicity coefficient was more than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was more than 20 or co-toxicity coefficient was less than 100 and the co-toxicity factor was less than 20, which meant there was significant differences between expected mortality and observed mortality.


Chapter six presents such new concepts as margin utility contribution force, profit-risk exchange rate, state-expectation-variance utility function, long-term expectation-variance utility curve and optimal portfolio expansion curve. The state-expectation-variance analytical method is developed from the expectation-variance analytical method. The changing rate of profit-risk exchange rate to state variable is used to define and distinguish the decreasing, constant and increasing relative risk aversion. A decomposition formula about the margin contribution force of holding wealth to state-expectation-variance utility function is displayed. The decomposition formula demonstrates that the contribution force of investors' holding wealth to their utility is composed of the pure contribution force of holding wealth and the investment contribution force bronght about through investment portfolio.


The average desired velocity of the drivers has been assumed to be proportional to the instantaneous velocity by M ndez and Velasco when a alternative model was proposed. Based on this postulate, the desired velocity of a single driver delineates to be proportional to the local instantaneous velocity in this paper, which is a property of aggressive drivers who all want to drive with the maximum velocity. However, the deriver does not occupy this aggressive characteristic all the time.

基于M ndez 和Velasc关于司机平均期望速度与瞬时速度成比例的假设,认为个体司机的期望速度与其局域瞬时速度成比例,期望以更大的速度行驶,然而并非所有的司机都具有这样的进取特性,为了抑制司机这样的进取特性,引入适应性公式来近似表达单个司机期望速度随时间的变化率。

This dissertation studies Beijing Nongmingong's Mandarin attitude from five points, including their evaluation of Mandarin, psychological receptive degree of using Mandarin, degree of difficulty in learning Mandarin, expectative degree for their Mandarin competence, and expectative degree for their children's leaning of Mandarin. This part also studies Beijing Nongmingong's dialect attitude from two points: their evaluation of dialect and expectative degree of preserving their children's dialect.


As an extension of the traditional mathematical expectation, Choquet expectation and minimax expectation have many applications in finance and insurance.


Through the introduction of Matrix operations described in mathematical expectation greatest expectations, Decision tree and the largest expected utility criteria for the application of mathematics in economic decision-making expectations of the important role.


In general, given a nonlinear expectation, one can still derive a nonadditive probability measure, but there exist an infinite number of nonlinear expectations satisfying the same relation.


This paper presents the portfolio selection problem of two-attribute money and creates a model of portfolio selection based on two-attribute money, which can both contain the existing portfolio models and overcome the above-mentioned deficiencies. A series of new concepts is put forward, such as, holding wealth, obtainable wealth, short-term utility function, short-term expectation-variance utility function, state-expectation-variance utility function, short-term expectation-variance utility curve, long-term expectation-variance utility curve, margin utility contribution force, additional contribution force, profit-risk exchange rate and optimal portfolio expansion curve; The state-expectation-variance analytical method is developed from the expectation-variance analytical method; A set of systematic theories concerning two-attribute portfolio selection is thus established.


更多网络解释与期望相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ardently anticipate:殷切地期望

ardently anticipate 殷切地期望 | confidently anticipate 滿懷信心地期望 | anticipate sb.'s arrival with much pleasure 萬分高興地期待某人的到來.

Aspiration Dialog:各项期望,用这个心情会变差喔

Add Me to Private School 进入私立学校 | Aspiration Dialog 各项期望,用这个心情会变差喔 | └ Romance 爱情期望失败

Aspiration Dialog:各?期望,用呃?心情??差喔

Add Me to Private School[ 不祥 ] | Aspiration Dialog各?期望,用呃?心情??差喔 | └ Romance?情期望失?

Aspiration Dialog:各项期望,用这个***会变差喔

Add Me to Private School [ 不祥 ] | Aspiration Dialog 各项期望,用这个***会变差喔 | └ Romance 爱情期望失败

longing to burst forth and take flight:期望着被释放 期望去飞翔

Inside every girl, a secret swan slumbers...|每个女孩... | ...longing to burst forth and take flight.|期望着被释放 期望去飞翔 | Something's about to burst out of Eloise Midgen, but I don't think it's a ...

come up to sb's expectation:不辜负某人的期望

5.expactation 期望,指望 | come up to sb's expectation 不辜负某人的期望 | expectation of life 估计寿命

Conditional expectation:条件期望

因此,给定收入X的值Xi,可得消费支出Y的条件均值(conditional mean)或条件期望(conditional expectation):E(Y|X=Xi). 含义:回归函数(PRF)说明被解释变量Y的平均状态(总体条件期望)随解释变量X变化的规律. 称为观察值围绕它的期望值的离差(deviation),

expectancy?instrumentality theory:期望?工具理论

expectancy theory of motivation 激励的期望理论 | expectancy?instrumentality theory 期望?工具理论 | expectancy?instrumentality?valence theory 期望?工具?价值三元论

expectancy?instrumentality?valence theory:期望?工具?价值三元论

expectancy?instrumentality theory 期望?工具理论 | expectancy?instrumentality?valence theory 期望?工具?价值三元论 | expectancy?valence theory 期望?价值理论

expected recurrence time:期望再现时间

"期望利润","expected profit" | "期望再现时间","expected recurrence time" | "期望报酬","expected return"