英语人>词典>汉英 : 有许多部分的 的英文翻译,例句
有许多部分的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
manifold  ·  manifolded  ·  manifolds

更多网络例句与有许多部分的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In line with Sir Thomas Bodley's original founding aims for the Bodleian Library in 1602, the benefits of physical access to Oxford's library collections are already enjoyed by many thousands of non-Oxonians (with more than 60% of Bodleian Library users being external to the University); but the worldwide accessibility of an increasingly large number of digital copies of Oxford's holdings will help to maximise the value and use of these materials by an even wider global audience.


Ford Coppola's "chronicles" of the Corleone Family, but as a major disappointment, an ending


There are many orders of the Gods; and in all there is an intelligible part.

有许多 上帝的法则,在全部的法则中有一个可理解的部分。

Third should be noted that, with the Shanghai Urban Construction, and the whole process to expand rapidly, we find that Central has been a lot of plot and central urban area to enjoy the same market treatment, that is, said that if in accordance with the Inner Ring to determine likely this situation will disappear, to separate the role of Central Link in strengthening the future, may be opened in the Link, but Link with many special sections, and the Inner Ring of them the ordinary price of the lot may be will be separated, so that we can explain the Central Link which is now the emergence of a large number of more than 9000 pieces, nearly 10,000 of the sale price, there is a product itself, a good product is always in support of our prices.


The method takes and combines the advant- ages of both the subspace iteration method and Ritz vecter method.

0引言 目前求大型结构部分模态参数已有许多成熟的方法,如R八z向量法川子空问迭代法,1和Lonozo。

My body has many parts, and this is where it starts.


There are a lot of abstract concepts such as the internal rotation and the normal vibration in the statistical thermodynamics.


"It is the commission's contention that there are scores of religious personals prisoners of concern in Vietnam, detained and imprisoned, in part, for their attempts to exercise their religious freedom to altercate advocate on behalf father of it ."


Last but not least, there are many subjective sectors which require the examinees to answer


Monofilament wigs have many unique features, including a hand-tied crown, which makes it easy to part the hair in any direction for maximum styling versatility.


更多网络解释与有许多部分的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fenestrated capillary:有孔毛细血管

2.有孔毛细血管 有孔毛细血管(fenestrated capillary)的特点是,内皮细胞不含核的部分很薄,有许多贯穿细胞的孔,孔的直径一般为60~80nm. 许多器官的毛细血管的孔有隔膜封闭,隔膜厚4~6nm,较一般的细胞膜薄. 内皮细胞基底面有连续的基板.

Free Zone:自由区

世界海关组织 "自由区"(Free zone)的解释,见于该组织1973年制定的>. 在>的"F1 关于自由区的附约"中的"前言"中指出:"有许多国家一向认为,对运入某一通常作为不在关境内的部分领土的货物,有必要适当减免其进口各税,




这是一句极具宗教色彩的谚语,出自>(Matthew)第二十六章第四十一节. spirit 指灵魂、心灵;flesh 指肉体、欲望. 意为人有许多好的意图,但由于个人的能力、财力、智力等方面的局限使其无法实现. 本句两部分都可以单独使用,


他说在90年代,西方社会有一大批研究集中在对学生关于科学概念(scientific conception) 的认识,同时有许多研究关注学生对概念的误解(misconception). 但缺少的是长期的,能于教学相结合的研究. 在讲话的后半部分,Gaalen 指出了两个新近发展的理论,

part and parcel:部分

英语成语是英语词汇中的重要精华部分(part and parcel). 社会生活的各个方面是英语成语取之不尽的源泉(Idioms from Society),当代英语中最常用的成语有4000余条. 许多常用的英语成语来自>(Bible)和莎士比亚(Shakespeare)等文学名著.


陈:我们做父母的首先要明白,教育孩子是应该包括两个部分的,即 教授(teaching)和培养(training). 从我个人多年教学的经验中,我发现许多家长不明白教授与培养有何不同. 许多子女年幼的家长问我"我应该几岁开始教我的孩子?


例如泥蚶(Arca granosa)(图8-47A)、蚶蜊(Glycymeris)结构上可分为头、躯干(trunk)及漏斗(funnel)3 部分. 原始的种类体外51A),壳内有许多横隔板(transverse septa)将壳分隔成许多小室,最后身体的支持物,即形成现存的枪乌贼(Loligo)的壳;

basal ganglia:脑基底核

目前有许多证据指向此症是源自於发展中的脑基底核(basal ganglia)出现多巴胺(Dopamine)的高反应性(hyper-responsiveness). 神经影象学上也有甚多发现异常,像是核磁共振检查(MRI)发现在右侧的苍白球有损伤,及侵犯到部分的基底核与大脑不对称.


第二个步骤是"分割"(partitioning),即把市场分成若干部分. 每一个市场上都有各种不同的人,人们有许多不同的生活方式. 有些顾客要买汽车,有的要买机床,有的希望质量高,有的希望服务好,有的希望价格低. 分割的含义就是要区分不同类型的买主,